NATS4 Commerce Gate
Please don't test your biller setup with NATS4 Commerce Gate's test account—it won't work correctly.
Set up on CommerceGate's Website
Use the New Site link on the left side to configure your sites in CommerceGate's system. Next, go to the My Websites link on the left and click on one of your sites. For each site, enter the following information;
- Callback URL: http://linkdomain/signup/process_commercegate.php
- Callback Type: string
Replace "linkdomain" in the above Callback URL example with your Link Domain. Next, tell them the site will push the member's username and password to the payment page, and ask them to accept the push.
Set up CommerceGate in NATS
To continue setting up CommerceGate, go to the Billers Admin, scroll down to the "Setup New Biller" drop-down menu, select CommerceGate, and click Add. When prompted, enter the Customer ID number that you have obtained from CommerceGate and click Save.
Next, go to the Sites Admin and edit a tour that you want CommerceGate active for. Under "Biller Details", enter your CommerceGate Website ID in the field marked CGATE Website-ID. You can get your Website ID from the CommerceGate configuration interface-- click on the row for a site and look for the field labeled Website ID.
Edit or add a join option you want CommerceGate active for, and enter your CommerceGate Offer ID in the field marked CGATE Offer-ID. This can be obtained by going to the My Websites link on the left side of the CommerceGate admin. Simply click the row for a site, and the next page will contain a section labeled Website Offers; each row in this table will contain a field labeled Offer Id.
- When entering your Customer-ID, Offer-IDs, and Website-IDs, remove any leading zeros. So if your Offer-ID is 00300, just enter 300 into NATS.
- If you do not collect usernames and passwords on your NATS pre-join forms, you need to tell Commerce Gate about this.
- If the domain name of your pre-join form is different then the public domain of the actual site, you need Commerce Gate to authorize your site domain.