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  Biller Instructions
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Streamate Biller versus Third-Party
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Epoch Member Approval Plus
Multiple Biller Accounts

Please don't test your biller setup with SegPay's test account—it won't work correctly.

Segpay's instructions

Set up on SegPay's Website

Before you can begin configuring SegPay as a biller in NATS3, you must first register a merchant account with them. This can be done through their website at

While registering with SegPay, make sure to take down the User ID, Access Key, E-Ticket IDs, and Order ID that are provided for you. This information will be necessary for setting up SegPay as a biller in NATS3.

Setup your NATS program site with SegPay. You must update your Postback Notification Profiles, or users won't be added or deleted correctly and your transactions won't be updated. Previously you didn't need to enter a userid or access key, but now you must enter them both.

Segpay Member Management

If you only use NATS for cascading and affiliate tracking and you use Segpay for your password management, you only need to enter information in the 2nd Trans Post URL field and MSG. You need to enter this information into each profile.

Set this as the 2nd Trans Post URL in each one of your current Postback Notification Profiles:

  • 2nd Trans Post URL: linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&stage=<stage>&approved=<approved>&name=<billname>&email=<billemail>&country=<billcntry>&state=<billstate>&city=<billcity>&address=<billaddr>&transtype=<trantype>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>&transid=<tranid>&price=<price>&username=<extra username>&password=<extra password>&currencycode=<currencycode>&eticketid=<eticketid>&memberid=<extra foreignid>&session=<extra natssess>&merchantpartnerid=<extra merchantpartnerid>&xsellnum=<xsellnum>
  • 2nd Trans Post Message: (You must include the * before and after the word success) *success*

NATS Member Management

This section describes what you need to enter if you are using NATS for everything including your member management. You should only need to create one profile, NATS, for all your packages at Segpay since all the data is going to the same place.

To create this, go to Go to Merchant Setup->Post Back. Click on the button to create New Postback Config. For Description, this is where you would enter the name NATS. Fill in the following in bold for each field, replacing linkdomain with that of the site:

  • Inquiry URL:

linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&username=<extra username>&memberid=<extra foreignid>

  • Inquiry Result Good: *success* (You must include the * before and after the word success)
  • Access Enable URL: This field is not used.
  • Access Enable MSG: This field is not used.
  • Access Disable URL:

linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&username=<extra username>&password=<extra password>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>

  • Access Disable MSG: *success* ( You must include the * before and after the word success)
  • Cancel URL: This field is not used.
  • Cancel Match: This field is not used.
  • 2nd Trans Post URL: linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&stage=<stage>&approved=<approved>& name=<billname>&email=<billemail>&country=<billcntry>&state=<billstate>&city=<billcity>&address =<billaddr>&transtype=<trantype>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>&transid=<tranid>&price=<price>&user name=<extra username>&password=<extra password>&currencycode=<currencycode>&eticketid=<eticketid>&memberid=<extra foreignid>&session=<extra natssess>&merchantpartnerid=<extra merchantpartnerid>&xsellnum=<xsellnum>
  • 2nd Trans Post Message: (You must include the * before and after the word success): *success*

Under the Email Templates section, you will need to enter the following information shown below. This must be entered in order for receipts to go out.

  • Sign-Up Template: email.signup.xml
  • Rebill Template: default
  • Cancel Template: email.cancel.xml
  • Expiration Template: default

Once you have filled in all the appropriate fields, click on the UPDATE button and your profile will be saved. Once you have a NATS Postback Config you can use that postback config in all of your Packages that work with NATS.


In order to finish setting up NATS at Segpay, for each package that uses NATS, you will need to enter nats into the Result Page field.

Setting up Segpay in NATS

Billers Admin

To begin setting up SegPay as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select SegPay, and click "Add."

Note: If you don't see SegPay as a biller, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.

When prompted, fill out your transaction and chargeback fees, along with when you wish to deduct them. Fill in the User ID, Access Key, Username (optional), and Password (optional) that were provided to you by SegPay under the "Account Info" section.

User ID and Access Key correspond to the username (userid) and password (access key) that you would use to login to the admin. This information is important, as it is necessary in order to pull data reporting from the SegPay system regarding your transaction information and user information for cancels and expirations. Username and Password are the username and password you would use to log into SegPay to check reporting. These can be different from above.

