Please don't test your biller setup with Vendo's test account—it won't work correctly.
Setting Up on Vendo's Website
Before you can begin configuring Vendo as a biller in NATS3, you must first register a merchant account with them. This can be done through their website at
While registering with Vendo, make sure to tell them that you're working with NATS, so that they can better help you.
Once you set up all of your sites with Vendo, they will provide you with a document containing all of the information you need to set up Vendo with NATS. Please contact your biller if this information is not provided to you. This information will be necessary for setting up Vendo in NATS3.
Setting Up Vendo in NATS
Billers Admin
To begin setting up Vendo as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select Vendo, and click "Add."
Note: If you don't see Vendo as a biller, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
When prompted, fill in your E-Mail address, Merchant ID, and Shared Secret Key (SOAP Key). The required e-mail address here is the same as the e-mail you use to access your Vendo account. You will find all of these values in part A of your Vendo set up document -- contact Vendo if you do not have any of these values.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a site, and scroll down to the "Biller Details" section. Find the "Vendo" settings, and enter the Site ID for every site you have set up with Vendo. Your Site ID (DID) is Vendo's unique identifier for the site. A table containing the DID for each site should be provided in part D of your Vendo set up document.
Once you have done that, scroll down to the "Join Options this Site Offers" section and create or edit a join option to add Vendo compatibility. Under "Biller Codes for this Join Option," enter your Vendo Identifier, which identifies your pricing option offer. Enter your Vendo Upgrade Identifier to identify the membership upgrade pricing option. Finally, enter your Vendo Package. This identifies the membership package option.
A table containing the both ID's for each site will be provided in Part E of your Vendo set up document. Click Save once you have finished filling out the available fields on this page. Vendo should now be configured and ready to process transactions through NATS.
Cross Sells
Vendo also supports Cross Sell transactions through NATS. In order to process cross sale transactions, however, you will first have to set them up with Vendo. Please contact your biller for assistance with this.
To set up cross sells in NATS, go to the Cross Sells Admin and click "Incoming" or "Outgoing" from the navigation tabs (depending on whether you are receiving or sending the cross sale).
If you are sending a cross sell to another site, go to the "Outgoing" section. Choose Vendo from the "Biller" drop-down menu and click Add. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your cross sell option.
You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your cross sell, which should be provided to you by Vendo. Fill in your Site ID, Option Identifier, and Ref Code here, and click "Edit."
If you are receiving the cross sell, go to the "Incoming" section. Choose Vendo from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add. When prompted, choose the site and program you want to associate with the cross sale, and fill in the "Comment" field.
Under "Data," fill in the Site ID, Option Identifier, and Upgrade Identifier that you received when registering with Vendo. Finally, fill in your desired Initial Days (length of initial membership), Initial Dollar (cost of initial membership), Recurring Days (length of recurring membership), and Recurring Dollar (cost of recurring membership). You can also choose if you want this cross sell to be a trial membership.
Targeting Vendo For Foreign Billing
(NOTE: You will need to set up Geo-Targeting for this.)
- On the Billers admin, click Add a Cascade
- For "Short Name" input Foreign Billing (for example; this is internal)
- For "Description" input Foreign Billing provided by Vendo (for example; your surfers will see this on the join form)
- For "Weight" input 256
- For "First Biller" choose "VENDO"
- Click the Save Changes button
- Scroll down to the Current Cascades section
- Locate the cascade that was created
- For the Excluded list, hold CTRL and select "United States" and "Canada"
- Click the Save button