Please note: If you are new CCBILL client, you will need to use CCBILL's FlexForm integration. Please see our CCBILLFF wiki: NATS4_CCBill_Flexform
Please don't test your biller setup with NATS4 CCBill's test account—it won't work correctly.
Set up on CCBill's Website
Register a CCBill account.
To setup the site sub-account. login to the CCBill Admin, click Tools, click Account Maintenance, and go to the
Account Setup section. Follow the on-screen instructions to setup the
the site basics. You don't need to download the index page.
After setting up a sub-account, click Tools and Account Maintenance again
and select a site from the list of sub-accounts. Choose Basic Setup and
enter the following Denial URL and Approval URL:
- http://linkdomain/signup/returnurl_ccbill.php?memberid=%%memberid%%&session=%%natssess%%
- http://linkdomain/signup/returnurl_ccbill.php?status=approved&memberid=%%memberid%%&session=%%natssess%%
- - If you are on a NATS version below, instead use the following in both of the Basic Denial URL and Approval URL fields:
- http://linkdomain/signup/signup.php?step=3&site=%%siteid%%&memberid=%%memberid%%
Next, choose Advanced Setup and enter the following URL in both the Denial and Approval Post URL
- http://linkdomain/signup/process_ccbill.php
In the above Denial and Approval URLs, replace linkdomain with your
Please ensure that "Traffic Manager" feature of CCBill is not turned on. This feature cascades surfers between different payment types within CCBill's system and can cause NATS cascading to not work properly.
Go to User Management. If your site needs user management, set the
following options, but make sure they match the NATS settings.
- Username Type: USER DEFINED
- Collect Username/Password: Display Username and Password
- Min. Username Length: 6
- Max. Username Length: 16
- Min. Password Length: 6
- Max. Password Length: 16
Enter the option you want to sell with NATS in the CCBill's Pricing Admin. Record each option's SKU I.D. number.
Set up Datalink
You need one or more sub-accounts to setup Datalink -- you don't need
to use the second account. Before you start setting up Datalink, you
also need your NATS server's IP address.
Contact CCBill customer support and ask them to setup Datalink or login
to the CCBill Admin, go to Premium Features, go to Value Added Features,
go to Data Link Services Suite, and enter a username and password. Give
CCBill customer support your NATS IP address or enter it on the Data
Link Services Suite page.
NOTE: Make sure that your Datalink account is setup to be for 'All sub accounts'
Set up CCBill in NATS
Billers Admin
To begin setting up CCBill as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select CCBill, and click "Add."
Note: If you don't see CCBill as a biller in NATS4, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
When prompted, fill in the Account Number, Datalink Username, and Datalink Password that were provided to you by CCBill under the "Account Info" section. If you were not provided with this information, please contact your biller to receive it.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a tour, and scroll down to the "Biller Details" section. Enter your CCBill Sub-Account ID and Form IDs here, into the CCBILL fields. You may also optionally add a CC Form ID, Check Form ID, Web900 Form, Upgrade sub-account number, and/or SKU. You can also add different sub-accounts for each payment type if you want to use different values for a specific site, as opposed to other sites.
Once you have done this, scroll down to the section labeled "Join Options for this Tour" and click the "Edit Option Details for this tour" icon that corresponds to the join option you wish to use. In the "Biller Codes" section on the next page, locate the "CCBILL" options. Enter your CCBill Payment IDs (also known as Price IDs) for every payment method you wish to accept. Once you have done this, fill in your sub-account, form, and SKU I.D. information. Any option that contains "CCB900" or "CCBill Web900" applies to CCBill Web900.
Click save when you have finished filling out the available fields. CCBill will now be configured to process basic transactions through NATS4.
Subscription Upgrade
Use CCBill's back-end post system by setting up an upgrade sub-account for each site in CCBill's admin. This is done by creating a new sub-account in the CCBill Web Admin and within the notes for adding the sub-account, note that this new account will be an upgrade account for one of your particular sites.
CCbill will in turn, mark the sub-account as an upgrade account and set up the necessary upgrade join options.
Once set up go to Sites Admin, edit a tour, and create or edit a join option.
Go to the biller details section and find the CCBill subsection. Enter the upgrade sub-account information in the provided field and click the Save Changes button. Repeat for each site.
Contact CCBill and inform them that you want to enable upgrades using
the back-end posts. You must give CCBill your server's IP addresses for both the normal and upgrade
sub-accounts. The IP addresses for the normal and upgrade sub-accounts
must match or the upgrades will not work.
If you have any further questions in regards to the set up of the new sub account on CCbills end please contact CCBill support
On your CCBill account, go to advanced setup for the upgrade sub-account and enter the following URL in the Denial and Approval Post URL fields:
- http://<linkdomain>/signup/process_ccbill.php
Replace <linkdomain> with your site's linkdomain.
