Promotions Admin

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This article is exlpains what a promotion is in NATS v3 and lists the supported promotions in NATS v3.

What is a Promotion?

NATS v3 now supports the use of "promotions" where you can use third party software to promote your NATS sites. These promotions are unique and innovative ways to drive additional traffic to your sites. Through this feature many of the setup steps have been automated, which reduces the amount of time and effort you need to invest to start using these alternative means of promoting your site(s).

Setting up a Promotion

Although every promotion's setup is different, each promotion must first be a part of the Promotions Admin. From there, the setup can vary greatly. Please visit the individual instructions listed below for complete details.

Supported Promotions

Where Did the Sparta Admin Go?

We no longer sell or support SPARTA, so we no longer have the need to show this admin to current customers. If you are still using SPARTA, you can access that admin directly by visiting admin_sparta.php.