Signing up at Argus
If you are interested in using Argus as a third-party processor please contact them directly:
Setting up at Argus
When setting up at Argus, you will need to set up your postback urls to which Argus will post transactions:
You will need to replace <linkdomain> with the linkdomain of your site and http to https if you are using ssl for your linkdomains
Setting up in Nats
Billers Admin
Go to the Billers Admin, select Argus Payments. from the drop-down, and click
Add. Enter your Gateway Login and Gateway Password that were provided by Argus. Note: Argus will need to be added to a cascade before it can be used.
When setting up Argus in your cascades, you can choose the processing type to be used in the cascade step by selecting it from the drop-down menu. Argus currently supports the following processing types:
Sites Admin
Go to the Sites Admin and the "Edit" button next to the default tour of the site you would like to configure. In the "Billers Details" section will find the following fields for Argus:
- Site ID (required)
- Merchant Account ID
- Client ID (required)
Next, Edit (or create) the option(s) you want to use with Argus. You will see the following list of available option fields (all preceded by Argus id:#):
- Product ID (required) - the Product ID provided to you by Argus to identify this option.
- Upgrade Product ID: - the Upgrade Product ID for this option, required if you would like this members to be able to upgrade with this option.
- Currency: - the currency that this join option should be billed in.
- Count - The number of items associated with this option.
- CVV Check - Enabling this option requires a CVV check to be made for processing transactions.
- AVS Check - Enabling this option requires a AVS check to be made for processing transactions.
- Dynamic Descriptor - This is the description that appears on the bank statement of the customer.
This option setup may also require rules to be setup. You can do so with the purple arrows next to the option row.
Cross Sales
Go to the Cross Sells Admin, click incoming or outgoing cross sales from the navigation tabs (depending on whether you are sending or receiving the cross sale).
For Incoming Cross Sales, go to the Incoming Cross sales section. Add Argus from the biller drop down. Fill in the the following options for the cross sale:
- Initial Days
- Initial Dollar
- Recurring Days
- Recurring Dollar
- Product ID (required)
- Count
- Currency
- Upgrade Product ID
You will also want to select the site and program that you want to associate with this cross sale once you have entered in the "Data" fields. Please note that incoming cross sells with Argus will be processed within 20 seconds of the primary sale and so they may not show up immediately in the Members Admin.
For Outgoing Cross Sales, go to the Outgoing Cross Sales section. Add Argus from the biller drop down. Also in this section you will fill in the following: Title , Description, and Disclaimer for this cross sale. In the Biller Info you will fill out the data for the receiving end (the person you are doing cross sales with will provide this information for you). Fill in Gateway Login, Gateway Password, Site ID, Merchant Account, Product ID, Ref Code, Domain and HTTPS Post.
There is also an option to choose 'Recalculate Ref Code'. This will cause NATS to attribute credit for the cross sell to the referring affiliate over the affiliate whose Ref Code was entered in the 'Ref Code' field. In order for this to take effect, the referring affiliate must be enabled in a cross-sell program, which means that the cross sell must be coming from your own NATS installation.
Upgrade Plus
If you are using Upgrade Plus with Argus, please ensure that they have enabled the 'SUB_CANCEL' action for your account. Without this action enabled, the upgrades will fail to process in NATS.
- There is an additional account setting in Argus which allows multiple concurrent memberships for a single member in their system. To use Upgrade Plus with Argus, you will need to either enable this account setting in Argus, or you can configure a new product ID in Argus for the full price point, then input the new price point's Product ID in the 'Upgrade Product ID' in your original NATS trial option in order for Upgrade Plus to work
Expire Padding
You can configure NATS to allow for extra time for rebills to come in for Argus members. Further details can be found in the following article:
Expire Padding in NATS 4
Additional Support
If you have any further questions regarding the setup of in NATS v4, please put in a support ticket.