Converting your Epoch account to an Epoch EU account can be complicated
and may take a lot of time.
You must complete the following five steps in order.
Epoch Account Conversion
Convert your Epoch account to an Epoch EU account. This portion of the process must be completed by Epoch.
NATS Configuration Update
Update your Epoch configuration information in NATS to match the
new Epoch EU information. You need the same information to configure
Epoch EU as you needed for the regular Epoch account. Please review the
Epoch Setup article for more information.
- Start in the Billers Admin
- change the company code to match your new Epoch EU account information.
- Continue to the Sites Admin
- change the Epoch specific information for each Site and Join option
- the Product Codes will change for each Join Option.
Get Subscription ID CSV Data Dump
Request a Subscription ID mapping CSV data dump from Epoch. They
need to map your old account's subscriptions to your new account's
subscriptions so NATS can rebill your members.
Without this data dump, NATS cannot rebill these members. You should
place this dump in the nats/tools directory and place a ticket in
Too Much Media's ticket system
requesting the Epoch EU Subscription ID conversion.
Give Epoch DataPlus Login
Provide Epoch with the new DataPlus login information for your
Epoch EU account. These permissions may be granted separately or the new
Epoch EU account may use the pre-existing DataPlus login information.
You can read more about DataPlus in the Epoch Article.
Epoch must be granted insert and select rights on both the
EpochTransStats and MemberCancelStats tables. Prior to granting new
permissions on the those tables, please contact Epoch directly to ensure
that the IP address used in the GRANT commands are correct.
Rollback Epoch Last Poll Date
Finally, request that Too Much Media roll back the Epoch Last
Poll date to a time prior to the account switch. This will ensure that
no transactions are missed due to mismatched Epoch account settings or
incorrect Subscription IDs during the transition.
(Please use the same ticket that you used from Step 3. Changing the last poll date roll back only takes a few moments
to complete.)