NATS5 Changelog
Released March 7th, 2025 (2025-03-07)
- Resolved an issue with Dynamic Pricing API Cross Sales.
- Implemented a change that ensures NATS admins are redirected to the login page when session timeouts on Legacy NATS Admin Overview Page.
- Implemented a change so that NATS will no longer run polls for deprecated Biller.
Released February 28th, 2025 (2025-02-28)
- Resolved an issue with NATS restricting to just the Age Verification states configured in LIST_STATE_AGE_VERIFY configuration setting.
- Added the new "retention end date" feature to the Retention Report.
Released February 7th, 2025 (2025-02-07)
- Added the ability to redirect members to normal join templates on NMYREACTIVATIONNOTAVAIL responses from Epoch redirects.
- Resolved an issue to ensure that member_auth does not get updated when the most recent member subscription is not active.
- Resolved an issue keeping the site dropdown in the Cross/Up Sales Admin from being populated.
- Resolved a possible issue where newly added processing types may not get sent to Centrobill.
- Resolved a possible issue where logs would not rotate as expected when the DISABLE_LOG_SIZE config was enabled.
- Resolved a possible issue when using Smarty4 on gateway/signup where Smarty2 code may still get called.
- Resolved an issue with the GET member search REST API.
- Resolved an issue with Segpay postbacks.
Released January 31st, 2025 (2025-01-31)
- Added a 'join options simulator' to the Sites Admin in Legacy NATS which will allow you to determine what options will be displayed to surfers depending on the filters you choose.
- Corrected issue where NATS join options with 'hide on join form' enabled, would incorrectly appear on Segpay's join page's 'available options' dropdown.
- Added a new config setting to disable emails on password_epoch named 'disable_mail_paswswd_epoch_add'.
- Added the ability to search by In-House affiliates using Advanced Affiliate Search.
- Added a feature to consider idmap entries when using strack.
- Resolved an issue caused by enabling the 'ENABLE_RECORD_SIGNUP_TRACK' config setting.
- Resolved an issue with Package Plus for RGNative and Argus.
Released January 27th, 2025 (2025-01-27)
- Resolved an issue with member lookup on Segpay.
- Corrected an issue with admin_upsells & admin_commissions links constructing incorrectly when using Smarty4.
- Streamlined the process of getting site tours.
- Removed the arbitrary 10-year restriction on historical lookups via the API.
- Updated the process_ccbillff script to use the accounting amount base currency configuration instead of the billed amount.
- Stopped sending Rebill for lifetime upsell with Rocketgate.
Released January 17th, 2025 (2025-01-17)
- Resolved an issue preventing site-specific member emails from being configured by checkbox.
- Added support for option groups for special options.
- Removed possible black box on outgoing xsell & upsells page for the new verify column.
- Resolved an issue causing incorrect biller_type_ids.
- Improvements made to ensure certain postbacks expire at the appropriate time.
- Affiliate status will now be sent when "AFFILIATE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NO_PLAINTEXT" is set.
- Added Package Expire for CentroBill.
- Added check for rebill prior to attempting an upgrade.
- Added functionality to ensure a valid error message on username check.
- Added a feature to ensure that a notification is sent to all NATS admin accounts when admin approval is required instead of only the owner.
- Added a feature to ensure custom variables are retained in Upsell Plus signups with Epoch, Centrobill, and RG Native.
- Added Limited Member Site and Info information.
Released January 10th, 2025 (2025-01-10)
- Updated the "Base Currency Dec" configuration settings to correct a display and usage issue.
- Resolved an issue resulting in false "duplicate purchase" notifications being sent.
- Implemented a change to ensure that the currency symbol does not appear in any QuickBooks dumps, as QuickBooks requires.
- Added verification for xsell/upsell features on the outgoing setting.
- Updated the default email plain text templates.
- Resolved an Affiliate dump display issue.
- Added Chargeback rev support for Rocketgate and RGNative.
- Disabled the description requirement for the NATS API call for templates.
Released January 3rd, 2025 (2025-01-03)
- Corrected a possible issue where the affiliate adtool pages may not automatically load with a programid set.
- Added an "adtoolid" field to adtools with available dump views.
- Implemented the CancelPlus feature for NetBilling.
Released December 30th, 2024 (2024-12-30)
- Resolved a display issue with the Gallery Builder.
- Changed site-specific member emails to be configurable by checkbox.
- Added Smarty function to check for valid CVV.
Released December 23th, 2024 (2024-12-23)
- Added the 'password' value for member info available in Smarty when sending member mass mailers.
- Added better checking to the 'Full Member Post Loginids' config setting and added it to the Configuration Admin.
- Improved Smarty4 config logic.
- Resolved an issue with Smarty4 on Upsell Denial Template.
- Resolved a display issue in the Upsell Admin when saving rules.
Released December 13th, 2024 (2024-12-13)
- Added support for CIDR notation in NATS configs: THROTTLE_BLACK_LIST_IPS & THROTTLE_WHITE_LIST_IPS
- Added a feature to allow affiliates to set and select presets for adtool dumps.
- Added a feature to bypass admin IP protection based on domain for admin log in.
- Added a Payze setting to prevent free sale transactions from being recorded in NATS.
- Added new API "oneclick" to get available join options through API for all Plus Systems.
Released December 6th, 2024 (2024-12-06)
- Resolved an issue causing empty skin templates.
- Added 2FA textbox display during the affiliate login.
- Added option id to be displayed on the admin payout change page.
- Added option information on transactions and related transactions report and API called.
Released December 3rd, 2024 (2024-12-03)
- Cleaned up the program redirect list for prepaid card and the returning customer changes.
- Improved the display options available for the new column, 'option', in the NATS Transaction Report.
- Added pagination on the admin_commissions page for Legacy NATS.
Released November 15th, 2024 (2024-11-15)
- Updated the format of the address fields for Wordline, stripping the special characters not allowed.
- Made improvements to specific payvia type fields to ensure the max value length is checked properly.
- Added a new REST endpoint "GET /api/payment/detailed" which returns detailed information about payments.
- Added a new configuration setting "Prefix For Passwords" which when set to FALSE ignores prefixes when generating passwords.
- Added a new configuration setting "Show Adtool Hit Main Breakdown" to the Display section of the Configuration Admin.
- Added a new configuration setting "IP Filter Default Country" to set a default country code to have surfers use when GeoIP is not able to find a country for the surfer's IP Address.
Released November 8th, 2024 (2024-11-08)
- Corrected a template issue for default value in min/max fields when editing an adtool type.
- Corrected an issue where the affiliate stat from/to display showed duplicates.
- Corrected an issue with the Paxum csv format.
- Added a feature to override the affiliate for upsells and token rebuys for RocketGate and RGNative, and more.
- Added the "Deduct Trial PPS" Program Options Setting.
- Expanded options for the "Member Postback URL Delayed config" setting.
- Improved the page loading for admin_logging and updated the template to remove no longer used columns when the "Disable Log Size" config setting is enabled.
- Updated member search for biller_transid and memberidx.
- Added pagination to the Upsells Admin page for Legacy NATS.
- Added a feature to allow template switching for the Plus Systems.
- Integrated Panda Blue as a Biller
Released November 1st, 2024 (2024-11-01)
- Resolved an issue causing improper sorting in the Retention Report.
- Addressed an issue with the "Details" search field within the SUrfer Action Report. NATS now allows users to type in the action type instead of the admin showing that there is an issue.
- Updated the Legacy NATS UI to use resizable select fields when adding/editing rules & the cascade target/exclude settings.
- Updated the Member Search API to allow site groups to pass their name as a string in the siteid field.
- CCBILLFF has replaced CCBILL for any new account setup.
- Updated Paypal manual member creation process.
- Added Epoch's Advanced Upgrade Plus feature.
- Resolved an issue with Affiliate Search Full CSV Dump where the dates did not display properly.
- Updated the Cgate process script to skip all the failed transactions.
- Updated Upgrade Plus to freestyle method for Bill1st, Segpaygateway, Porange, Billapay, and Mobius.
Released October 25th, 2024 (2024-10-25)
- Added logging of requests to the Argus process script.
- Resolved an issue with Member Admin IP searching.
- Resolved an issue where No Cost Registration activation can be recorded under incorrect member subscriptions.
- Resolved an issue where certain subscriptions were not available for reactivation via Sign Up Plus
- Added a new configuration setting to allow for a noindex meta tag to be added to the license template.
- Updated the Epoch poll script to handle better notifications for test transactions.
- Added a new configuration setting to allow Paypal to handle email address updates.
- Updated the coupon join option text to always use the default join option.
- Added the ability to allow one-time xsell process through Argus.
