Setting up at OrbitalPay
Before you can begin configuring OrbitalPay as a biller in NATS4, you must first register a merchant account with them. This can be done through their website at http://www.orbitalpay.com/.
While registering with OrbitalPay, make sure to take down the Secure Postback Domain, Shop Identifier, Shop Secret Key, and Product Code that were provided to you by your biller. This information will be necessary for setting up OrbitalPay in NATS.
Setting Up OrbitalPay in NATS
Billers Admin
To begin setting up OrbitalPay as a biller in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select OrbitalPay, and click "Add."
Note: If you don't see OrbitalPay as a biller in NATS, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.
After you add OrbitalPay as a biller, you can fill out the Secure Postback Domain, which is used if you want to make your NATS domain secure by posting to https instead of http.
Sites Admin
Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a tour, and scroll down to the "Biller Details" section. Enter your OrbitalPay Shop Identifier and Shop Secret Key for this site here. This information must be obtained from OrbitalPay.
Once you have done this, scroll down to the section labeled "Join Options for this Tour" and click the "Edit Option Details for this tour" icon that corresponds to the join option you wish to use. In the "Biller Codes" section on the next page, locate the "ORB Product Code", and enter the Product Code that you received when setting up with OrbitalPay.
Additionally, you may wish to edit/add any additional rules to allow this option to show on your join page. You can do so with the purple arrows next to the Option row (similar to the several other areas across NATS).
Additional Support
If you have any further questions regarding the setup of OrbitalPay in NATS v4, please put in a support ticket.