After CCBill upgrades are working, put the following link in your
limited members area for user upgrades:
- http://<linkdomain>/signup/upgradeplus.php?site=<siteid>&username=<username>
Replace <linkdomain> with the linkdomain for your site. Replace
<siteid> with your site's ID number. Replace <username> with
the upgrading member's username.
CCBill Random Usernames and Passwords
If you setup random username's on CCBill's website, you need to remove
the Username and Password fields from your site's join form.
CCBill Redirects to NATS redirect script
If you had CCBIll Affiliates promoting linkcodes for the master account (sub account 0000), the NATS redirect script will determine the NATS site via the HTML parameter of the CCBill affiliate linkcode.
To ensure that the HTML parameter is sent to the NATS redirect script, you must enable "append data on redirect" in the CCBill Admin; Legacy Affiliate -> Advanced Features
Disable CCBill Multiple Redirects
If you have issues with affiliates receiving double payments for traffic they have referred, it may be due to the Multiple Redirects feature found in CCBill's settings. Turn off the Multiple Redirects feature on CCBill's side in order to prevent incorrect linkcodes from being used to record double traffic.
Disable CCBill Decline Auto-Redirect
If CCBill automatically redirects to a "Signup with Bank Account" page
regardless of what's in your cascade, you probably have CCBill Decline
Auto-Redirect enabled. Go to the CCBill website, log in, find the Forms
or Traffic Flow page, and disable the feature to automatically redirect
surfers on a decline.
Invalid Request Error
The invalid request error appears when the biller isn't set up correctly
in the Billers Admin. Go to the Billers Admin and double-check your
biller account info. Remember not to include the sub-account ID in the
account ID. If this is not the problem, ensure the sub-account was
CCBill Member and Password Management
You need to enable CCBill password management if you use text password
files. If you use NATS for authentication with MySQL Auth,
then you can turn password management off.
Instead of letting CCBill write to the NATS database, have CCBill Manage the database
with scripts called from NATS postbacks.
If you have old sites that used flat password files and now use
NATS, then you must keep the password management on and add the
following line to your .htaccess file:
AuthMySQLAuthoritative Off
Three settings in the CCBill Administration Interface affect
cascading billing.
If a check signup form exists, denied transactions are sent there. To
cascade, modify the traffic flow here in the CCBill Admin. Go to Tools,
Account Maintenance, Account Admin, Form Admin, Choose Form, Traffic,
and set the Traffic Flow to None. Now CCBill sends denied transactions
to the denial URL immediately.
CCBill automatically redirects denied CC transactions. By default,
the redirect takes 5 seconds, but you can changed this to 3 seconds.
Go to Tools, Account Maintenance, Account Admin, Basic, Denial
Redirect Time. Note: activating the None option disables the automatic
By default, on a soft decline, CCBill lets the customer submit their
purchase three times before sending them to the denial URL. CCBill can be
send customers to the denial URL after the first decline; ask them to
disable the soft decline retries on your account.
Common Datalink Errors
Note: it will be best to look at CCBill's documentation about the datalink errors here as these failure codes may change:
- Error: Authentication failed. 01 Cause: Too many failed login attempts.
- Error: Authentication failed. 02 Cause: Invalid user name, incorrect user name, no user name provided, invalid password, incorrect password, no password provided, incorrect clientAccnum/clientSubacc, or user is setup for a different clientAccnum/clientSubacc than provided
- Error: Authentication failed. 03 Cause: Inactive login.
- Error: Authentication failed. 04 Cause: Incorrect/non-configured IP address.
- Error: Authentication Failed 693 Cause: Three or more failed logins within the last hour.
- Error: Authentication failed. 708 Cause: Invalid user name, incorrect user name, no user name provided, invalid password, incorrect password, no password provided, incorrect clientAccnum/clientSubacc, or user is setup for a different clientAccnum/clientSubacc than provided
- Error: Authentication failed. 722/723 Cause: Incorrect IP address.
CCBill Adding Users Error E-Mail
If you use NATS to handle your password management (mod_auth_mysql or
some other method using the NATS members table) then you can safely
disregard this mail.
If you use standard flat password files, then you should talk to your
host or tech and CCBill to resolve this issue with them. NATS does not
handle flat password files and we cannot fix the problem.
If you use both NATS and flat password files, then you should still talk
to your host or tech and CCBill to fix the password file issue -- even
if members get access through NATS.
CCBill Cross Sale special instructions
- If you are receiving a cross sale from a non NATS source, you will need to pass your Ref Code into the CCBill purchase page as one of the following custom variables, "natsxsell", "natsxsell1", or "natsxsell2". If you have any questions about how to add a custom variable to your join links, or buttons, please contact CCBill for assistance.
See Also