- Added nextra support for Vendo Services Upsell.
- Added Vendo Services new transaction type 32 for VOID sale.
- Added a feature to send notifications when NATS is running out of space.
- Updated the Rocketgate xsell notification message.
- Added Centrobill Chargeback reversal.
- Improved the signup process check on nextra field.
- Updated API error handler.
- Updated Sofortabo IPs and URL.
Released October 18th, 2024 (2024-10-18)
- Resolved an issue preventing some affiliates from deleting notifications.
- Resolved an issue where Netbilling poll would no longer run correctly if multiple authorized sites were required.
- Resolved an issue where in some cases, the signup page would go straight to the denial page instead of cascading.
- Adjusted the way NATS makes calls to SegPay.
- Adjusted Legacy NATS Admin to standardize member and affiliate password length to a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 64 characters.
- Smarty variable '$affiliate_username' is now available on the special template 'mail_affiliate_on_message'
- Added the "AFF_REF_PAYOUT_JOIN" config setting in the Configuration Admin.
- Added extra checks to prevent duplicate transactions from occurring.
- Added Package Plus feature for Argus.
- Added support to authenticate members using the mysql SHA2 function and the 'cryptpass_sha512' column in the member_auth table.
Released October 11th, 2024 (2024-10-11)
- Added Centrobill Signup Plus feature.
- Added the "By Join Option" report view in the Affiliate Area.
- Added check to prevent a possible issue with one-click processes where passwd_epoch.php could incorrectly reply with FOUND for non-recurring members.
- Added a feature to have passthrough1-10 created during the packageplus process for new subscriptions.
- Added "join referrer url" to member details in the Members Admin.
- Updated Vservices script to handle old NATS passthrough for Vservice repurchases.
- Updated the transaction check to have better handling for the sale amount.
- Corrected Retention Report template.
- Added Payxpert as an available biller.
- Corrected Upsell Plus to allow a single upsellid to be passed in the upsellids parameter.
- Added tourid field for user management.
- Updated Vservices upsell redirect support.
- NATS / Netbilling integration was expanded to allow all possible member ACTIVE status for the Upgrade, Package, and Signup Plus integrations.
- Added nextra fields for Porange.
- Corrected a display issue on Company Name when overriding as an Affiliate for admins.
- Added additional site partner payout breakdown on the Profit / Loss report REST API call for mult. site partner setup.
- Added limitation on payout-changes API call.
Released October 7th, 2024 (2024-10-07)
- Updated 2000Charge postbacks to handle unknown price points for the rebill process.
- Updated nats_verify_signup_vars function to handle better username checking.
- Added a Test Mode feature for Segpay.
- Added a new feature to prevent payout test transactions when the "No Payout On Test Transaction" configuration setting is on.
- Allowed the Report Dump to contain all records for Profit / Loss reports broken down by Referring URL.
- Added a configuration setting to ignore notifications for the Billapay poll script.
- Added a configuration setting to expire 3rd party members.
- Updated the Rocketgate Upsell process to allow Upsells between Rocketgate and Rocketgate Native.
- Disabled SOFORTABO biller for new clients due to biller requiring a reintegration.
Released September 27th, 2024 (2024-09-27)
- Resolved an Epoch redirect issue on returnurl.
- Resolved an issue where the "Cannot find reference transaction" notification was incorrectly thrown by poll for Payze biller.
- Expanded redirect settings for signup.php, track, and /join deeplink.
- Updated Rocketgate Upsell process to work the same way as RGNATIVE.
- Postbacks, when available, present related_transaction_id in the transaction array.
- Updated SBW postback to handle "ATLER" postback for recurring amount changed.
- Added a feature to disallow members from signing up if they have a previous chargeback, credit, void, or insufficient fund record on their account.
- Added the ability to manually set a trial join option rather than let NATS determine if an option is a trial based on the initial days being less than the rebill days.
Released September 20th, 2024 (2024-09-20)
- Resolved an issue preventing the debug output for site templates with PHP8 & Smarty4.
- Resolved an issue causing thumbnails for animated webp images to not be created correctly.
- Removed XANPAY as a Biller no longer in business.
- Implemented a change to allow clients to redirect upsell attempts to the original member site, not the upsell site.
- Updated Report and Admin overviews not to show deleted site information.
- Added support for NCR options with coupon codes.
- Added display for tpl on the member details page.
- Resolved an issue in the Profit and Loss report where deleted tours would not show in the stats table if you broke down by site/tour/option and filtered to a specific site. The default behavior is to hide the deleted rows unless a config is turned on to show them specifically.
- Added the ability for affiliates to receive NATS member transactionid as part of Affiliate configured postbacks using the Affiliate Postback - Allow configuration setting.
- Integrated Epoch Dynamic Pricing API.
- Added CHECK on empty request from Mobius postback.
- Added the "RGNATIVE_NO_TICKET_ON_AUTH" config setting for the token rebuy process for RGNATIVE.
Released September 13th, 2024 (2024-09-13)
- Updated ConnectBilling xsell passthrough.
- Updated Fxbilling and Fxnative poll scripts.
- Added Webp image and Webm video support for use in adtools.
- CBilling xsell member records will now be created with the same tracking country as the initial member records.
- Resolved an issue where xsell signups where a prepaid program switch occurred were reverted upon rebill or conversion.
- Resolved a display issue where duplicating a rule, the join option list was not displaying anything in Legacy NATS.
- Resolved an issue with Centrobill processing rebills on postback.
- Resolved an issue preventing the memberid from being sent in a CHECK postback in the case of a member username change.
- Resolved an issue with the Profit/Loss Report when displaying Pay Per Click Programs.
- Resolved an issue preventing the displaying of Pay Via Dumps.
- Resolved an issue with passthroughs for Segpay when using Token Plus or Upgrade Plus.
- Resolved an issue with the Affiliates/Members Remove List in the Mass Mailing Admin.
- Resolved an assigning program issue for affiliate.
- Resolved an issue on the last poll date not updating for 2KCHARGE.
- Implemented a change to Upsell errors so they will now appear on the Upsell Denial Template if there are any.
- Resolved a possible Smarty4 Admin Template issue for the adtools admin.
Released September 4th, 2024 (2024-09-04)
- Added params disable_join_deep_link, disable_url_deep_link, permanent_redirects to POST site/redirect/redirect & PATCH site/redirect/redirect API endpoints.
- Updated Affiliate Payment History 'method' to correctly display the payvia type name even though the payvia type is no longer available.
- Removed the single quotes around default values in the admin_adtools_view template.
- Corrected an issue where Porange poll notifications did not show the account id and the error.
- Corrected a possible REST API parameter type issue where 'expires=never' would provide an invalid date error.
- Added member_password_update to the Configuration Admin. Moved the member password retrieval-related configs from 'misc' to 'surfers'.
- Updated 2000Charge process script for site lookup.
- Updated forget_member API to handle member auth table update when username or password has been updated.
- Fixed a save issue on the "Low Threshold E-Mail" field to allow multiple email addresses.
- Corrected an issue in the Member Admin where restoring on the restrict value list did not work.
- Resolved an issue when getting member's CSV dump displaying the correct email.
- Updated the Mail Owner No Cost Registration email.
- Updated Gocoin poll script.
- Implemented a change to not allow NCR emails to be approved if the NCR option is no longer available.
- Integrated new Centrobill Payment methods into the process script.
Released August 23rd, 2024 (2024-08-23)
- Resolved an issue preventing the editing of join options when grouped.
- Resolved an issue preventing PackagePlus to work for incoming xsell or upsell options for Epoch.
- Resolved an issue preventing the ordering of payout changes from being changed.
- Removed the Pending NCR transaction Post URL from the Legacy NATS site mapping.
- Added separate settings "Member Nocost Approval Postback" and "Member Thirdreg Approval Postback" for affiliate postback.
- Added another PayPal parameter to assign member country.
- Resolved an issue preventing non-recurring join option through ccbillf with dynamic pricing enabled.
- Added nextra fields for upsells on Segpay.
- Added chargeback reversal transaction for RG.
- Improved the 2000charge poll script to handle longer period range.
- Integrated Upgate as a biller.
- Added OneClick WebService feature for Segpau UpsellPlus and TokenPlus.
- Updated new payment types for Centrobill.
- Added a new config to handle inhouse tracking for siteid and tourid.
- Added the ability for members to change credit card for subscriptions.
Released August 16th, 2024 (2024-08-16)
- Added a feature to allow filtering by option groups on the Profit/Loss Report.
- Improved the Vendo & Vservices scripts for better site checks.
- Resolved an issue where certain Never Joined member records were never removed.
- Resolved an issue with payments not sorting on "Stored Date" in the Payments Admin.
