Revision as of 16:26, 21 November 2008
By default, NATS stores member's unencrypted and encrypted passwords. Setting the following configuration variable in nats/includes/config.php makes NATS only store the encrypted password.
- 0 - store the members unencrypted password (default)
- 1 - Don't store the members unencrypted password
Limiting Username & Password Length
Find the following code on the pre-join form template:
<TD class="join_name">Username:</TD><TD class="join_value"><input class="join_input" type="text"
name="signup[username:1:6:16:::username_check]" value="{$vars.username}">...
Notice this part: [username:1:6:16:::username_check] -- the fields
between colons are: $name, $required, $min, $max, $compare,
$ses_compare, $special, and $convert. Change the $max field to the
maximum number of characters to be accepted as a username or password.
Reusing Old Usernames
Reuse old usernames by adding the following variable to your join form.
<input type="hidden" name="signup[rename_old_member]" value="1">