New pages in NATS can let affiliates select a program, campaign and site
and provide the corresponding NATS link code. They will act similar to
the the adtools page or linkcodes page. Use the following template
functions to configure the pages.
Returns a set of campaigns in the {$campaigns} variable that
you can use to build a drop down box. For example:
<select name="campaignid">{html_options options=$campaigns}</select>
Return a set of programs for the affiliate in into the {$programs}
variable that you can use to build a drop down box. For example:
<select name="programid">{html_options options=$programs}</select>
{list_sites program=$smarty.request.programid}
Requires the numeric ID number of a program be passed to the program
parameter. Returns the variable, {$sites}, with a set of sites in that
program. You can loop through sites with the following example code.
{foreach from=$sites item="site"}
{$} :: {$}
{nats_encode campaignid=$smarty.request.campaignid programid=$smarty.request.programid siteid=$}
Requires three parameters: campaignid, programid and siteid. Returns the
encoded NATS link code in the {$encoded} variable.
A sample template using all three template functions:
<form method="get" action="internal.php">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="thispage">
Select Campaign: <select name="campaignid">{html_options options=$campaigns}</select> <input type="submit" value=" Go ">
{if $smarty.request.campaignid}
<form method="get" action="internal.php">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="thispage">
<input type="hidden" name="campaignid" value="{$smarty.request.campaignid}">
Select Programid: <select name="programid">{html_options options=$programs}</select> <input type="submit" value=" Go ">
{if $smarty.request.programid}
{list_sites program=$smarty.request.programid}
{foreach from=$sites item="site"}
{nats_encode programid=$smarty.request.programid siteid=$ campaignid=$smarty.request.campaignid}
{$} :: {$} :: {$encoded}
The NATS linkcode code is inside the {foreach} ... {/foreach} loop; change the code to display the linkcode however you'd like.