NATS TubeStudio Adtools Admin
The latest version of NATS 3 has a new built in ad tool type called Tube Videos. This new type will assist you in providing downloadable tube clips to your affiliates. In the process of adding this new ad tool type, two new features where also added to facilitate this new ad tool.
- Channels
- Allows you to categorize your channels so your affiliates can search by this parameter
- When affiliates grab clips they are also given your channels which will assist them in categorizing the clips on their own system.
- All Sites
- All NATS ad tools now have an option for all sites. You do not need to do anything use this feature. When selecting a site for ad tools affiliates now have the option to select "All Sites" and get a list of all your ad tools for all of your sites.
Adding Clips
To start adding ad tools in your NATS install go to the Ad Tools Admin and select the new "Tube Videos" ad tool type.
The "Tube Videos" ad tool type form looks and behaves just like any other NATS ad tool. However there are two additional fields that are available to you. Using the tag input box you can assist you affiliates by pre-tagging your clips. A comma separated list is best, but there is no requirement on the input format. If you chose to add channels to your NATS install you will also be able to select them from this form as well. You can select as many as you want.
You have the ability to also add channels to your clips. Adding clips into channels will provide your affiliates the ability to search for specific clips. Exiting channels will also aid affiliates in categorizing clips when auto importing them into TubeStudio. To manage the channels you must already be on the "Tube Videos" ad tool type. You will see a new tab called "Manage Channels".
The Mange Channel page contains a form that lets you add, edit, and delete channels. To add a new channel enter the new name in the input box under the "New Channel" header. If you need to edit an existing channel you can edit them inline. After making changes to existing channels or adding text for a new channel, click the "Save Changes" button to commit your changes. If you need to delete a channel, check the box to the right and then click the "Delete Checked" button.