Epoch Member Approval Plus
There are multiple ways to use Epoch's Member Approval Plus in NATS.
To create email campaigns to sites that don't use NATS, all you need is the member's ID number. You set up the email campaign in the Mailing Admin; limit the email to EPOCH billers. Then, get the epoch Member ID with the following Smarty variable:
$memberidx is the biller's membership identifier. For example, EPOCH's $memberidx is "EPOCH:memberid".
To create email campaigns to your NATS sites, look up the following information.
- The NATS optionid you are upselling.
- A linkcode to track the sales
- The NATS biller's ID number (billerid).
For the optionid, go to the Sites Admin edit the site with the option you want to sell, and find the option you want to sell; the optionid is the ID number in the left column. For the linkcode, you can use the site's Qualified Join Link in the Sites Admin -- the linkcode is the seemingly random characters between single quotes. For the billerid, go to the Billers Admin and edit the biller you want to use; in your web browser's URL bar, the biller ID is the number following the string "biller=".
Go back to the Sites Admin and edit the site with the option you want to sell. In the Approval/Denial/Upgrade sections, add the Epoch Approval Plus URL; then add the following string to the end of their URL:
Replace linkcode, optionid, and billerid with the values you looked up.
Immediate Approval Plus Upsell
The setup for an Approval Plus upsell immediately after the member joins changes depending on whether you use an custom approval URL or the NATS page_approved site template. The difference between the two is how you get the data for the Epoch Member ID.
- If you use an approval URL, add ?%%QUERY%% at the end of the URL. Now you can use the same variables as Epoch sends to the returnurl. You'll have order_id in the query string which would be the Epoch Member ID. You should also look for other Epoch identifying variables to make sure the surfer joined via Epoch.
- If you use our page_approved site template, then use the following code to figure out if it's a Epoch sale. Compare the Epoch biller ID in the NATS Billers Admin and inside the if statement; if they match, you can replace the dots below with the Approval Plus link.
{if $member.billerid = X} ...{$member.memberidx|replace:"EPOCH:":""}... {/if}
See Also
- Post-Biller Templates -- documentation on the NATS page_approved site template.