For the NATS4 version of this module, please see NATS4 Build Your Own Anything Module
Creating a BYOA Program
On the Programs Admin click Create New Disabled Program. Fill in the
program's name and short name and select BYOA Program from the Program
Type dropdown. Click Add Program. Add your program to the sites that
will use it. These sites will be the only ones with the BYOA fields for
tours and ads. Edit the default payout in the Program Default Payouts
table and click Save. Your BYOA designers will now get credit for any
sales made through their ads. Return to the main Programs Admin page and
click Enable to enable this program for every one or manually add only
certain users with the people icons in line with your program.
Assigning a BYOA Hosted Gallery to an Affiliate
On the Ad Tools Admin, select Hosted Ad Tools and your site from the
dropdown and click Go!. Edit an existing Gallery or create a new one.
Under details for that Gallery you will see three BYOA fields. Select the
owner of this ad with the BYOA Owner drop down. Checking the Only for
Owner checkbox makes this gallery only available for this user on the Ad
Tools page. Select the payout with the BYOA Program dropdown. No payout
will be the only payout listed if you do not have a program available
for the site or if the owner you select is not enrolled in any other
program. Click Save when you are done. Note: These options can not be
added with the bulk importer at time of import. You will have to edit
the Galleries later.