- Resolved an issue preventing the editing of Payout Changes caused by not having a list of required options.
- Resolved an issue with the number check when verifying tours.
Released August 9th, 2024 (2024-08-09)
- Added a new config EPOCH_NO_UPDATE_ON_RETURNURL for the return url Epoch script.
- Added Chargeback rev support for Segpay postback and poll.
- Updated included JS files for jquery 3.6.1 compatibility.
- Resolved an issue where an incorrect error message was displayed in the Legacy NATS Admin when the TEST_MEMBER_MAILING setting was invalid or not set.
- Resolved an issue where Column names were not included in backup files when cleaning tables.
- Resolved an issue where in some cases, backup files were not being created properly when clearing tables.
- Updated the user management CHECK calls performed when editing a member through the Members Admin.
- Resolved an issue causing the Cascades tab in the Sites Admin not to display.
- Resolved an issue with UpgradePlus and Epoch when the url contained specific params.
- Resolved a possible issue where some payments may not generate for custom payvia types that contained no required fields.
- Resolved an issue causing the HTML to not display a preview when viewing a mailer in the Mailing Admin.
Released August 2nd, 2024 (2024-08-02)
- Updated the payment history page.
- Resolved an issue where Epoch was sent an incorrect subscription id in some scenarios.
- Disallowed the ENCRYPT[member_username] and ENCRYPT[member_password] setting to be editable in the Configuration Admin.
- Resolved a display issue for the Surfer Action Report CSV report.
- Resolved an issue found in the Account Changes Section.
- Resolved an issue where a unique requirement was not taken into account for the affiliate/payvia-info API.
Released July 19th, 2024 (2024-07-19)
- Updated STORE_REPLY_CBILLING_CUSTOM to work on postbacks for Cbilling.
- Added additional checks to override the siteid and tourid before the mail function.
- Resolved an issue with Upsellplus when using Argus for upgrade members.
- Resolved an issue with Argus where when a duplicate member was detected ,the system would send the old subscription id data record causing the subscription to fail.
- Resolved an issue with manual members being added without selecting a tour.
- Updated the affiliate verification message when their email is verified but they are still waiting on manual approval.
- Updated the Rocketgate poll script.
- Added the ability for expired members to upsell through Epoch.
- Added breakdown feature on the Active Subscription Count Report.
- Added additional checks to the poll script of Vservices to correctly set the test flag.
- The proper length requirements of username and password are now reflected on the Member Overview and Adding a Member page.
- Removed ICQ from the Legacy NATS Admin.
- Added the 'S' case for transaction types on Epoch for one-time reload transactions.
Released July 19th, 2024 (2024-07-19)
- Added Affiliate Signup Credit Duration setting into NATS for new type-in traffic sales to not credit affiliates when there is a username/email match for existing member records.
- Corrected a possible issue where trying to edit a cascade's name/description in the Legacy Admin did not display the form.
- Resolved an issue where NATS was not properly attributing traffic to signup affiliate.
- Resolved an issue causing Aggrebill's PackagePlus not to function properly.
- Resolved an issue causing Rocketgate to cancel similar subscriptions when going through packageplus and then cancelplus.
Released July 10th, 2024 (2024-07-10)
- Added override product for RGNATIVE xsell.
- Updated Netbiling setting to allow the renaming of usernames for active member records.
- Resolved an Internal Server Error caused by include_group.
- Resolved an issue causing NATS to attribute traffic, if it exists, to the affiliate 'signup' in certain cases.
- Fixed Netbilling upsell for packageplus members.
- Ensure country-specific rules are honored for the Affiliate country as defined by the affiliate's Account Details.
- Resolved a Rocketgate upsell and signupplus issue caused by Rocketgate library path not being updated.
Released June 28th, 2024 (2024-06-28)
- Resolved an issue with 2 2-factor authentication via QR code.
- Fixed an issue with the assigned program logic from in-house accounts to normal accounts.
- Fixed a display issue on payout changed string on program payout.
- Corrected an issue with the option name not displaying correctly for special join options when viewing a program change.
- Resolved an issue where the adtool bulk updater did not allow updates if you were not updating all 'required' fields.
- Resolved a display issue with the preventing the disabling and enabling of affiliates from a group.
- Implemented changes to ensure that Taxes are considered in the Site Partner Payout.
- Added more checking on CCBILLFF script for handling the refund/chargeback check.
- All derived CVS fields are not selectable in Partical CSV.
- Added billerid to Biller name on the Special Payment Options Site Admin page.
- Member search info API now accepts trans_type_id as an integer & string values.
- Added config to display affiliate email on the Payments Withheld Report.
- Added biller_expire_start, biller_expire_end, and biller_expire_not_set for Member search API.
- Added Additional Epoch settings to allow configuring an Epoch error message & sending surfer to url/spam.
- Added a new column called 'cancel,' which will display the canceled date for any canceled trials on the Detailed Trial Report.
- Updated notifications for country code information during signup.
- Added 2 Factor Authentication for Affiliates.
- Updated upsellplus process to allow all billers to support auto campaign and loginind feature.
- Added a 'siteids' field for the search Member API call
- Added an in-house account filter to the Profit/Loss Report and REST API.
- Added SpankPay as a biller.
- Added a new config ADMIN_REPORTING_LIMIT_LOGINID_COUNTRY to allow limit loginid to country for the Profit/Loss Report.
- Added support for an external Epoch DB which contains Epoch's respective tables.
- Added the Affiliate Obligation Report which shows details for commissions owed but not paid.
Released June 21st, 2024 (2024-06-21)
- Added No Affiliate Group filter in the Profit & Loss Report.
- Allowed for NCR to be marked as trial in Join Option Settings.
- Added a new Send Email button in the Members Admin to allow different types of emails to be sent.
- Depending on some of your NATS config settings, many search keys (like Username) will now display both LIKE and EQUAL ( = ) for a more precise member search.
- Added a new affiliate status titled 'Traffic Blocked.'
- Fixed a display issue with the Member Cancel Icon in the Member Admin.
- Updated nats_encode function to use affiliate linkcode style by default.
Released June 14th, 2024 (2024-06-14)
- Incoming upsell & xsell options are now available when setting up a rule for the Member Mailer.
- Resolved a possible issue when changing the default poll run times for 'third party' biller's 'CRON_POLL' config does not get used and uses the default setting instead.
- Resolved a possible issue where no member record is returned if member_subscription table data record does not exist.
- Resolved an issue causing the surfer action to not display after the 2nd page.
- Resolved an issue causing Token Plus to fail for RG Native.
- Separated customerid and invoiceid in NATS for Rocketgate and RGNATIVE members.
- Updated upgradeid for RG member to store Rocketagate and RGNATIVE customerid.
- No longer storing cardhash information for Rocketgate and RGNATIVE.
Released June 7th, 2024 (2024-06-07)
- Configured Epoch poll process credit reversal to happen prior to chargebacks.
- Implemented changes to the Member Table to improve speed.
- Resolved an issue with the transaction report when the end time is empty causing the query to fail.
- Added the "Matching Failed" case for Bluecheck, resulting in a DENIED member.
- Resolved an issue where the duplicate purchase detected notification was incorrectly triggered on inactive subs.
- Resolved a template issue with Smarty in the Skin & Template Admin where custom skins were not displaying correctly.
Released May 31st, 2024 (2024-05-31)
- Added the ability to create a rule for affiliates with numeric values in their usernames.
- Added active subscription count report to the affiliate permissions list.
- Added the ability to have a plus "+" sign-in email address for VServices redirects to returnurl_vservices.php.
- Implemented disk space usage improvements when importing hosted or embedded video adtools.
- Implemented a feature to ignore API requests to API endpoints that are missing required information.
- Resolved an age verification display issue in the Member Admin.
- Resolved a Rocketgate library issue.
- Added improvements for member lookup on signupplus for VServices.
- Corrected a Vservices postback issue for signup plus on xsell/upsell member.
Released May 24th, 2024 (2024-05-24)
- Resolved an issue with ordering adtool results by the selected field.
- Updated CommerceGate new system URL with token value feature, dynamic pricing feature, and test transaction feature.
- Added a script to check NATS requirements.
- Added a setting for outgoing Segpay Up Sales to force a single option to be displayed.
- Continued updates for PHP8.
- Updated the Age Verification API.
- Resolved an issue when displaying total affiliate status.
Released May 17th, 2024 (2024-05-17)
- Updated the Age Verification API call with insert/add.
- Added a referrer filter to the admin referral report.
- Updated both CCBILL and CCBILLFF upsell integration.
- Changed the behavior of cascades where cascade steps will no longer be skipped if GeoIP is unable to find a country and you have countries added to the exclude list for that cascade step.
