Changing Licenses
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Jump to navigationJump to searchSometimes a license update fails and you must manually load your new license. Start by identifying the type of license you have.
License Examples
A Zend License will look similar to the following:
Product-Name = Registered-To = Hardware-Locked = Expires = Produced-By = Verification-Code =
An IonCube license will look similar to the following:
EXPIREON= : RegisteredTo= : ------ LICENSE FILE DATA ------- <lots of seemingly random characters> --------------------------------
Changing Zend Licenses
To change a Zend license for either a NATS or a CARMA Install:
- Locate the ../nats/licenses/nats.zl file (or ../carma/licenses/carma.zl file) on the server
- Open the file in a text editor. You can open it on the server directly or by downloading it with FTP first.
- Replace the entire contents of the file with the new license and save.
- Restart Apache. The server will read the new license.
Changing IonCube Licenses
To change an IonCube license for either a NATS or a CARMA Install:
- Locate the ../nats/licenses/nats.txt file (or ../carma/licenses/carma.txt file on the server
- Open the file in a text editor. You can open it on the server directly or by downloading it with FTP first.
- Replace the entire contents of the file with the new license and save. The server will automatically read the new license.