NATS4 Adding a Verification Image
NATS4 contains the option to use CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Tuning test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) images on the external access page. This can provide an additional security measure that helps to prevent against automated login attempts. However, this option is not enabled by default in NATS.
Affiliate CAPTCHA
If you would like to add CAPTCHA images to your external access page, go to the Skins & Templates Admin. Click the "Advance Skins" tab at the top of the page, then click the "Edit Templates" icon next to the skin you wish to add a CAPTCHA image to. When you are on the "Templates" page, find the external_access template and click the "Customize Template" icon.
On the Edit Template page, locate the block of code enclosed by the following:
The code between these two comments are enclosed in their own smarty comment, represented by {* and *}. To use the CAPTCHA verification image, you will need to remove the comments around this block. Your external access page will now contain a CAPTCHA image that must be completed by your affiliates before they can continue browsing.
If you use the CAPTCHA verification image feature, make sure that you check our CAPTCHA wiki article for common verification image problems.
NOTE: If your affiliates have access to multiple skins, you must use the process detailed above to remove block Smarty comments for each available skin.
CAPTCHA can also be used for your members. To turn on the captcha for the site join form, you must:
First, add
in your includes/config.php, where 2 is the minimum number of failed signups before the CAPTCHA shows. This number must be greater than 1. In order for the captcha to show:
- The surfer has to have already attemped to sign up once, and within one hour prior to the present signup.
- The signups have to use the same IP.
- The members have to be Never Joined members, and the Never Joined members have to be for the same site.
Then, add
{if $vars.captcha_required || $errors.captcha} <TR><TD colspan=2 style="border:none; text-align: center"> <img src="/captcha_image.php?width=300&height=90" width=300 height=90/> <br><strong>Please fill in the text from the image</strong <br/><input class="join_input" type="text" name="signup[captcha:1]"> {if $errors.captcha}<br>{$errors.captcha}</span>{/if} </TD></TR> {/if}
before your submit button for the join template.