Porting Sites to CARMA
The first step of porting an existing membership site to CARMA is setting up a test site. This lets you continue using your existing site until your CARMA-powered site is ready. Choose a domain name for your test site. For example, testsite.example.com. Have your host setup testsite.example.com on the same server as your actual site, add the site in CARMA, and configure the new site.
While configuring your new site, try to use relative URLs, not absolute URLs. You will need to update any absolute URLs when you go live. For example:
- Absolute URL: http://testsite.example.com/test.html
- Relative URL: /test.html
Note: because relative URLs are shorter, they take up less space. You save disk space and bandwidth, and your members can download pages faster.
Going Live
After the site is looking and working the way you want, make your Apache configuration for your actual site point to the same server directory as your testsite.example.com
For example, the following Apache site configuration,
ServerName testsite.example.com DocumentRoot /path/to/members.yoursite.com
should be changed to:
ServerName actualsite.example.com DocumentRoot /path/to/members2.yoursite.com
Your configuration might be slightly different but the general concept remains the same. Once the changes are made, restart Apache to apply the changes. Finally, you must replace the testsite.example.com hostname with the actual site hostname in CARMA's Site Admin. If the hostnames are wrong, CARMA can't load the correct site. For example, replace http://testsite.example.com with http://actualsite.example.com.
After that is done the only thing you have to do is update any remaining absolute URLs.