Sites Admin

Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a site, and scroll down to the "Biller Details" section. Find the "SegPay" settings, and enter the E-Ticket IDs for the payvia types you have set up with SegPay -- you can choose to process credit card, check, or direct debit (elv) transactions through this biller.

Note: As of version, NATS now supports Direct Debit (elv) as an processing type for member transactions through SegPay. If you want to add Direct Debit (elv) compatibility to SegPay, please download the necessary biller patch or put in support ticket to be upgraded to the latest version of NATS.

You can find your E-Ticket IDs by going to Merchant Setup -> Packages in the SegPay admin. Pick the package from the available choices in the drop-down menu, and you will see the details of that package. The Package ID is the same as the E-Ticket ID that you will enter at NATS. For example, a Package/E-Ticket ID will look like 106580: . You will always need the : after the 6 digit package number in NATS.

Use the "Custom Auth Text" field to display a custom message to surfers when they are approved. For example, you may want to enter something like "Click Here to Login to the Members Area." Use the "Custom Decline Text" field to display a custom message to surfers when they are declined. For example, you may want to enter something like "Click Here to Try Another Payment Option."

After you have completed the previous steps, scroll down to the "Join Options this Site Offers" section of the page, and create or edit a join option to add SegPay compatibility. Under "Biller Codes for this Join Option," enter the SegPay Order ID that you received from your biller.

SegPay Order ID determines a price point for your Package. Since you can offer several price points with each Package, be sure to pay attention to which Order ID value you are looking for. You can find your price points in the bottom half of your Package information in the SegPay admin. Use the Scroll bar on the bottom of the "Price Points" box and scroll to the right until you find the ID field. This ID is the number you will need to enter in the Order ID field in NATS. For each price point you have in NATS, you need to have each of those in the package.

Note: If you input an incorrect E-Ticket ID and Order ID combination in the Sites Admin, your cascade will stop at that step with an error message. Please make sure that you test each E-Ticket ID and Order ID combination you have set up to make sure that they work.

SegPay CC E-Ticket Override, SegPay Check E-Ticket Override, and SegPay Direct Debit (elv) E-Ticket Override are all optional settings that allow you to set up a join option in a different E-Ticket. By using this feature, you can switch out the E-Ticket specified above in "Biller Details."

Save your changes once you have finished filling out the required fields here. SegPay will now be configured for basic use as a biller in NATS3.

Cross Sells

SegPay supports cross sell transactions through NATS. In order to process cross sale transactions, however, you will first have to set them up with your biller. Please contact SegPay for assistance with this.

You will need to add the following to your Trans Post URL: &eticketid=<eticketid>&xref=<xref>. Segpay will then provide you with an E-Ticket ID for each cross sell. The E-Ticket IDs are formatted as follows; site:product.

If you are sending a cross sell to another one of your sites, go to the "Incoming" section. Choose SegPay from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add. When prompted, choose the site and program you want to associate with the cross sale, and fill in the "Comment" field.

Under "Data," fill in the E-Ticket ID (site) and Order ID (product) that you received when setting up cross sales with SegPay. Finally, fill in your desired Initial Days (length of initial membership) and Rebill Days (length of rebilled membership). You can also choose if you want this cross sell to be a trial membership.

You will then need to set up a corresponding Outgoing cross sell for the Incoming cross sell that you just set up. Click the "Outgoing" tab, choose SegPay from the "Biller" drop-down menu, and click "Add." Fill in your Ref Code here, and click Edit. You can obtain your Ref Code from the Cross Sells Reseller page. You can then activate the incoming cross sell with as many join options as you like, and activate them inside of Segpay.

By default, the cross sells will be credited to which ever affiliate account that you use to get the code that is entered under Ref Code. If you want to credit cross sells to the reseller that sent the original signup you can turn on the following configuration variable: $config['XSELL_SEGPAY_RESELLER'].


You will have to change the minimum characters on your NATS join form to 8. To do this, edit your Join form and locate the this line:

<TR><TD class="join_name">Username:</TD><TD class="join_value"><input class="join_input" type="text"
name="signup[username:1:6:16:::username_check]" value="{$vars.username}"><span class="join_error">{if $errors.username}<br>{$errors.username}</span>{/if}</TD></TR>

Change the '6' that is highlighted to an '8' and it will work fine.