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{{NATS4 Manual
{{NATS4 Manual
| show_billers_section = true
| show_billers_section = true
== Set up on SegPay's Website ==
''Segpay Member Management''
If you only use NATS for cascading and affiliate tracking and you use
== Setting Up at Bill 1st ==
Segpay for your password management, you only need to enter
information in the 2nd Trans Post URL field and MSG for each profile.
Set this as the 2nd Trans Post URL in each one of your current Postback Notification Profiles:
Before you can begin configuring Bill1st Gateway in [[NATS]], you must first sign up for an account with them. To do so, go to their site at: http://www.bill1st.com.
* 2nd Trans Post URL: linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&stage=<stage>&approved=<approved>&name=<billname>&email=<billemail>&country=<billcntry>&state=<billstate>&city=<billcity>&address=<billaddr>&transtype=<trantype>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>&transid=<tranid>&price=<price>&username=<extra username>&password=<extra password>&currencycode=<currencycode>&eticketid=<eticketid>&memberid=<extra foreignid>&session=<extra natssess>&merchantpartnerid=<extra merchantpartnerid>&xsellnum=<xsellnum>
Record any essential information you receive during the signup process.
* 2nd Trans Post Message (You must include the * before and after the word success): *success*
You must also set up the following Postback URLs with Bill1st:
*Initial Postback URL - http://<linkdomain>/signup/process_bill1st.php
*Event Postback URL - http://<linkdomain>/signup/process_bill1st.php
<!--Still needed? -->
Replace <linkdomain> with your NATS linkdomain or domain.
== NATS Member Management ==
This section is what you need to enter if you are using NATS for
everything including your member management. You should only need to
create one profile, "NATS", for all your packages at Segpay since all
the data is going to the same place.
To create this, go to https://my.segpay.com. Go to
== Setting Up Bill 1st in NATS ==
MERCHANT SETUP->POST BACK. Click on the button to create NEW POSTBACK
CONFIG. For DESCRIPTION, this is where you would enter the name NATS.
Fill in the following in bold for each field, replacing linkdomain with
that of the site:
* Inquiry URL:
linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&username=<extra username>&memberid=<extra foreignid>
* Inquiry Result Good: *success* (You must include the * before and after the word success)
* Access Disable URL: linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&username=<extra username>&password=<extra password>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>
* Access Disable MSG: *success* (You must include the * before and after the word success)
* 2nd Trans Post URL: linkdomain/signup/process_segpay.php?action=<action>&stage=<stage>&approved=<approved>& name=<billname>&email=<billemail>&country=<billcntry>&state=<billstate>&city=<billcity>&address =<billaddr>&transtype=<trantype>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>&transid=<tranid>&price=<price>&user name=<extra username>&password=<extra password>&currencycode=<currencycode>&eticketid=<eticketid>&memberid=<extra foreignid>&session=<extra natssess>&merchantpartnerid=<extra merchantpartnerid>&xsellnum=<xsellnum>
* 2nd Trans Post Message: (You must include the * before and after the word success): *success*
Under the EMAIL TEMPLATES section, you must enter the following
information so that receipts to go out.
* Sign-Up Template: email.signup.xml
* Rebill Template: default
* Cancel Template: email.cancel.xml
* Expiration Template: default
After you fill in all the appropriate fields, click on the UPDATE
button and your profile will be saved. After you have a NATS Postback
configuration, you can use that postback configuration in all of your Packages that
work with NATS.
== Setting up SegPay in NATS ==
=== Billers Admin ===
=== Billers Admin ===
To begin setting up Bill 1st in [[NATS]], go to the [[NATS4 Billers Admin|Billers Admin]]. Scroll down to the "Setup New Biller" drop-down menu and select "Bill1st Gateway" from your list of choices. Click Add.
To begin setting up SegPay Gatewayas a [[Ct#Biller|biller]] in [[NATS]], go to the [[NATS4 Billers Admin|Billers Admin]]. Scroll down to the "Biller" drop-down menu, select SegPay Gateway, and click "Add."
'''Note''': If you don't see Bill1st Gateway, [http://clients.toomuchmedia.com put in a support ticket], as you may need an updated version of [[NATS]].
'''Note:''' If you don't see SegPay Gateway as a [[Ct#Biller|biller]] in [[NATS]], [https://clients.toomuchmedia.com put in a support ticket], as you may need an updated version of [[NATS4]].
You will then be prompted for your Account ID, and Password. These will have been provided by Bill1st when signing up for an account. If you were not given this information, please contact Bill1st. You can also choose whether you want to use your Affiliate ID in [[NATS]] as your Bill1st Username-- this setting is optional. When you are done configuring these options, click Save.
