NATS3 Profit & Loss Report
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- Loss (upper figure) - This loss total lines up with the total dollar amount loss from the CR(Credit) column to the left of it.
- Loss (lower figure) - This loss total lines up with the total dollar amount loss from the CB(Chargebacks) column to the left of it.
- Gross $ - This is your total dollar income amount from join and rebills, minus and credits or chargebacks.
- Charges - This is the dollar amount for any additional biller fees that may come into account for your transactions.
- Main Payout - This is the dollar amount of payouts to affiliates for that day.
- Main P/L - This is the total dollar amount of after all deductions are accounted for. (Gross $ - Charges - Main Payout= Main P/L)
- Add. P/L - This will be the total dollar amount that is calculated in the "Additional Profit/Loss" window in the bottom for the corresponding day.
- Additional Profit/Loss - These window is a breakdown of any additional payouts/income that comes in from the "non normal" transactions. For example Site Partners/Dialer billers/etc.
- Per Minute Income - This is the total dollar amount accrued from Dialer transactions.
- Per Minute Payout - This is the total dollar amount that you would be paying out for Dialer Transactions.
- Extended Payout - This it the total dollar amount for extended payouts, you would need to have set this up in your Configuration admin, and Programs admin.
- Site Partner Payout - This is the total dollar of payout to your Site Partner, if any.
- Add. Payout - This is the total amount of Additional Payouts
- Extra Income - This is the total dollar amount coming from Site Partners and Extended Transactions.
- Extra Expenses - This is the total dollar amount of any fees involved for Site Partners and Extended Transactions.
- Add. Profit/Loss - This is the total dollar amount for your Additional Profit/Loss window which will be factored into the above Total Profit/Loss amount. (Additional Profit/Loss= Per Minute Income + Extra Income - Extra Expenses - Additional Payout)