Extended Sales
Please note: the following article describes an add-on feature to NATS4. If you want this feature, please request it and we'll install it on your system.
The Extended Sales module is an add-on to NATS4 that lets you pay affiliates for events that occur outside the NATS system. For example, you can enable pay per lead problems using the Extended Sales module. This allows you to track outside events using your reporting software, and direct that software to send NATS essential information about the outside events. NATS will then process the incoming information and use it to pay the referring affiliate.
Before you can set up extended sales, Too Much Media must install the Extended Sales Module on your system. To do so, please submit a support ticket.
Configuration File
To begin, you must first add the IP address of any computer that runs your reporting software to the NATS configuration file: includes/config.php. In the configuration file, make each address an element in the $config['EXTENDED_ALLOWED_IPS'] array. For example:
$config['EXTENDED_ALLOWED_IPS'] = Array( '0' => '', '1' => '', '3' => '333.333.333.333' );
Formatting this line incorrectly will cause your NATS to break-- thus you should ensure that each entry is a single IP address: ranges, masks, and globs are not supported by this module. Also, make sure that you have placed a comma between each entry. NATS will not accept extended sales data from computers with IP addresses that are not defined in this configuration array.
Billers Admin
To begin configuring your Extended Sales module, go to the Billers Admin in your NATS install. Go to the "Setup New Biller" drop-down menu, select "Extended Sales," and click Add. Give the biller a shortname you may add multiple Extended Sales billers.
Sites Admin
Go to Sites Admin, create or edit a tour, go to the Add Extended Site Details section, and enter the extended sales biller's shortname you created above. You may optionally associate extended sales to this site with a specific join option; on the Edit Tour page, add or edit a join option, go to the Extended Option Codes section, and enter the extended sales biller's shortname.
Sending Extended Sales Postbacks
Your reporting software should send information about extended sales to the following URL:
- http://domain/signup/process_extended.php
Replace domain with your site's domain.
Your reporting software needs to send the following information to the above URL in a HTTP GET or POST.
All Actions
Arguments that are always required:
- extended_id: the extended sales biller shortname
- site_id: the code you placed in the site setup for this extended biller
- action: SALE, CREDIT, or CHARGEBACK (capitals required)
To pay affiliates for a new extended sale, set the action parameter (described above) to SALE. Sales have the following extra parameters.
Required argument for SALE:
- nats: The affiliate's natscode
Optional arguments for SALE:
- username (NATS randomly generates it if you don't send it)
- password (NATS randomly generates if if you don't send it)
- option_id: the code you setup for the specific join option in the Sites Admin
- transid: your reporting software's arbitrary transaction identifier
- extended_type: the id of the extended type setup in the config file by Too Much Media techs
- amount: the amount of the extended sale (used in revenue share programs)
- currency (set to the NATS base currency if you don't send it)
- email: the consumer's email address
- ip: the consumer's IP address
To penalize affiliates for extended sales that failed, set the action parameter (described above) to CREDIT or CHARGEBACK. Credits and chargebacks have the following extra parameters:
Required argument for CREDIT or CHARGEBACK:
- transid: must match the original SALE's transid
Optional arguments for CREDIT or CHARGEBACK:
- amount
- currency (set to the NATS base currency if you don't send it)
A sale that includes a username, password, and transaction identifier sent using HTTP GET:
- http://example.com/signup/process_extended.php?extended_id=my_shortname&site_id=123&action=SALE&nats=xxxx&username&transid=my_identifier
A credit reversing the above transaction:
- http://example.com/signup/process_extended.php?extended_id=my_shortname&site_id=123&action=CREDIT&transid=my_identifier