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The CARMA Home provides a snapshot view of your site's current status. This is useful for providing clients with a quick overview of essential information in your CARMA system if clients do not need to look at in-depth information regarding their content and sites.

CARMA Home includes an "Overall Summary" table that provides essential information regarding admin accounts, content sets, members, sites, site sections, etc.

The CARMA Overall Summary

This allows you to see how many elements of a certain category exist in your CARMA system, without having to go through the individual admin views to find this information.

The table provides a count of all admin accounts, members, sites, sections, content sets (photo and video), news sections, news entries, polls, total votes, and total actors (also broken down by gender) that are recognized by CARMA. This allows you to see if any recent additions or subtractions were made in CARMA, which you can then see in detail by going into the CARMA admin areas.

Below the "Overall Summary" table is a "Calendar Snapshot", which displays all Content Sets available in CARMA on a certain day, as well as when these content sets are scheduled to be made available. For more information on this feature, please see our Calendar Snapshot wiki article.

The CARMA Calendar Snapshot