To show dialer statistics to your affiliates, edit the
member_stats template and add one or more of the following variables.
Breakdown Stats
In the breakdown section ({section name=i loop=$stats[s]} .... {/section}), you
can use the following variables:
- {$stats[s][i].dialer} -- a day:hour:minute:second breakdown of how many dialer seconds there are
- {$stats[s][i].dialer_earned|number_format:2} -- the amount of money made off the dialer seconds
- {$stats[s][i].dialer_seconds} -- the total number of seconds.
Totals Section
In the totals section, at the very bottom, you can use the following
- {$total[s].dialer} -- a day:hour:minute:second breakdown of how many dialer seconds there are.
- {$total[s].dialer_earned|number_format:2} -- the amount of money made off the dialer seconds
- {$total[s].dialer_seconds} -- the total number of seconds.