- Improved the performance of the generate_payment function.
- Updated the Bluecheck template.
- Added referrer URL on member subscriptions.
- Disabled trial flag from update in return url script for all billers.
- Resolved a default config issue between PHP7 and PHP8.
- Resolved PHP warning on specific cronjobs.
Released May 10th, 2024 (2024-05-10)
- Updated Rocketgate on IP address field and replaced it with IPv4 address when IPv6 is detected.
- Updated age verification on API and Signup functions.
- Resolved an issue with the Retention Report caused by smarty4.
- Resolved an issue with the default NATS config.
- Resolved an issue on the admin_sites_options_program_switch template.
- Resolved an issue causing CBILLING xsell member IP to not be recorded.
- Improved the loading time of Legacy NATS' Configuration Admin.
- Added a feature to prevent upsells/xsells for gateway billers that process transactions on receiving NATS installs and throws a notification when a duplicate member is detected.
- Added a feature to prevent sales from being processed by process_gateway and throws a notification when a duplicate member is detected.
- Added a notification to inform Admins when NATS detects that a transaction being processed is for a member that already has an active paid subscription on the same site.
- Updated get_member_details API to return decimal on join option information.
- Added a Tour selection option on the Add New Active Member form in the Members Admin.
- Added AggregateBill as a Biller.
- Added TRX as a Biller.
- Resolved an issue where Netbilling xsell did not properly store correct custom field information.
- Added a feature that ensures all include_login functions are accounted for when called.
Released May 3rd, 2024 (2024-05-03)
- Resolved a Member search API address encryption issue.
- Corrected a possible issue with bulk imports where a custom adtool field with capital letters may cause the import to fail.
- Fixed an issue where emails in ‘Remove List’ were still sent mailers when using email encryption.
- Corrections to affiliate payout checks and messages.
- Resolved an issue where duplicate cancels were noted for Segpay via postbacks.
- Resolved an issue where uniqueness is checked prior to derived values being added.
- Added support for traffic range ‘All Time’ in Affiliate Mailing Rules.
- Removes mcrypt from NATS/ConnectBilling biller integration.
- Failed posts can now be retried every 30 or 60 minutes.
- Added support for one-time sales for rocketgate upsells.
- Added feature “MEMBER_SIGNUP_CAPTCHA_IP_EXCEPTIONS” which allows config IPs to stop getting captcha image on member join page.
- Added a new feature to filter test transactions in admin reports and API calls for NATS.
- Removed percentage restriction from Site Redirects that change the program.
- Allowed custom/passthrough fields upgrade during rebill API called.
- Made improvements to the report query.
- Updated build summary data query.
- Updated package use initial setting to be Package Billing for Join Option Setup.
- Updated Rocketgate process with option id check.
- Added test mode setting for poll script on Rocketgate and Rocketgate Native.
Released April 26th, 2024 (2024-04-26)
- NATS SQL Performance change. SQL Optimization when checking for available summary tables used for reporting.
- Fixed cascade processing issue for existing members with username and email updated for denial sale.
- Corrected possible double encoding issue for two specific Webbilling params.
- Resolved a postback issue on type-in traffic for Webbilling.
- Add support for Google recaptcha v2 on the affiliate signup form.
- Allow RGNATIVE xsell to non-NATS install.
- Updated generated payment limit by NATS affiliate.
- Resolved an Epoch option id lookup issue.
- Added checkbox to allow RGNATIVE GeoIP setting to send different currency codes.
- Bill1st, Porange, Mobuspay xsell changed to allow multiple merchant processes on xsell.
- Resolved an issue with xsell members not getting correct custom fields updated.
- Added new default Bluecheck default template.
- Added API for member age verification data update.
Released April 19th, 2024 (2024-04-19)
- Fixed Passthrough missing issue for Epoch member.
- Corrected issue when setting up an incoming upsell for a token site where the details fields did not correctly display.
- Resolved an issue where re-ordering join options sent you back out to the Sites Admin.
- New $config['LIMITED_MEMBER_POST_LOGINIDS'] set to an array of loginids which will restrict the data sent via affiliate postback. For loginids set, NATS will only send the data that is specified in the affiliate postback url variables.
- Updated account changes to always log changes. Previously, account changes were logged only when they required affiliate verification or admin approval.
- Updated auth method from md5 to sha512.
- Allow disabling the report cache, or reducing the frequency of recording usage statistics for it.
- Added config settings to allow clients to set a list of IPs that will not need Google Recaptcha verification.
- Added a feature to allow admins to configure default join form field validation check to resolve undesired member records.
- Updated Age Verification check.
- Added 5 custom fields to each join option in NATS.
- Updated signupplus process for reactivation on Epoch.
- Added the ability to manually specify refurl in request to www/signup.php.
Released April 12th, 2024 (2024-04-12)
- Resolved an issue where the Age Verification Message was always displayed.
- Resolved an issue where an Upsell would fail to process.
- Added a new method for updating allowed IPs for CentroBill.
- Updated the script.
- Added Yoti age verification integration.
Released April 5th, 2024 (2024-04-05)
- Added active member subscriptions to the Members Admin search functionality.
- Resolved an issue regarding Paygarden passthrough order.
- Resolved an issue regarding campaignid filter.
- Resolved an issue with Vendo postback not updating member password in NATS.
- Added config setting to set timeout setting for RG poll script.
- Added Vservices sites/option auto sync feature.
- Updated Netbilling, STBILL and Orgpay with a new feature to stop rebilling on member rename.
- Added PayBackBank process type to Segpay.
- Added the ability to search usernames in the Member Admin using the “=” symbol.
- Added a config setting titled “ADMIN_NOTIFICATION_IGNORE_BAD_SITE” to ignore invalid site notifications for admins.
- Added additional information that is available on the transaction report.
- Improved the speed at which Cancel Plus page loads under certain situations.
- Resolved an issue regarding CCBILLFF join page.
- Resolved an issue where affiliate email verification would fail on template link.
Released March 29th, 2024 (2024-03-29)
- Added Netbilling setting to not expire membership when initial sale refund happens.
- Added 3ds support to Connect Billing. When using the gateway integration of Connect Billing, NATS will no longer record the biller error for initial transactions in a surfer action.
- Added Rocketfuel as a Biller.
- Added the Signup Plus feature for Netbilling and NBNATIVE.
- Added a new config setting ‘API_INCLUDE_BILLER_SITE_INFO’ to allow GET MEMBER DETAILS API call to get biller site information.
- Added wildcard to block full email provider domains, ex:, on config JOIN_EMAIL_BLACKLIST
- Resolved an issue related to the poll expired call for tcharge.
- Additional passthrough variables provided for RGNATIVE’s Upsell feature.
- Fixed bulk import issue with the ignore duplicate setting on.
- Corrected a possible issue when using the config setting MEMBERS_NO_ACTIVE_UNENCRYPTED where Segpay rebills could incorrectly update a member’s password.
- Resolved a message reply issue on Legacy NATS on a numeric affiliate username.
- Upsell denials now correctly display the page_upsell_denial template instead of the page_denial template.
Released March 21st, 2024 (2024-03-21)
- Moved config ‘SEVERE_NOTIFY_POPUP’ from ‘misc’ to the ‘notifications’ section.
- Added delay on Bill1st PrimeOrange and MobiusPay poll script.
- Added error details for the failed, fake, and auto instant upgrade surfer actions.
- Updated international wire payvia field to be grouped better.
- Added the ‘upsellexpire’ feature for Argus.
- Resolved an issue regarding Epoch passing ‘member_id’ field in the signupplus script.
- Added Google reCAPTCHAv2 support for Special Join Options & Special Join Form.
- Fixed incorrect ‘from’ address used to send email using the API.
- Resolved an issue with subscription passthrough fields for the Epoch Token Plus feature.
- Corrected a possible issue that prevented adding a manual invoice for an affiliate.
- Added the ability to select ‘special options’ in the Options dropdown of the Profit and Loss report.
- Resolved an issue preventing expired members from upselling using Vservices.
- Added bluecheck age verification integration
Released March 18th, 2024 (2024-03-18)
- Updated default currency conversion rates for all supported currencies.
- Implemented Additional fixes to increase PHP8 compatibility.
- Removed mplayer as a requirement for NATS.
- Updated the Segpay Package Plus feature.
- Added CVV and AVS responses to the Biller view of Payze subscriptions.
- Added non NATS Cross Sale support for Bill1st, Mobius, Segpaygateway, Porange and Billapay.
- Updated GoCoin where ‘Process Currency’ is no longer Required. A new ‘none’ option was added to allow surfers to select their currency type on currency type whenever on GoCoin’s join page instead.
