NATS Program

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Programs Admin
Programs Admin
NATS Program
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Main Program Page
Pay Per Click
Pay Per Sale
Revenue Share
Program Default Payouts
Referral Payout Tier

What is a Program?

A program determines how affiliates get paid, as well as how much they get paid. The program owner may offer several different programs that may be based on member joins, rebills, unique hits, raw hits, etc.

Programs in NATS

Each Program can payout on one or more different events, including unique hits, raw hits, qualified hits, initial joins & sales, full joins, or rebills. When one of these events occurs, the affiliate may be paid a fixed or income percent-based fee, which is determined by the program owner. It is also possible to share a portion of total revenue with affiliates.

Pay Per Programs

A Pay Per program only pays Affiliates if they send traffic that results in a Raw Hit, a Unique Hit, a Qualified Hit, a Join / Sale, a Rebill / Repeat Billing, or a Full Join. There are several types of Pay Per programs:

  • Pay Per Signup (PPS) Programs -- Pays the affiliate a fixed fee for every member join or sale.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC) Programs -- Pays the affiliate a fixed fee for every page hit. The admin may qualify which types of page hits payout
  • Pay Per Transaction (PPT) Programs -- Pays the affiliate a fixed fee for every transaction,

You may also create a hybrid Pay Per program that uses several of the above criteria to better suit your needs.

Program Default Payouts

Pay Per Click

A Pay Per Click program pays affiliates for referring raw hits, unique hits, and qualified hits.

To set up a Pay Per Click program, go to Programs Admin, click the Create a New Disabled Program link, give the program a name and a short name, and select Standard Program from the Program Type drop-down, and click Add Program.

Once you have added your new disabled program, click Edit Program Details to make specific changes to your program. From here, you can use the checkboxes to change how the program works, such as deducting for chargebacks, credits, and voids, as well as hiding certain features.

When you have specified this, select what tours you want these changes to affect by using the drop-down menu under Tours In This Program and click the Add button to set these changes in effect.

In the Default Payouts section, click the Edit icon to fill in the Raw, Unq', and Qual fields to set the payout for Raw Hits, Unique Hits, and Qualified Hits, respectively.

Once you have configured these options to your liking, return to the main Programs Admin page and enable your new program by clicking the green arrow in the Actions column.

Pay Per Sale

A Pay Per Sale program pays affiliates for purchases made by surfers they referred.

To set up a Pay Per Sale program, go to Programs Admin, click the Create a New Disabled Program icon, give the program a name and a short name, select Standard Program from the Program Type drop-down menu, and click Add Program. In the Program Options section you can use the checkboxes to further configure the program.

Select the tours to put in the program. In the Program Default Payouts section, click the Edit icon and fill in the $ Join, $ Rebill, and $ Active to pay affiliates this amount for each join, rebill, or active transaction, respectively.

Revenue Sharing Programs (RevShare)

A Revenue Sharing Program (or RevShare) shares site revenue with the affiliate who originally referred the surfer. In NATS, the amount shared (for example, 60%) is the amount of revenue the affiliate will receive.

To set up a RevShare, go to Programs Admin, click the Create a New Disabled Program icon, give the program a name and give a short name, and select Standard Program from the Program Type drop-down. Once this has been done, click Add program to create your RevShare.

Once you have done that, go back to the Program List and click the Edit Program Details icon. In the Edit Program page, select the tours that you want to use the program. In the Program Default Payouts section, click the edit button and fill in the % Join, % Rebill, and % Dialer fields with the amount of revenue you would like to share with the affiliate for each of these options.

Once you have configured your RevShare program to your liking, return to the main Programs Admin page and enable your program by clicking the green arrow.

Affiliate Referral Programs

An Affiliate Referral Program compensates affiliates for referring other affiliates. NATS gives you the option to pay the referring affiliate either a fixed referral fee or a percentage of the new affiliate's earnings.

CCBill Paid Program

The CCBill paid programs will operate like any other program, with the exception that only payouts will be reported by NATS; the actual act of paying the Affiliates will be handled by CCBill. In order to fully use this service you must have a few other things configured. This program must be disabled and you should only place affiliates within this program manually by clicking on the List and Modify Enabled Affiliates icon for this program. These affiliates should also be taken out of all other programs by using the same method. Lastly, you will need to edit the cascades/join options so that CCBill will be the only biller for these selected affiliates.

Other Programs

Two other program types exist: the Third-Party Program and the Build Your Own Anything Program. The Third-Party programs will operate like any other program, with the exception that only payouts will be reported by NATS, the actual act of paying the Affiliates will be handled by another company. The Build Your Own Anything Program works with the Build Your Own Anything expansion module for NATS. This module pays affiliates for referring surfers to a your promotional materials and tours.