Please don't test your biller setup with CCBill Web900's test account—it won't work correctly.
Setting up on CCBill Web900's Website
Register a CCBill Web900 account.
Setup your Web900 sub-account with the following instructions.
- In the CCBill Admin, go to Account Setup via Tools -> Account Maintenance
- Follow the instructions to setup the basics of the site. Leave out anything you don't understand yet
- You don't need to download the Index Page
- In the CCBill Admin, go to Account Admin via Tools -> Account Maintenance. Select the Site from the list of sub-accounts displayed
- Go to Basic setup (top link on the left)
- In Denial URL enter the following: http://linkdomain/signup/signup.php?step=3&site=%%siteid%%&memberid=%%memberid%%
- Go to Advanced setup
- In Approval Post URL and Denial Post URL enter the following: http://linkdomain/signup/process_ccbill.php
- Go to User Management
- If your site needs User Management be sure to set the following options correctly:
- Username Type: USER DEFINED
- Collect Username/Password: Display Username and Password
- Min. Username Length: 6
- Max. Username Length: 16
- Min. Password Length: 6
- Max. Password Length: 16
- The Pricing Admin must list the same Pricing options you have setup in the NATS Sites Admin for this site!
After your account is approved, CCBill will send you an six-digit
account number; save this number.
Setting up Datalink
You can set this up by requesting a client support specialist add it or
you can enable or modify your existing Datalink setups in the webmaster
admin by going to Premium Features->Value Added Features->Data Link
Services Suite. Both username and password will must be 6 to 8 alpha
numeric characters.
NOTE: You will need at least two sub-accounts set up even if you do not use one.
Set up CCBill in NATS
Go to Billers Admin, find CCBill Web900 in the drop-down, and
click Add. Enter your CCBill Account Number.
Go to Sites Admin, edit or create a site, and go to the Biller
Details section. In the sub-account field, enter the four-digit number
CCBill gave you for additional sites. In the Web900 form, enter the
name of the Web900 form CCBill should display (ends in t9.). Go
to the Special Join Options section and select CCBill Web900 from the
drop-down. In the Join Form Text field, enter the text to appear on the
submit button. In the Biller Code field, enter the Subscription Type ID
assigned to each pricing option.
One Price Point, Multiple Price Options
Our CCBill web900 option only has one price point. When you look at the site join form, there are 3 price options, how should we treat this?
You would use the CCBill Web900 (standalone) option which will create an
additional button on the join form. First go to the Billers admin and
select CCBill Web900 (standalone) from the dropdown. Use the same biller
info as the main CCBill account and save. Now a new section will open up
on the sites edit page called Special Payment Options... . In the first
box under this header select CCBill Web900 (standalone). The Join Form
Text box put what you would like that button to read such as pay by
phone. In the Biller Code box place the code for the price point.
Now an additional button will appear on the template under Prefer a
different Payment Method?. This will be the button for the standalone
option. Also your system will use an additional join form template
called join_ccb900.tpl to collect additional info.