Setting Up at EuroBill
Before you can begin configuring EuroBill as a biller in NATS4, you must first register a merchant account with them. This can be done through their website at
While registering with EuroBill, make sure to take down the WM ID (Webmaster ID) that they provide to you. This information will be necessary for setting up EuroBill in NATS4.
In EuroBill's Instant Payment Notification (IPN) system, turn on the following events and send them to the following URL.
- Registration
- Chargeback
- Rebilling of recurring subscription declined
- Membership expiration
- Re-activation of expired members
- Rebilling of recurring subscription
- Transaction refunded
- Repaid chargeback
Event URL
- http://<linkdomain>/signup/process_eurobill.php
Replace linkdomain in the above example with your linkdomain.
Note: You can not simply turn on All System Events; you must manually turn on the individual Events.
When you set up your sites in EuroBill, record each site's Site ID and Style you chose for its join form. When you set up your payment options, record each option's Account ID.
Setting Up EuroBill in NATS
Billers Admin
To begin setting up EuroBill as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select EuroBill, and click "Add."
Note: If you don't see EuroBill, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
Fill in your WMID when prompted, and click Save. If you were not provided with the requested information, please contact EuroBill.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a tour, and scroll down to the "Biller Details" section. Enter your EuroBill Site ID
here, into the field marked "EUROBILL Site ID." You can also optionally enter your EuroBill Style in the field here.
Once you have done this, scroll down to the section labeled "Join Options for this Tour" and click the "Edit Option Details for this tour" section that corresponds to the join option you wish to use. In the "Biller Codes" section, locate the "EUROBILL Account ID" field, and enter your Account ID here (this step is optional).
Save your join options once you have filled out all the available fields on this page. EuroBill should now be configured and ready to process transactions as a biller in NATS4.