When prompted, fill in the Account ID and Password that were provided to you by SegPay under the "Account Info" section. If you were not provided with this information, please contact your [[Ct#Biller|biller]] to receive it.
=== Sites Admin ===
=== Sites Admin ===
Scroll down to the section labeled "Join Options for this Tour" and click the "Edit Option Details for this tour" icon that corresponds to the join option of which you wish to process with Segpay Gateway. In the "Biller Codes" section, locate the "SEGPAYGATEWAY Product Code" field, and enter the Product Code you received from SegPay for the join option you are configuring.
When editing a price point in NATS, there is an optional biller detail called "Dynamic Pricing". When this is checked, the biller will use the initial amount set in NATS for the sale, overriding what may be set in the biller for that price point. When this is not checked, SegPay will instead use the initial amount defined in the biller.
Additionally, you may wish to edit/add any additional rules to allow this option to show on your join page. You can do so with the purple arrows next to the Option row on the main Billers page (similar to the several other areas across NATS).
=== Cross Sells ===
Next, go to the [[NATS4 Sites Admin|Sites Admin]], create or edit a tour, and scroll down to the "Join Options for this Tour" section. Create a [[NATS4 Join Option|join option]] that you wish to enable Bill1st Gateway for, or click the "Edit Option Details for this tour" action icon next to an already existing join option.
You need to add the following to your Trans Post URL in order to process cross sells:
On the next page, you will find various fields labeled "BILL1ST" under the Biller Codes column. Fill in the requested Product Codes and Upgrade Codes; these must be obtained from Bill 1st. Once you have filled in the required fields, click Save.
&eticketid=<eticketid>&xref1=<extra xref1>. Segpay will then provide you
with an E-Ticket ID for each cross sell. The E-Ticket I.Ds. are formatted
as follows: site:product.
To set up [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sales]] in [[NATS]], go to the [[Upsells Admin]] and click "Incoming" or "Outgoing" cross sales from the navigation tabs at the top of the page (depending on whether you are receiving or sending the cross sale).
Additionally, you must add [[NATS4 Rules|rules]] in order for this join option to be displayed on your join page. You can do so by using the "Rules" action icon, marked with purple arrows. For more information on Rules in [[NATS4]], please see our [[NATS4 Rules]] wiki article.
If you are sending a [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sale]] to another [[Ct#Site|site]], go to the "Outgoing Cross Sales" page. Add SegPay from the "Biller" drop-down menu, and click Add New Option. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sell]] option.
=== Upsells Admin ===
You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sale]], which should have been provided to you by SegPay. Fill in your Ref Code here, and click Save Changes.
Bill1st Gateway also supports [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sales]] and [[Ct#Upsell|upsells]] in [[NATS4]]. If you wish to use Bill1st Gateway to process cross sales and upsells, you must first configure them on the Bill1st website. Please contact Bill1st for assistance with this.
If you are receiving the [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sale]] in question, go to the "Incoming Cross Sales" page. Add SegPay from the "Biller" drop-down menu and click Add New Option. When prompted, choose the [[Ct#Site|site]] and [[Ct#Program|program]] you want to associate with the cross sale.
====Cross Sales====
Under "Details," fill in the title of your [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sale]] option, the initial fee and length, and the recurring membership fee and length. Finally, fill in the CC E-Ticket ID, Check E-Ticket ID, and Order ID that were provided to you by SegPay. In this section, your "E-Ticket ID" corresponds to your [[Ct#Site|site]], and your "Order ID" corresponds to your [[Ct#Join Option|join option]]. Once you have filled out the available fields, you will be able to activate your [[Ct#Cross Sell|cross sell]] options.
To configure outgoing cross sales in [[NATS4]], go to the [[Upsells Admin]] and click on the "Outgoing Cross Sells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add New Option. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your cross sell option.
=== UpgradePlus ===
You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your cross sale, which will be provided by Bill1st. Fill in your Account ID, Product Code, Ref Code, and Domain. You can also choose if you want to send an HTTPS Post when a cross sale transaction occurs with Bill1st Gateway, or if you want to recalculate your ref code. When you have finished configuring your option, click Save Changes.
