Setting Up at Bill 1st
Before you can begin configuring Bill1st Gateway in NATS, you must first sign up for an account with them. To do so, go to their site at:
Record any essential information you receive during the signup process, as well as the Postback URL required to send POSTs to Bill 1st.
Setting Up Bill 1st in NATS
Billers Admin
To begin setting up Bill 1st in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Setup New Biller" drop-down menu and select "Bill1st Gateway" from your list of choices. Click Add.
You will then be prompted to provide the fees (by percentage or dollar amount) that are charged by My Dirty Hobby. Use the "Deduct" drop-down menu to determine when you want these fees deducted from income (before affiliate payout, which will affect the amount they receive, after affiliate payout, or never).
Under Account Info, fill in the Account ID and password that were provided to you by Bill1st. You can also choose whether you want to use your Affiliate ID in NATS as your Bill1st Username-- this setting is optional. When you are done configuring these options, click Save.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin and create a new site or edit an already existing one. On the next page, scroll down to the "Join Options" section and create or edit a join option you wish to use with Bill1st Gateway.
Under "Biller Codes for this Join Option," you will see two fields labeled "Bill1st Product Code" and "Bill1st Upgrade Code." The necessary information for both of these fields must be obtained directly from Bill1st. After filling in the required fields, click "Add This Join Option."
Cross Sells Admin
Bill1st Gateway also supports cross sells in NATS3. If you wish to use Bill1st Gateway to process cross sells, you must first configure them on the Bill1st website. Please contact Bill1st for assistance with this.
Cross Sells
To configure outgoing cross sells in NATS3, go to the Cross Sells Admin and click on the "Outgoing" tab. Add Bill1st Gateway from the Biller drop-down menu and click Add. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your cross sell option.
You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your cross sell, which will be provided by Bill1st. Fill in your Account ID, Product Code, Ref Code, and Domain. You can also choose if you want to send an HTTPS Post when a cross sale transaction occurs with Bill1st Gateway, or if you want to recalculate your ref code. When you have finished configuring your option, click "Edit".
If you wish to configure an incoming cross sell in NATS3, go to the Cross Sells Admin and click on the "Incoming" tab. Add Bill1st Gateway from the Biller drop-down menu and click "Add".
On the next page, you will be prompted to input a comment for your cross sell, which allows you to easily identify it. You will then have to select the program that you want your cross sells to be categorized under. Once you have filled these fields out, input the Account ID, Product Code, and Upgrade Code that you received from Bill1st.
You can then input your initial and recurring memberships' lengths and costs for this cross sell option. The "This is a Trial" checkbox allows you to set your cross sell option to only allow trial memberships. Once you have filled out all of the required fields, click "Edit" to save your changes.