Versions: 3.1.x to 4.0
The amounts for chargebacks and credits appear inaccurate in the
members transaction history and in various reports because NATS modified the
transaction amount to provide you with a more accurate
profit and loss report.
Only the original charge from the biller has been from the Transaction Amount.
- Joe Member signs up for a full account for $29.95; the biller keeps a 15% processing fee, reducing your income to $25.46
- Joe Member rebills for the first time for $29.95 (also only $25.46 after removing the 15% processing fee)
- After the first rebill, Joe Member asks the credit card company to chargeback the rebill
- When the chargeback come into NATS, they actually come back as $29.95 from the biller, but you still paid the biller the 15% processing fee; this makes the lost revenue from ChargeBacks $25.46 and the fee for biller processing $4.49.
We do not store the cost as a negative number in the Transactions table,
making the reports appear as though there was more lost income than
there should have been. To increase the accuracy and relevance of any
reports based on transactions, such as the Profit and Loss report, we
pre-deduct the transaction fee from the transaction amount before
storing it in the transactions table.