UpgradePlus lets you shorten a [[Ct#Member|Member]]'s [[Ct#Trial Sign-up|Trial]] by offering them incentives to upgrade to a full member. Most users do this by offering them
two separate Members Areas: One for members that are only in their Trial Phase, giving them only limited amount of content, and a separate one
which gives access to the full content for members that paid for the full month.
To use upgrade plus, the price points in NATS Segpay need to be set up to allow "instant conversion". To do this, you must contact Segpay. Without the allowance of "instant conversion", members connected to that price point will not be allowed to upgrade. After "instant conversion" is allowed, Segpay will send a TransGUID within their "initial" post to process_segpay. Then, members connected to that price point will have an "upgradeid" connected to their information, allowing the upgrade to take place.
If you wish to configure an incoming cross sale in [[NATS4]], go to the [[Upsells Admin]] and click on the "Incoming Cross Sells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, select the Site and Program you want your incoming cross sale to affect, and click "Add New Option".  
=== TokenPlus ===
You will then be prompted to input a title for your cross sale option, as well as the initial and recurring membership fees and lengths. Once you have filled these fields out, input the Product Code and Upgrade Code that you received from Bill1st, and click Save Changes.
SegPay now offers support for the [[Token Plus]] feature in [[NATS4]]. This feature allows [[Ct#Member|members]] of your [[Token Sites]] to purchase additional tokens for their account, without requiring them to re-input their payment information to do so. This allows your [[Ct#Member|members]] to easily buy additional tokens without having to go through any extra steps.
Before you can process cross sales in [[NATS]], you will need to allow the IP of the system sending the cross sale. You can do this in the [[NATS4 Configuration Admin|Configuration Admin]] in the "Billers" section. Scroll down to the Bill1st section, and add your desired IPs to the ''XSELL_BILL1ST_SECURE_IPS'' configuration option.
Before you can begin configuring SegPay to work with the [[Token Plus]] feature, you must first enable it for the [[Ct#Site|sites]] you want to offer it on in the [[NATS4 Sites Admin|Sites Admin]]. Go to the [[NATS4 Sites Admin|Sites Admin]], locate the [[Token Sites|Token Site]] that you want to enable this feature on, and click the "Set Join Options" action icon. Edit the [[Ct#Join Option|join option]] that you want to enable [[Token Plus]] for, then check the "Token Rebuy Allowed" setting here.
For more information on this process, please see our '''[[Token Plus]]''' wiki article.
To configure outgoing upsells in [[NATS4]], go to the [[Upsells Admin]] and click on the "Outgoing Upsells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add New Option. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your upsell option.  
'''Note:''' In order to use the Token Plus feature with Credit Card transactions SegPay, you must have One Click approved and enabled for each price point. If this feature is not currently on, please contact SegPay to have them enable it.<br>
You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your upsell, which will be provided by Bill1st. Fill in your Account ID, Product Code, Ref Code, and Domain. You can also choose if you want to send an HTTPS Post when an upsell transaction occurs with Bill1st Gateway, or if you want to recalculate your ref code. When you have finished configuring your option, click Save Changes.
'''Note:''' One Click transactions are only available for Credit Card sales.
== Notes ==
If you wish to configure an incoming upsell in [[NATS4]], go to the [[Upsells Admin]] and click on the "Incoming Upsells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, select the Site and Program you want your incoming upsell to affect, and click "Add New Option".
Change the minimum characters on your NATS join form to 8. To do this, edit your Join form and locate the this line:
You will then be prompted to input a title for your upsell option, as well as the initial and recurring membership fees and lengths. Once you have filled these fields out, input the Product Code and Upgrade Code that you received from Bill1st, and click Save Changes.  
<TR><TD class="join_name">Username:</TD><TD class="join_value"><input class="join_input" type="text"
name="signup[username:1:6:16:::username_check]" value="{$vars.username}"><span class="join_error">{if $errors.username}<br>{$errors.username}</span>{/if}</TD></TR>
Change the '6' into an '8' and it will work fine.
Before you can process upsells in [[NATS]], you will need to allow the IP of the system sending the upsell. You can do this in the [[NATS4 Configuration Admin|Configuration Admin]] in the "Billers" section. Scroll down to the Bill1st section, and add your desired IPs to the ''XSELL_BILL1ST_SECURE_IPS'' configuration option.
[[Category:NATS4 Biller Instructions]]
[[Category:NATS4 Biller Instructions]]

