Please don't test your biller setup with WTS's test account—it won't work correctly.
Setting Up on WTS's Website
Before you can begin configuring WTS as a biller in NATS3, you must first register a merchant account with them. This can be done through their website at
While registering with WTS, make sure to take down the Login, Password, System Password, and Sub ID that were provided to you by your biller. This information will be necessary for setting up WTS in NATS3.
FTP Access
Setup a FTP account for WTS that has access to the ../nats/work directory. Tell your WTS contact to to send your transaction and cancellation files to the work directory using FTP.
Payment Options
Tell your WTS contact to set up each payment option as a separate WTS SubID. This way surfers can't change payment options after selecting them on the NATS pre-join form. Also tell WTS to setup a special join form for each SubIDs with hidden username and password fields.
Post Back
Tell WTS to use the following URL for postbacks
- http://linkdomain/signup/process_wts.php
Replace linkdomain with your linkdomain.
Setting up WTS in NATS
Billers Admin
To begin setting up WTS as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select "WTS/ACHBill", and click "Add."
Note: If you don't see WTS/ACHBill as a biller, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
When prompted, fill out your transaction and chargeback fees, along with when you wish to deduct them. Fill in your WTS ParentID into the "Login" field, your WTS password in the "Password" field, and your WTS system password in the "System Password" field under the "Account Info" section. This information should have been provided to you by your biller -- if you do not have this information, please contact WTS.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a site, and scroll down to the "Join Options this Site Offers" section and create or edit a join option to add WTS compatibility. Under "Biller Codes for this Join Option," enter the Sub ID for each join option you set up with WTS. Once you have done this, click Save.
Cross Sells
WTS also supports Cross Sell transactions through NATS. In order to process cross sale transactions, however, you will first have to set them up with your biller. Please contact WTS for assistance with this.
To set up cross sells in NATS, go to the Cross Sells Admin and click "Incoming" or "Outgoing" from the navigation tabs (depending on whether you are receiving or sending the cross sale).
If you are sending a cross sell to another site, go to the "Outgoing" section. Choose WTS/ACHBill from the Biller drop-down menu, and click "Add." On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your cross sell option.
You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your cross sell, which should have been provided to you by WTS. Fill in your Ref Code here, and click "Edit."
If you are receiving the cross sell, go to the "Incoming" section. Choose WTS/ACHBill from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add. When prompted, choose the site and program you want to associate with the cross sale option, and fill in the "Comment" field.
Under "Data," fill in the Sub ID that you received when registering with WTS. You can also choose if you want this cross sell to be a trial membership with the "This is a Trial" checkbox here.
Upgrade Subscriptions
Place the following link in your Members Area for upgrade subscriptions:
- http://<linkdomain>/signup/upgradeplus.php?site=<siteid>&username=<username>
Replace <linkdomain> with your linkdomain; replace <siteid> with
your sites ID number; replace <username> with the user's username.
You can get the current user's username with the following PHP code:
WTS's password management works best with NATS when using NATS's Member Management feature.