Q: Why do my statistics all report from an unknown/specific country?
A: NATS relies on location identifying dependencies to provide location data. By default, NATS attempts to use MaxMind's GEOIP database. To resolve the unknown country issue, please ensure that the configured location dependency is providing the required data. For testing purposes, you can place the following script in the NATS/www directory:
<? echo 'IP: '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].': You are from '.apache_note("GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME");?>
If all traffic is being recorded as initiating in the same country, you may be load balanced and not reporting the proper IP address to the server. If this is the case, please configure your NATS for Load Balancing as detailed in this wiki: Configure NATS for Multiple Servers; specifically, the Additional Notes section.
If all traffic is being recorded with unknown country, either GEOIP is not installed or the GEOPIP database is out-of-date. If this is the case, install GEOIP and/or update the GEOIP database.