NATS4 Reporting Admin
The Reporting Admin provides comprehensive information, such as graphs and tables, on various actions that are tracked by NATS. You can select the report you want to see by using the View Report drop-down menu:
Reporting Admin Sections
- The Profit and Loss report shows your program's profit and loss by day
- The Retention report shows how long consumers stay subscribed to your sites
- The Subscriptions report lists each of your consumer's purchases
- The Transactions report lists each of your consumer's purchases
- The Detailed Trial report lists specific details of members who are registered under trial programs
- The Cascade Activity report details how often specific cascade steps are used, as well as errors
- The Fraud report shows a breakdown of potential fraud points by your affiliates. These points can be configured in the Configuration Admin
- The Account Rep report shows details of account rep activity, as well as income and payouts from affiliates under them
- The Surfer Actions report lists actions taken by surfers through your sites or programs
- The Affiliate Referral Tier Payouts report lists details of affiliate referral tier programs
- The Affiliate Referral Signup Payouts report lists joins of affiliates under the affiliate referral signup program
- The Additional Payout report displays a graph and a table of all payments that do not fall under the previous categories
- The Graphical Affiliate Comparison report displays graphs detailing selected affiliate statistics (raw hits, unique hits, rebills, etc.) for all affiliates.
- The Single Day Comparison report lists all affiliates' statistics for a certain day of the week, such as all Mondays in the current pay period.
The search boxes at the top of the page allow you to refine your results and sort by Date Range, Affiliate, Site/Option, and Tracking methods.
How Tracking Works
NATS keeps track of surfers and surfer activity for several of its reports. The track and strack article explains how NATS's tracking works with inbound affiliate traffic so that you will be able to use it in the most effective way.
Surfer Statistics
Some NATS reports can display information about surfer activity, however storing information about every click a surfer makes requires considerable space in your database. As a result, this feature has been disabled by default-- we only store the most important surfer stats. To enable surfer click stats, add the following variable to your nats/includes/config.php file.
You should remove the above line after you get the statistics you want, as leaving surfer click stats enabled can slow down your database due to the size of the log files.