Revision as of 12:37, 29 December 2016

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ID Numbers
    Biller Instructions
NATS4 Biller List
2000Charge Gateway
Bill1st Gateway
BillAPay Gateway
Billing Revolution
Billing United
Braintree Payments
CCBill Flexform
CCBill Web900
Clearcard IDV
Click and Buy
eMerchantPay Gateway
Ezic, Inc.
Focal Payments
FXBilling Native
Gateway tokens
Global Access
Global DPS
Greta 11 (G11Bill)
ICN Ltd.
Jettis International
Jettis International Gateway
NETbilling Native
Netpay International
Password By Phone
Payment Network
Paysite Cash
Payspace Gateway
Plug'n Pay
Prime Orange
RocketGate Native
RSBilling Native
SafeCharge Native
Secure Billing Worldwide
Secure Billing Worldwide Gateway
Secure Trading
SegPay Gateway
Sonic Bill
Vendo Services
Verotel Pro
Shopping Cart Sales
Switching From Epoch to Epoch EU

Setting Up at Bill 1st

Before you can begin configuring Bill1st Gateway in NATS, you must first sign up for an account with them. To do so, go to their site at: http://www.bill1st.com.

Record any essential information you receive during the signup process.

You must also set up the following Postback URLs with Bill1st:

  • Initial Postback URL - http://<linkdomain>/signup/process_bill1st.php
  • Event Postback URL - http://<linkdomain>/signup/process_bill1st.php

Replace <linkdomain> with your NATS linkdomain or domain.

Setting Up Bill 1st in NATS

Billers Admin

To begin setting up Bill 1st in NATS, go to the Billers Admin. Scroll down to the "Setup New Biller" drop-down menu and select "Bill1st Gateway" from your list of choices. Click Add.

Note: If you don't see Bill1st Gateway, put in a support ticket, as you may need an updated version of NATS.

You will then be prompted for your Account ID, and Password. These will have been provided by Bill1st when signing up for an account. If you were not given this information, please contact Bill1st. You can also choose whether you want to use your Affiliate ID in NATS as your Bill1st Username-- this setting is optional. When you are done configuring these options, click Save.

Sites Admin

Next, go to the Sites Admin, create or edit a tour, and scroll down to the "Join Options for this Tour" section. Create a join option that you wish to enable Bill1st Gateway for, or click the "Edit Option Details for this tour" action icon next to an already existing join option.

On the next page, you will find various fields labeled "BILL1ST" under the Biller Codes column. Fill in the requested Product Codes and Upgrade Codes; these must be obtained from Bill 1st. Once you have filled in the required fields, click Save.

Additionally, you must add rules in order for this join option to be displayed on your join page. You can do so by using the "Rules" action icon, marked with purple arrows. For more information on Rules in NATS4, please see our NATS4 Rules wiki article.

Upsells Admin

Bill1st Gateway also supports cross sales and upsells in NATS4. If you wish to use Bill1st Gateway to process cross sales and upsells, you must first configure them on the Bill1st website. Please contact Bill1st for assistance with this.

Cross Sales

To configure outgoing cross sales in NATS4, go to the Upsells Admin and click on the "Outgoing Cross Sells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add New Option. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your cross sell option.

You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your cross sale, which will be provided by Bill1st. Fill in your Account ID, Product Code, Ref Code, and Domain. You can also choose if you want to send an HTTPS Post when a cross sale transaction occurs with Bill1st Gateway, or if you want to recalculate your ref code. When you have finished configuring your option, click Save Changes.

If you wish to configure an incoming cross sale in NATS4, go to the Upsells Admin and click on the "Incoming Cross Sells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, select the Site and Program you want your incoming cross sale to affect, and click "Add New Option".

You will then be prompted to input a title for your cross sale option, as well as the initial and recurring membership fees and lengths. Once you have filled these fields out, input the Product Code and Upgrade Code that you received from Bill1st, and click Save Changes.

Before you can process cross sales in NATS, you will need to allow the IP of the system sending the cross sale. You can do this in the Configuration Admin in the "Billers" section. Scroll down to the Bill1st section, and add your desired IPs to the XSELL_BILL1ST_SECURE_IPS configuration option.


To configure outgoing upsells in NATS4, go to the Upsells Admin and click on the "Outgoing Upsells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, and click Add New Option. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in the Title, Description, and Disclaimer for your upsell option.

You will then need to fill out the Biller Info for your upsell, which will be provided by Bill1st. Fill in your Account ID, Product Code, Ref Code, and Domain. You can also choose if you want to send an HTTPS Post when an upsell transaction occurs with Bill1st Gateway, or if you want to recalculate your ref code. When you have finished configuring your option, click Save Changes.

If you wish to configure an incoming upsell in NATS4, go to the Upsells Admin and click on the "Incoming Upsells" tab. Add Bill1st from the Biller drop-down menu, select the Site and Program you want your incoming upsell to affect, and click "Add New Option".

You will then be prompted to input a title for your upsell option, as well as the initial and recurring membership fees and lengths. Once you have filled these fields out, input the Product Code and Upgrade Code that you received from Bill1st, and click Save Changes.

Before you can process upsells in NATS, you will need to allow the IP of the system sending the upsell. You can do this in the Configuration Admin in the "Billers" section. Scroll down to the Bill1st section, and add your desired IPs to the XSELL_BILL1ST_SECURE_IPS configuration option.