- Removed the Merchant ID and Password requirement for Outgoing RocketGate Cross Sales.
- Added template description for built-in templates which were previously not set.
- Resolved issues with memcached.
- Resolved an issue where the Trial Flag was not sending correctly during the CHECK User Management call.
- Resolved an issue with the Legacy NATS Reporting Admin pie chart not displaying properly.
- Updated default payvia dump template format to support Smarty4 with PHP8.
- Improved the Segpay script to prevent Segpay’s system from failing to auto-redirect a denied surfer back to NATS.
- Updated CoinPayments integration to include an expiration date in the User Management Postbacks.
- Resolved an issue with query lookup of member transaction tax configuration.
- Resolved a display issue under the Tour Overview where linkdomain and URL were incorrect.
- Resolved an issue with Rules when multiple Rules start at the same time.
- Corrected logic to use ‘override_siteid’ value (if set) when using process_gateway via Rocketgate.
- Updated the check for CCBILL postback on conversion/rebill.
- Resolved an issue where Join Options weren’t displayed for Affiliate-specific Rules using Package Plus and Token Plus.
- Updated Affiliate Stats to display referring URL correctly.
- Updated the Tour Overwiew’s “Pages/Steps” tab to include the “Package Approval” and “Package Denial” settings. This includes templates, Redirect URL, and Post URLs.
- Resolved an issue on the Tour Overview’s “Posts/user Man” tab where the Package Upgrade Approval/Denial displayed URLs and not the Post URL. Post URLs for all the tours were also added.
Released February 29th, 2024 (2024-02-29)
- Resolved an issue where featured sites were always ordered by name.
- Updated Upgrade Plus script to handle Payze requirements.
- Resolved an issue where incorrect SOAP API calls were being made.
- Resolved an issue resulting in the poll script processing a transaction to the wrong NATS member.
- Added Pumapay as a biller.
- Updated the way NATS saves the config override file.
- Added CashtoCode as a Biller.
- Changed the severity of the Payze t19 and t20 errors.
- Resolved an issue whereby NATS would store payments that it generated while creating Projections.
- Added subscription passthrough support to gallery links.
- Improved the retrieval of Upsells and Cross Sales in the NATS Admin.
- Changed mobile only to tour type in site redirect rules.
Released February 23rd, 2024 (2024-02-23)
- Added SecurionPay as a Biller.
- Added Smarty4 Compatibility Changes for Payvia Dumps.
- Updated Segpay Payment Process and Added Cross Sale Information Postback feature.
Released February 15th, 2024 (2024-02-15)
- Resolved a display issue regarding Smart2 and the Site Group dropdown in the Reporting Admin.
- Resolved an issue that disabled affiliates from a group after enabling said affiliate.
- Resolved an issue preventing Admins from viewing the number of rebills for a CCBill Paid Program.
- Added ‘Postback Settings’ link in the affiliate area’s setting dropdown menu.
- Added additional changes for Smarty4 compatibility.
- Allowed merchant account to be set during the Upsell process for Rocketgate and RGNATIVE.
- Added a feature for Rocketgate and RGNATIVE to allow overriding Merchant Site ID on a per-option basis.
- Updated Epoch script to use epoch_digest for checking IP.
- Updated CCBill Poll to handle per-subaccount polling.
Released February 9th, 2024 (2024-02-09)
- Added a mobile flag record to the Member custom fields.
- Added Xanpay as a Biller.
- Added ‘ALLOW_AFFILIATE_STATS_WITH_AMOUNT_INFO’ config for Affiliate stats.
- Resolved an issue regarding the handling of custom account types.
- Added settings to store custom fields 1-10 for Paygarden
- Added a new config setting ‘EXPLORE_EPOCH_ON_CREDIT’ to handle expired members on credit.
- Added ‘$config[‘DONT_SEND_EVERYTHING_ON_AFFILIATE_POSTBACK’]=1’ to ensure NATS does not send everything on an affiliate postback that has nothing configured to send.
- Updated the Epoch poll script to handle when a member expires on credit and chargeback.
- Corrected an issue where duplicating an adtool type created a new adtool type with no fields when the new adtool type should inherit all of the original adtool type’s fields.
- Updated BILL1st, Billapay, Mobius, Porange, and Segpaygateway scripts to handle incorrect auth sale settlement sales.
- Updated the default search for affiliate username in Legacy NATS to be ‘like search’.
- Resolved an issue where the Payze poll stops too early.
- Resolved an issue where PackagePlus attempts resulted in displaying the incorrect template.
- Resolved an issue where cascades in the Cascade Activity Report got a new version for each day for Special Billers.
Released February 2nd, 2024 (2024-02-02)
- Added CoinPayments as a Biller.
- Added the ability for site owners to force NATS to ignore Join Deep Linking while performing a Site Redirect.
- Updated Segpay pplist to not include duplicate order id as well as added a checkbox to disable pplist.
- Added the ability to allow NATS to accept member IP addresses as IP parameters for Upsell Plus calls. This feature may be required for billers that use IP addresses as part of fraud protection.
- Added upsellexpire for Rocketgate.
- Updated “NATS5 REST API Affiliate POST API add” requirements.
- Corrected an unexpected hash value for requests that have a value that contains a special character.
- Added Affiliate Skype integration in the Admin Area.
- Fixed display issue on Thirdparty free join on the Profit/Loss report and Admin override display.
- Updated Epoch poll to handle multiple subscription cancels.
Released January 26th, 2024 (2024-01-26)
- Added the Token Plus feature for Rocketgate (Gateway).
- Added a checkbox in the Affiliate Payments Report to display correctional or manual invoices.
- Added Captcha support on the Affiliate Forgot Password page.
- Added Language Templates to Site Templates.
- Expanded IP parameters to all API calls that could use GeoIP.
- Added Join Option name in the Legacy NATS Transaction Report.
- Added an option to store the RocketGate and RGNative merchant account value in one of the member custom fields.
- Improved the speed of the Report query.
- Improved the Vservices script on the cancel process check case.
- Resolved an issue where Taxes were not added to the ‘Fees’ column when viewing the Profit/Loss Report and selecting the breakdown option ‘Country/Region.’
- Corrected a Legacy NATS Admin issue when viewing adtools and using the sort by dropdown where NATS incorrectly found no adtools.
- Resolved an issue with updating CSS colors for skins in NATS5
- Resolved an issue when managing CSS colors where the correct colors weren’t set when the ‘Revert to Parent Skin’ button was pressed.
- Resolved an issue regarding the Biller Data Report.
- Resolved an issue regarding Vservices postback.
- Incorporated additional PHP8 compatibility changes.
Released January 19th, 2024 (2024-01-19)
- Added the ability to use special billers on NATS cascade setup.
- Improved the speed at which reports load.
- Resolved an issue regarding license.php and PHP 7.4.33
- Resolved an issue caused by incorrect table names being on by default.
Released January 10th, 2024 (2024-01-10)
- Added the ability for multiple subscription IDs to be sent to CCBILL Flex Form.
Released December 22nd, 2023 (2023-12-22)
- Added TCharge re-integration for initial signups and polling.
- Added new IPs for CCBill and CCBill Flex Forms.
- Addressed a redirect issue with special characters to third-party billers.
- Addressed a bug where notifications in the affiliate area were not being marked as read.
- Updated TCharge poll script to daily frequency.
Released December 6th, 2023 (2023-12-06)
- Adjusted the processing type lookup within the 'Plus' Systems to properly handle CCBill paid and import_adjust_initial transactions for the imported account.
Released December 1st, 2023 (2023-12-01)
- Resolved an issue where an incorrect hash was sent for CHECK usermanagement postback.
- Updated Netbelling, OrbitalPay, and StandardBill’s cust_ip field to replace the address with ipv4 when an ipv6 address is detected.
- Updated the handling of usernames and email addresses to allow the ‘+’ character.
