Please don't test your biller setup with NATS4 Netbilling Native's test account—it won't work correctly.
Note: this article is about using Netbilling as a native NATS biller. For the Netbilling gateway, please see the Netbilling article
Set up on Netbilling's Website
Register an account on Netbilling's website.
Please note: Netbilling uses the term Access Keyword to describe two different settings. To distinguish the two different settings, I've placed my own terms in brackets after the Netbilling terms.
Under "Site Tools" -> "Site Tags" -> "config" for each site, set the Postback CGI URL to the following URL:
- http://linkdomain/signup/process_nbnative.php
Replace linkdomain with your linkdomain.
Next you must set the NBNative Return URL, also known as the "GiveUp URL" in their site configuration, to the following URL:
- http://linkdomain/signup/returnurl_nbnative.php
Replace linkdomain with your linkdomain.
In order to ensure that rebills, credits, and other refunds are correctly retrieved by your NATS install, you should make sure you have the NetBilling "Enable Data Retrieval Interface v1.x" option selected and keywords added to site site. You can do this by going to "Site Tools" -> "Site Tags" -> "config" for each site -> under the section "Data Retrieval Interface", there is a box for "Access keywords" [Reporting Keyword]. You need to enter a keyword here to be added later in the NATS admin.
You need to do this for each of your sites. Under "Account Setup" -> "Account Management" -> "Access Security" -> "Data Retrieval Interface", you need to check the box next to "Enable Data Retrieval Interface v1.x" and add your server's IP address to the "Reporting Client IP Addresses" section. You need to do this to track rebills, refunds, chargebacks, etc
Set up Netbilling Version 3 in NATS
You must have PHP's mcrypt installed. Please see the
PHP documentation.
Billers Admin
To begin setting up Netbilling Native as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select Netbilling, and click "Add."
Note: If you don't see Netbilling Native as a biller in NATS4, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
When prompted, fill in the 12 digit Netbilling Account Number, Integrity Key, and Dynamic IP Code (Optional) that were provided to you by Netbilling under the "Account Info" section. This information can be found on Netbilling's website -- if you were not provided with this information, please contact your biller to receive it.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a tour, and scroll down to the "Biller Details" section. Enter your Netbilling Native Site Tag and Reporting Keyword in the available "NBNATIVE" fields.
You can find both of these by logging into Netbilling's website, going to Site Tools -> Site Tags -- the site tag is on the main Browse Sites screen, and the Reporting Keyword is under the Data Retrieval Interface link. You may also enter an Access Keyword [Control Keyword] if you wish to enable instant upgrades (see below for more information).
You can find your form ID in the Netbilling admin under Processing Options -> Payment Form -> Form Editor on Netbilling's website. You can either create a new form, or edit an existing form to gather the form ID value.
Upgrade Subscription
To set up an Upgrade subscription, use the following link in your
limited members area for user upgrades:
- http://<linkdomain>/signup/upgradeplus.php?site=<siteid>&username=<username>
Replace <linkdomain> with your linkdomain. Replace <siteid>
with your site ID number. Replace <username> with the name of the
user trying to upgrade.
Upsells Admin
For xsells & upsells, Netbilling Native requires the IP address of the outgoing upsell to be added to your $config['XSELL_NBNATIVE_SECURE_IPS'].
For internal xsells & upsells you will need to add your server IP(s) to this config.
- If you are already using the $config['XSELL_NETBILLING_SECURE_IPS'], NBNative will also check this config as well.
See Also