NATS4 Shopping Cart Sales
Billers Admin
If you wish to configure a Shopping Cart Sales site, you must first start at the Billers Admin. Go to the Billers Admin, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select "Shopping Cart" from the Setup New Biller drop-down menu. When prompted, enter a shortname for your shop in the "Shop ID" field.
Sites Admin (Optional)
To further configure your Shopping Cart site, go to the Sites Admin and click the "Add a Site" tab at the top of the page. On the next page, choose the "Store" Site Type, fill in the site name, and short name (what you made Shop ID).
When you are done filling out the details, click Save Changes. This site and tour will now be associated with your Shopping Card biller option.
Add the following line to nats/includes/config.php:
$config['SHOP_ALLOWED_IPS'] = Array('');
Replace the IP address inside the single quotes with the IP address of your shopping cart.
Shopping Cart Post Parameters
The following parameters are required to be posted to the signup/process_shop.php script on your NATS domain. Without doing so, your shopping cart sales will not be properly processed.
- nats - The NATS code of this sale
- amount - The amount of the sale in USD dollars/cents.
- transid - The ID of the transaction from inside the shopping cart.
- shop_id -- the Shop ID of a shopping cart you setup in the Billers Admin
Extra Parameters
You can send the following extra parameters for additional information:
- site_id -- register the sale under this site (used when a natscode isn't present). Set under the field "SHOP(id:NUMBER) Site:" under "Biller Details" in the "Edit Tour" page. Can be set to any arbitrary number or word.
- action -- "SALE" to register a new sale. Either "chargeback" or "credit" registers a chargeback or credit for that transaction ID number (transid)
- username - you can send the shopper's username along and NATS will record the sale under their account.
- ip - The IP address of the surfer doing the sale.
- password
- firstname
- lastname
- address1
- address2
- zip
- city
- state
- country - an ISO two letter code
- shipping_firstname
- shipping_lastname
- shipping_address1
- shipping_address2
- shipping_zip
- shipping_city
- shipping_state
- shipping_country - an ISO two letter code
- custom1
- custom2