Released June 28th, 2023 (2023-06-28)
- Added MySQL8 support to NATS
- Added PHP 8.1 support to NATS
- Added Subscription Passthroughs to the Subscription tab found on the Members Overview
- Added functionality to the join template to display the third party cross sales with the refreshXsells variable
- Added the Site ID to the details tab in Site Overview
- Added CoinPayments in NATS as an integrated biller
- Added check amount feature for CoinPayments
- Added a new adtool type: 'HTML5 Hosted Image Banner'
- Added support for Flirt4Free processing via NATS
- Added support for Flirt4Free xsell/upsells
- Added the {$join_option_details} array to smarty that contains all option details for each currently available join option
- Added new config DISABLE_DOWNLOADABLE_HOTLINK restricts view_flash.php to logged in users only
- Addressed bad text on the Search Payments search form
- Addressed all possible phar deserialization issues
- Addressed an issue with openid when used with certain PHP configurations
- Addressed incorrect text in the Quick Tour on the Pay Via list page
- Addressed items when adding or editing a Focus, as well as when adding a report
- Addressed multi-select fields where all the selected options in a select type field are cleared out, instead of just the option being cleared
- Addressed a display issue on the Ad Tool → Add Field modal when adding a new field. It now better displays any issues that may have been found
- Addressed display issues on the Ad Tool Management page when using mobile devices
- Addressed display issue on the Site Coupons page where redemption count displayed 'None Redeemed' when the coupon had already been used
- Addressed an issue on the N5 Tax page that may not have allowed the Country of a tax to be saved properly on edit
- Addressed a display issue on the NATS5 Configuration page when a user clicks between the tabs before all the content is displayed
- Addressed possible issue where API may not have used the DB_STATS_SERVER when configured
- Updated tables from MyISAM to InnoDB
- Updated Segpay IP updated method and URL
- Updated the Flash Charts within the Affiliate Area of NATS with a new Javascript solution. This will allow all browsers to view the charts without requiring flash
- Updated Segpay revoke trans type process for Segpay process and poll
- Updated Segpay integration by adding Paypal as a payment method
- Updated default behavior to not log php deprecated errors
- Updated the write to log files to be once per script run, at the end of execution
- Updated default behavior to not add GET API calls to admin actions during normal UI usage
- Updated Embedded Videos Adtool Type to support HTML5 videos using the 'embed' tag. Adds additional html5 video tag attributes: autoplay, controls, loop, muted
- Updated displayed videos in affiliate adtools section with html5 video element instead of flowplayer
- Updated Epoch dataplus database structure
- Updated display on the special join template when errors occur
- Updated the Cross Sale links within the Affiliate area and NATS4 Admin area to point to the proper NATS5 admin pages
- Updated the form on the Encode Linkcode Tool page to help Admins better generate codes
- Updated the table label within the Program Overview->Latest Members to be Affiliates, instead of Channel
- Updated the "Back to Template List" button displayed when editing a Skin Template to include your previous search criteria
- Updated the Cross and Up Sale Overview pages to better handle Enabling and Disabling sale
- Updated the toastr (notice) messages to be more clear on any job that may have occurred
- Updated the 'case' of some company names and terms within the Config Admin
- Updated the Expires On date to always show the proper information on Support->NATS Support Page
- Removed the link on the Site Overview for clicking onto the Linkdomain
- Removed a misleading link noting a URL can be edited since this URL can not actually be changed in Ad Tool Overview
Released August 24th 2021 (2021-08-24)
- Added memberid / member subscription id information into surfer action
- Added new 2KCharge biller integration
- Added biller subscription status to smarty for Payze
- Added configuration for Cookie Secure and SameSite settings, which are now available under Cookie Settings in the Surfer section of the Configuration admin
- Added ‘igm_data’ flag to GET member/details API call
- Added memberid / member subscription id information into surfer action
- Added ‘igm_data’ flag to GET member/details API call
- Addressed an issue where some encrypted ip addresses logged for member logins were not recorded correctly
- Addressed an issue with Epoch signupplus
- Addressed an issue with Payze onestep gateway join page
- Addressed where Payze poll did not run properly in certain cases
- Addressed a complication with the affiliate payment updates
- Addressed a typo with the config variable name for a global template (site)
- Altered Cancelplus to allow filtering the biller lookup results for Payze by subscription status or a list of statuses
- Changed the domain for the poll from to
- Corrected the Paxum csv dump format
- Corrected a typo with the config variable name for a global template (skin)
- Updated angular packages
- Updated email check function to allow plus sign
- Updated PHPmailer library to 6.5.0
- Updated where mail variables available in mass mailer templates are not decrypted
- Updated the protocol for the Flirt4Free poll URL from http to https
- Updated the list of Argus (Inovio) ips
- Updated the Rocketgate report library to PR2.0
- Updated the Rocketgate sdk library to P7.10
- Updated polls script for Bill1st, Mobius, Billapay, Segpay Gateway and Prime Orange
Released October 15th 2020 (2020-10-15)
- Added a setting to write to log files at the end of a process
- Added ability to upload thumbnails for tours
- Added ETHOCA-REFUND for Rocketgate and RGNATIVE
- Added missing fields (taxes, related transaction, processing type) to refund postbacks and made sure refund postbacks are identical between live processing the resend postback feature from the view member page in the admin
- Added an option to pass in overrides for the approval and denial redirect URLs for billers that do not require a redirect to their system for upsells
- Added an option to pass in additional approval and denial post URLs for billers that do not require a redirect to their system for upsells
- Added an option to pass in overrides for the approval and denial redirect URLs for billers that do not require a redirect to their system for token rebuys
- Added an option to pass in additional approval and denial post URLs for billers that do not require a redirect to their system for token rebuys
- Added Segpay Packageplus feature
- Added Signupplus feature for Segpay
- Added subscription pass-throughs for packageplus, upgradeplus, tokenplus and upsellplus
- Added Affiliate Group filter to the Affiliate Liability Details Report
- Added verification on the xsellid value before doing an insert into the third_party_partner_sale table
- Added all payout and bonus fields to the transactions reported in the NATS 5 UI
- Added config setting LOGGING_ON_SHUTDOWN which configured NATS to write to log files at the end of a process
- Added flag so Pending transactions are suffixed with :P
- Added support for subscription passthrough variables to upgradeplus, signupplus and packageplus for all billers that do a back end call (not a redirect to a biller hosted page)
- Added a post URL setting for free third party registrations
- Added an option to not display hidden join options on the /signup/upsellplus.php page unless they are passed in
- Added an option to not display hidden join options on the /signup/tokenplus.php page unless it is passed in
- Added support for the subscription pass through fields for epoch for pacakgeplus, signupplus, tokenplus and upgradeplus
- Added support for subscription pass-through variables to tokenplus for all billers that do a back end call (not a redirect to a biller hosted page)
- Added signupplus support for RocketGate and RGNative
- Added packageplus support for RocketGate
- Added missing currency field for RocketGate incoming xsells
- Added support for subscription pass-throughs for RocketGate and RGNative for upgradeplus, tokenplus, signupplus, packageplus
- Addressed an issue with the postback script for Verotel that prevented NATS from properly processing initial transactions for a signup that went through NATS but did not have a member record
- Addressed upsell pre-checks on the initial load of the /signup/upsellplus.php page if they are passed in
- Addressed changes to optimize the speed of the join page
- Addressed an issue with the URL in the polling script for
- Addressed issue with Centorbill curl header called
- Addressed an issue on the Site Overview where members on the Member Tab were not for the site you were viewing
- Corrected possible issue where Webbill non-recurring join options were not available
- Corrected the condition for the Gigadat special case on the cascade, approval and denial templates
- Corrected issue that caused report data to not load on the NATS5 Admin's Profit/Loss Report when Breakdown by 'Referring Url' is selected
- Corrected an issue with subscription passthrough variables for upsells for billers that do not have an upsell template
- Corrected the email check for upsells
- Corrected errors based on not matching email and/or password in the plus scripts
- Ensured NATS does not forget to check biller specific required form fields for the plus scripts
- Improved NATS notifications about missing biller fields
- Removed the ALLOW_PACKAGE_UPDATE_PASSTHROUGH config setting
- Updated the denied surfer action to store the biller error message for billers that do not require a redirect to their system for upsells
- Updated Affiliate Admin search for like usernames
- Updated member admin dump to use 24h time instead of the current 12h format
- Updated affiliate API with new flags to skip email send out to affiliate.
