NATS For Networks Offer Partner

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API Overview
GET /service/ping
GET /service/set_currency_exchange_rates
POST /advertiser/add_advertiser
PATCH /advertiser/edit_advertiser
GET /affiliate/get_links
GET /affiliate/get_single_link
GET /affiliate/search
GET /affiliate/decode_trackingcode
PATCH /affiliate/edit_affiliate
POST /affiliate/add_affiliate
POST /affiliate/affiliate_login_ips
GET /config/get_global_void_ips
GET /config/get_global_post_ips
GET /config/get_global_hostnpost_ips
POST /config/add_global_void_ip
POST /config/remove_global_void_ip
POST /config/add_global_post_ip
POST /config/remove_global_post_ip
POST /config/add_global_hostnpost_ip
POST /config/remove_global_hostnpost_ip
GET /creative/get_creatives
GET /creative/get_creative_fields
GET /creative/get_creative_rules
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PATCH /creative/undelete_creative
POST /creative/add_creative
POST /creative/add_creative_rule
POST /creative/delete_creative_rules
GET /offer/get_conversion_caps
GET /offer/check_orderid_exists
GET /offer/get_commission_changes
GET /offer/get_details
PATCH /offer/activate_offer
PATCH /offer/edit_landing_page
PATCH /offer/edit_offer
PATCH /offer/pause_offer
PATCH /offer/set_commission_change_payouts
PATCH /offer/set_enabled_affiliates
PATCH /offer/set_offer_categories
PATCH /offer/set_offer_countries
PATCH /offer/set_offer_goals
PATCH /offer/set_offer_groups
PATCH /offer/set_offer_marketing_types
PATCH /offer/store_offer_ips
POST /offer/add_commission_change
POST /offer/add_landing_page
POST /offer/add_offer
POST /offer/add_tracking_domain
GET /report/profitloss
GET /report/transaction
PATCH /customer/lock
PATCH /customer/unlock
GET /customer/export
PATCH /customer/forget
GET /transaction/transaction_payout_preview
PATCH /transaction/transaction_update_revenue_by_orderid
PATCH /transaction/transaction_update_revenue_by_transaction_hash
POST /transaction/process_void
POST /transaction/process_chargeback
POST /transaction/process_reversal
GET /transaction/click_details
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A Offer Partner is someone who gets extra statistics in NATS For Networks due to their status. Offer Partners also generally receive an allocated percentage of an offer's revenue, which can also be configured in NATS For Networks.

Creating an Offer Partner

To create an Offer Partner, go to Affiliates Admin, find the affiliate you want to make an offer partner, click their Access Permissions icon to the left of their username, select the Offer Partner option from the Account Type drop-down menu and save your changes. The affiliate will now be designated as an Offer Partner. If you want to further edit your new offer partner's permissions you can do so by re-opening their Access Permissions and selecting what you want them to be able to see or affect.

Assigning an offer partner

Setting Up an Offer Partner

To share your offer's revenue with an offer partner, go to the Offers Admin, and click the Edit Offer Partners icon next to the offer you wish to manage.
NFN OfferPartnerIcon.png

On the Active Offer Partner page, there are multiple fields where you can specify their commission details. These include:

NFN ActiveOfferPartners.png

  • Partner Username - Choose which offer partner you wish to edit. These must be set up first in the Affiliates Admin.
  • Start Date - When you want the revenue sharing commission to begin. Here you can enter a free-form date such as the words NOW or NEVER.
  • Percentage - Specify what percentage of revenues you will give the offer partner.
  • Expenses - Specify a percentage of income or profit you want to take out before you calculate your partner's payment. This will be taken from your NET transaction amount.
  • Income/Profit - You can choose whether you want your offer partner to be paid from your total income (gross amount), or from your total profit (net amount)
  • Flat Adjustment - Enter a flat amount (in dollars) to add or subtract from the offer partner for each transaction. This allows you to do something like paying your partner a flat rate for every customer they bring in.

Once you have filled out all these fields, click Add to make your changes take effect. You may repeat these steps to add multiple offer partners to the offer.

Viewing Offer Partner Reports

To view payouts that have been made to Offer Partners, navigate to the Reporting Admin's Additional Payout report and refer to the "Partner Payout" column.

Example Calculation

Offer partner payment is calculated based on this formula.
(((T - P) - (abs(T - P) * exp)) * perc) - flat

T - transaction amount
P - sum of all payments (affilaite, referral, Affiliate Manager) (if pay on income, 0)
exp - expenses percentage
perc - offer partner percentage
flat - flat adjustment
abs - absolute value operand

Transaction amount - $100
Affiliate payment - $60
Expenses - 20%
Flat adjustment - $1
Percentage - 50%
deduct fees after affiliate payment

On Income
(((100 - 0) - (abs(100 - 0) * .2)) * .5) - 1 = $35

On Profit
(((100 - 60) - (abs(100 - 60) * .2)) * .5) - 1 = $11