Go to the Adtools Admin and select Downloadable Ads and the site from
the drop-downs. Click "Go" This brings up the form to add galleries. Name
your ad and add a description and thumbnail. You can have up to five
description boxes. The optional field, Sample URL, should contain a URL
to an existing gallery.
Select your type and group, and add the number of pictures or video clips in
the gallery. ZIP
up the gallery images and upload them to NATS Browse box. Check the Keep
Filename box so NATS does not rename it. Add the HTML for the gallery
in the large text box. Replace any links back to the site with the
variable {$link}. {$link} will display the full URL with the affiliates
NATS code.
Click Add This Adtool. A line containing a thumbnail of the image and
the info entered will now appear under the correct headers.