Released August 10th 2020 (2020-08-10)
- Added the ability for expired subscriptions to upsell with PAYZE
- Added additional checks on NATS upgrader for Epoch data plus
- Added config setting DISABLE_NATS5_UI_API_LOGGING to disable recording logs for REST API calls originating from NATS5 UI
- Added config setting DISABLE_NATS5_ADMIN_VIEW_LOGGING to disable recording admin action logs for REST API calls originating from NATS5 UI
- Addressed an issue when saving the target country or exclude the country of a Cascade Step in NATS5
- Addressed malformed query when passing most_recently_accessed_only=1 through SignupPlus for members with multiple subscriptions
- Addressed an issue where some encrypted IP addresses logged for member logins were not recorded correctly
- Changed the ‘site’ label on the advanced member search form in the NATS 4 interface to be in bold (like the rest of the labels)
- Modified the Payze blacklist error message
- Updated upsell timeout for RGNative and RocketGate
- Updated RGNATIVE upsell to support 2 different merchant account process
- Updated the NATS display of the “Member Expire Pad” value, and all the “Member Expire Pad BILLERSHORT” values noting that the respective day settings will not be used when the primary setting is enabled
- Updated the member expires padding default from MEMBER_EXPIRE_PAD_DAYS (1) to MEMBER_EXPIRE_PAD (TRUE) for new installs only; existing installs are not affected
- Updated NATS mailer to allow for smarty in the nice name
- Updated the checks NATS performs on biller specific required form fields for TokenPlus
- Updated config admin display for description, warning and wiki URL
- Updated warnings for Vendo/Vservices config on “NO_CREATE_AUTOMATIC_MEMBER” setting and updated config admin display for description, warnings, and wiki URL
Released June 25th 2020 (2020-06-25)
- Added a form field verification function to check for valid CVV
- Added the Delete Member functionality to NATS5 This can be found on the main member list and the member overview
- Added the ability for Admins to ban a members IP address at an IGM biller through the N5 admin
- Added the sync feature for Site-specific details like site/tour settings and join options with IGM billers within NATS5
- Added additional IGM Biller details and functionality to the Member Overview (Biller Details, Cancel Subscription, Ban CC, Refund Transaction)
- Added Quick search for IGM Biller specific Member Details within the NATS5 admin
- Added the ability to verify IGM billers from the NATS5 Admin
- Added a feature to many pages across N5 that give admins small tips on how to use the page
- Added the CCBin Redirect functionality into the NATS5 admin
- Added an "Expand All" button on the member subscription list to help view all the payouts associated with all the subscriptions on the page
- Added popovers within many forms to quickly navigate to affiliates/members/sites/etc right from the data within the report
- Added new Payze event type for merchant account switch
- Added feature to handle missing postback process in poll Rocketgate script for the initial sale
- Addressed issue where extended sales were not shown in the affiliate subscription breakdown stats for NCR and third-party registration signups
- Addressed issues on the Add and Edit Rule pages
- Addressed an issue with the collapse button in the top left of the page
- Addressed issues using the Advanced Search Bar
- Addressed pagination issues when viewing a list of ad tools
- Addressed issues found on the Add and Edit Cascade Step forms
- Addressed issues found when updating the New Program field on the Coupon Overview
- Addressed a display issue when viewing the list of Payout changes for a program
- Addressed an issue found on the Cross and Up Sale Overviews where the data did not refresh properly after making a change
- Addressed an issue with the affiliate URL link displayed on the Affiliate Overview
- Addressed an issue with the name of a site or program mistakenly converted to a date Ex: "ZA Site For Testing 181212" displayed as "Jan 1, 181212"
- Addressed issue with large text in messages and notifications to ensure it displays properly
- Addressed issues with the Next and Previous buttons found at the top of the Admin Actions page
- Addressed issues with the Next and Previous buttons found at the top of the Member Overview
- Addressed an issue with 3rd Party Bills not showing in the NATS5 Admin, as well as not saving properly in the NATS4 admin
- Adjusted the Add Join Option form to ensure admins can not set up read-only fields
- Adjusted the text on the page to ensure admins on they are Disabling a Cross or Up Sale and not Deleting it
- Corrected a display issue on the affiliate edit page
- Disabled autocomplete for the field to ensure the same code is not entered by mistake
- Removed mislabelled action menus and customization notes on the Configuration admin
- Removed the Advanced Search Bar from the Rule list pages It will be added back with full functionality in a future release
- Removed the old Preview Template link when viewing a list of templates within the Skins and Templates admin
- Removed the thumbnail on the Site and Tour Overview pages since they were not functioning properly Will be added back in in a future release
- Updated Vertoel script for cancel/expired process
- Updated the 'Actual Affiliate Payments' report to 'Affiliate Liability Details'
- Updated Weight so it can be configured on more types of cascades within NATS, and not just "Normal" cascades
- Updated the Tour Overview to make it easier to edit the base tour information
- Updated the system that quickly displays information about sites, members, affiliates, etc
- Updated all text to read Up Sale instead of UpSell
- Updated internal components and plugins used throughout the project
- Updated many pages to ensure they load properly without passing special URL parameters
- Updated the Add Site to not allow tour URL or Linkdomain for affiliate type sites
- Updated the text on the Message List page to ensure admins know what they will be searching within their message
- Updated the text on the Notification List page to ensure admins know what they will be searching within the notifications
- Updated tooltips throughout the admin
Released April 16th 2020 (2020-04-16)
- Added support for third-party partner outgoing Xsells and upsells
- Added token credit process for Paygarden
- Added refund process for Braintree poll script
- Added support for google Recaptcha v2 to the member signup process
- Added support for third-party partner outgoing xsells and upsells
- Added check against payze setting to determine whether or not require cvv on tokenplus signups for Payze
- Added timeout config setting for billapay, bill1st, mobius, segpaygateway and prime orage poll scripts
- Addressed an issue that caused some surfers to be sent directly to the denial page when choosing a special biller/join option
- Addressed a possible issue with Description field default value having spaces instead of empty when creating a new adtool
- Addressed a problem with manually aproving Affiliate payvia details
- Addressed bulk import on Gallery Builder multi selecting sites issue
- Addressed issue with chargeback rev for ConnectBilling
- Addressed recal refcode feature for Cbilling
- Addressed autocomplete on 2FA Token fields by disabling it
- Updated Surfer actions to now record upgradeplus errors from gateway billers
- Updated initial sale member email from mailer queues to immediately send out
- Updated Rocketgate poll to process auth sale transaction
- Updated error display RG and Vendo script
- Updated Rocketgate library
- Updated Rocketgate script with correct xml response
- Updated how NATS checks for Gocoin option id on postback
- Updated viewing linkcode 'details' in the Affiliate's area to now reflect the exact order of payout changes that are available in the admin area
- Updated how we look up the billerid when we poll for Argus
- Updated member admin display on email count
- Updated CCBILL delay postback setting under site admin
- Updated how NATS records the Transactionid from Verotel on Chargeback/Credit process
Released February 17th 2020 (2020-02-17)
- Addressed where bandwidth usage for zip downloads wasn't being recorded as expected
- Addressed CCBILLFF rebill amount lookup
- Addressed the display of information in Support Admin where it failed to update
- Addressed where backups were not being created when cleaning up tables in the Maintenance Admin
- Addressed the update of billers set IPs on retry attempts
- Addressed the session variable value on the gateway_join_check, gateway_join_check_mobile, and gateway_onestep_join default site templates
- Corrected possible issue where the cronjob to update Biller IPs wouldn't run at expected times
- Corrected the tax lookup feature where the incorrect country was used when using the billing country
- Corrected the recording of WebBilling xsell postbacks
- Corrected issue with admin actions page not loading when a log has a bad entry
- Corrected NCR email checkbox display
- Corrected the affiliate payout verification when there are multiple payout tiers for the same program
- Updated build payment logic to handle the minimum payout for all affiliates even they did not make any sale recently
- Updated TMM office IP list
- Updated how we compile the list of available offers we send to Vservices payment page
- Updated Safecharge xsell process with a security check
Released December 12th 2019 (2020-01-03)
- Added new feature to allow a new slave database connection dedicated to the REST API
- Added filtering by affiliate group on the profit loss report REST API (already available on the profit loss report in the reporting admin)
- Added feature to allow shopping cart and extended sales to handle affiliate additional passthrough
- Added config settings to optimize queries to get the table structure
- Addressed case where Segpay was sent the wrong eticketid
- Addressed and optimized queries to get the structure of a table
- Addressed the display of biller errors on the default gateway_join template
- Addressed NBNative upgrade plus issue
- Addressed where denial template is sometimes shown when a canceled payze subscription is reactivated
- Addressed API filter by custom fields
- Addressed where 'period' parameter would not update when using the 'email dump' advanced affiliate search
- Addressed display of error message on blank coupon codes
- Addressed where affiliate password may not send when requested on the affiliate signup email
- Addressed the display for adtools with custom fields
- Addressed uploading thumbnails from URL for programs
- Addressed the display of the SBW merchant id in the NATS notification about the SBW poll failure
- Addressed where affiliate adtool dumps were not being generated for fields that were selected
- Addressed the rotating iframe template not being available as an option when editing adtools
- Addressed the display of NCR join options in the affiliate area
- Addressed the delete member action in the member admin
- Updated subscription passthrough variables to always be enabled for Affiliates
- Updated the token site upsell process for Segpay
- Updated the default NATS logo by removing the sticker (displaying the version) and the marketing tag lines
- Updated join options to display alphabetically while creating a new payout change in NATS 4 admin
- Updated CCBILLFF dynamic fields for onetime join options
- Updated the display for errors when editing unique fields in the Biller Admin
- Updated the Argus merchantID field to not be required for cross-sales
Released December 12th 2019 (2019-12-12)
- Updated tables partitioned by date in the NATS database
- Updated Epoch upsell URL
- Updated the backend library that controls NATS5 to ensure a faster and better experience
- Updated the Ad Tool Asset Overview, Cross/Up Sales Overview, and Configuration Admin to make it easier to change many pieces of data at once
- Updated Reports now allowing the use of Freeform periods and dates. They can also be saved within your custom reports
- Updated Payvia Types so they can now be connected to multiple Dump Formats
- Updated Payments so Admins can now easily download or view their payment dumps on the Payments Due / Stored page
- Updated issue where the dump icon does not show on a custom video hosted adtool
- Updated TMM office IPs
- Updated Nocc as a deprecated biller in NATS
- Added a config that allows for setting an array of surfer languages. All languages in this config will be skipped and the surfer will use the default language set in NATS.
