NATS4 Add New Adtool Type
NATS4 allows clients to add their own Adtool types for use by affiliates. This feature provides the ability to use custom adtools that may not fit in the default categories.
Adding a New Adtool Type
You can add new adtool types through the Adtools Admin. Go to the Adtools Admin main page, click the "Add New Adtool Type" tab at the top of the page, enter the shortname for your adtool type when prompted, and click OK.
This will take you to the "Editing Adtool Type" page, where you can configure your new adtool type. On this page, you will see various fields to be defined. This includes:
- Description - The description that will be displayed on the Adtools Admin main page.
- Display Template - Determines which template from the Skins and Templates Admin will be used to display your Adtool.
- Form Template - Determines which template from the Skins and Templates Admin will be used when affiliates select the adtool type.
- Category - Determines which Adtool category (banner, hosted, etc.) your new adtool type will appear under in the Adtools Admin.
Once you are done configuring your new Adtool Type's options, click "Save Changes".
Adtool Fields
You will then need to configure your Adtool Type's fields. These fields must be configured in order for you or your affiliates to be able to upload adtools to your new adtool type.
An example of a necessary field for your adtool type is an Image Upload or Video Upload field. This will allow admins and affiliates to upload media to be used as adtools for your sites.
There are multiple fields to be configured when creating a new Adtool Field. These are:
- Shortname - The internal identifier for your adtool field in NATS. This will automatically have a "ign_" prefix appended to it, to indicate that it is a custom adtool.
- Name - The name of your field that will be displayed when viewing the adtool type in NATS.
- Type - Determines what type of field this will be. This can be a text field, image upload box, multiple choice box, etc.
- Unique - Determines if the field requires an input that is unique from other fields for that adtool type.
- Required - Determines if the field must be filled in before proceeding.
- Min/Max - Sets the minimum and maximum character length for that field.
- Display -
- Search - Sets the specified field to be searchable.
- Check - Sets a check function to be used for this field. For more information, please see the "Check Function Types" section of our NATS4 Check Functions wiki article.
When you have finished configuring your adtool field, click the "Add" button. The action icons in the right-hand column allow you to change the order the fields are displayed in, edit the existing fields, and delete an existing field.
You can then return to the Adtools Admin, where you will find your new adtool type under the category you chose for it. To add new adtools to your new adtool type, click the corresponding "View Adtools" action icon, upload your desired adtool, configure the available settings, and click the "Add Adtool" button.