Please don't test your biller setup with NATS5 UpGate's test account—it won't work correctly.
Setup on UpGate Website
Postback URL: https://<linkdomain>/signup/process_upgate.php
Billers Admin
To add UpGate to NATS4, select "UpGate" from the dropdown menu list of billers next to "Setup New Biller" in the Billers Admin. Once selected, click "Add" on the right side of the page to finish adding UpGate.
Note: If you don't see UpGate, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
Once you have added the Biller you will be able to edit biller-specific account information by clicking the pencil icon next to UpGate labeled, "Edit UpGate Account Info". You will need to get the 'X-Idempotency-Key' from UpGate.
Sites Admin
- UpGate requires no site-specific information to be modified in your tour configuration. However the following optional setting(s) are available:
- UpGate requires no option-specific information to be modified in your join option configuration. However the following optional setting(s) are available:
Note: UpGate does NOT support upgradeplus or xsells
Note: UpGate does NOT have a poll
Note: UpGate ONLY supports: upsellplus, tokenplus, and signupplus
Note: UpGate ONLY supports: upsellplus within the same merchant account