- Added Bulk Import and Bulk Update Ad Tools into NATS5 with an easier to use interface
- Added a “page tour” feature on a few pages to start… Program Overview, and the Site Management pages
- Added CCBILLFF Package Plus support
- Added Processing Type(s) for display on the Biller Overview
- Added a top button to the footer for easier navigation
- Added 2-factor authentication to the Affiliate Overview in the NATS 5 Admin
- Added specific email settings for Affiliate Mailers and Member Mailers
- Added configurations 'SKIP_LANGUAGE' to skip specific language(s) from being used & 'BROWSER_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT' to set a specific default browser language to use instead
- Addressed token rebuy issue for Centrobill
- Addressed a few issues within the Advanced Search feature
- Addressed an issue with the Rules Tab on the Adtool Asset Overview
- Addressed various issues for the new NATS APIs
- Addressed an issue with multi-select boxes when using older iOS devices
- Addressed an issue when adding Payout Changes to a Program
- Addressed an issue on the Details Tab of the Affiliate Overview
- Addressed an issue where affiliate names were missing in NATS4 Members Admin search results
- Addressed possible issue with the reuse member username setting and the member had used an in-house affiliate link. When the member joins again using the same username but a different affiliate track link, NATS may incorrectly use the in-house affiliate data from the existing subscription
- Addressed possible issue with Vendo & Vservices where member's email addresses were using an encoded value
Released August 5th 2019 (2019-08-05)
- Updated advanced search now allows admins to type their search instead of having to use the menu structure
- Updated URL where we retrieve allowed IP's for Zombaio postbacks
- Updated all reports now allow for sorting.
- Added a Smarty function that can be used in payvia dump formats as well as in the affiliate area that provides site, site group or program breakdown given a list of payments
- Added nats5 to the list of automatically allowed sub-domains
- Added site redirects to NATS5
- Added a new tab on all Site Overview pages to display each redirect
- Improved the Add and Edit forms to make it more clear which fields are required and what is going to happen when actually adding the new redirect
- Improved the Advanced Search feature found on many pages. For example, the Member List page
- Updated the menu display/structure while creating the Key, Operator, value search combination has been improved
- Addressed an issue when adding and saving the program type "Type-In traffic", as well as improved the display of all the Rule pages across the entire app
- Addressed design improvements for small, medium and large size screens
- Addressed various issues for the new NATS APIs
- Addressed issues with Rules and Type-In Traffic
- Addressed potential issue on getting rules for deleted adtools
Released July 16th 2019 (2019-07-16)
- Added two new reports: Affiliate Ratio Report and Transaction Report
- Added CSV dumps for all reports
- Added support for MaxMind's GeoIP-2 php library
- Added an allowed value of 0 for the RocketGate and RGNative SiteID variable
- Added more details to the field list, specifically within Multiple Choice field types
- Added ‘Bank Transaction ID’ as a search option in the Member Biller Search section
- Added Section/Group Editing to the Payments and Affiliates overview. This should allow for easier editing of grouped information
- Added sorting for outgoing cross sales, but not if the filtering order is changed
- Added Pagination/Sorting/Filtering to the Coupon List
- Updated many plugins and core functionality within the app. THis also allowed us to improve features like the Date Picker, Modal windows, and dynamic menus throughout the app
- Updated the rule management system across all asset types in NATS. This will allow for easier management of rules throughout the software
- Updated the Display Template and Form Template on the Ad Tool Asset Overview
- Updated and made improvements within all reports, including small changes to pagination and filtering
- Updated payoutchanges for special programs so they can no longer be added
- Updated the list of allowed IPs for Payze
- Updated 3xpromo notifications to be configuratble and disabled by default
- Updated TMM office ips
- Updated Taxes can now be managed for Billers
- Updated Video Secrets NATS 3rd party integration to Flirt4Free and redid the integration using the updated Flirt4Free system
- Updated Gocoin signup url
- Updated encryption method for FXNATIVE and Cbilling
- Updated the news feed to always use https
- Updated the display of payout changes to include processing type
- Updated the display of the "Set Start Page" modal has been cleaned up and is more clear
- Updated the Cross Sale Overview to include additional information for each up and cross sale
- Updated how admins set Paid and Stored dates for a payment to allow you to remove the dates properly
- Updated the step count so it's now being displayed properly
- Updated the payment details moving them to the payments tab
- Addressed the Rules Tab content so it now loads properly when going directly to the page
- Addressed an issue on the Affiliate Group Overview filter bar
- Addressed an issue found if you go to the Mailer Rule tab directly
- Addressed an issue allowing all types of Cross and Up Sales to be sorted, instead of just Outgoing Cross Sales
- Addressed an issue where admins can not set an expiration for a Never Joined subscription
- Addressed issue found within the left hand navigation if you click on the some pasges multiple times in a row
- Addressed a rare issue found with the English language file not loading properly
- Addressed issues when clicking links in the top header (for Messages, Notification, and the Show Right Menu icon)
- Addressed a display issue in N5 after changing a category name or the order of your categories
- Addressed an issue with the Date Picker when using Firefox
- Addressed an issue with Epoch currency conversions
- Addressed an issue with filtering members by Cascade
- Addressed a gateway onestep signup failure on reused member records
- Addressed various issues for the new NATS APIs
- Addressed the dsiplay of the 'active by default' checkbox when editing join options
- Addressed clicking the search icon so it should always submit the search form
- Addressed an issue when using the filter bar on the Payouts Tab (in the Program Overview).
- Addressed an issue where even when a text search (like Address =) is not complete the search criteria was still displayed in the advanced search bar with undefined
- Addressed an issue found when clicking between tabs
- Addressed a small issue after clicking a tab multiple times
- Addressed a small issue found in the Account Rep modal window
- Addressed an issue with the display of some biller fields when managing a join option. This affected both NATS4 and NATS5 but has now been addressed
- Extended the ip verification system to third parties
- Admins can no longer edit personal member details when "Disable Storing Personal Member Information" is enabled for a site
- Admins can lock and unlock members. When locked, admins cannot edit primary details about the account
- Admins can now view Taxes, Processing types, and Coupons for each member subscription
- Admins can type in their search criteria instead of forcing them to use the displayed menus to select their search
- Admins can no longer delete their own account or override as themself
- Admins were able to select multiple matching Key/Value pairs, even though NATS only allows 1. For example: "site = X" and "site = Y". This has been addressed to only allow 1 key/value paid for each key
- Manually disabling a member's trial flag no longer sends a member rebilled email
- Manually reactivating an expired member now sends an User Managmenet ACTIVATE call instead of MANUALADD
- Manually reactivating an expired member no longer posts a member's details to their site's Approval Post URL
- Manually reactivating an expired member no longer sends a member joined email
Released March 18th 2019 (2019-03-18)
- Release of the new NATS5 Admin interface
- With the release of NATS5, you will be able to use the new NATS5 admin alongside your current NATS4 admin. You can also set which admin you would like as your default.
- Added options to set PHP memory limits for admin reporting, the entire admin and the crons
- Added 'all' to the reserved list for affiliate usernames
- Added a default value for the ONLY_STORE_ON_PERIOD config setting (TRUE)
- Added a way to remove header and footer templates when modifying other templates in the skins & templates admin
- Added the ONLY_STORE_ON_PERIOD config setting to the home section of the config admin
- Added an HTTP header with PROJECT_HOSTNAME and NATS_VERSION to the CentroBill redirects and requests
- Addressed an edge case when there are multiple affiliate payments on the same day for different types
- Addressed an issue with the freeform date search in the member's admin
- Corrected an issue with reversal payout with chargeback/credit mult. times for the same transaction id.
- Updated the checks for whether or not the main and the mailer NATS crons are running
- Updated processing types for CentroBill