NATS5 has specific pages dedicated to encoding and decoding linkcodes, under the "Tools" section. You can also quickly encode or decode linkcodes in NATS5 by clicking the button at the top-right corner of your NATS. This will display the right-hand tools menu, which can be accessed on any page.
Decode Linkcodes
To access the Decode Linkcodes tool, go to the "Tools" section and click "Decode Linkcode".
Enter your NATScode in the text field and click "Decode". Once clicked, all information about the linkcode will be displayed, including the site, affiliate, tour, and various information corresponding to the NATScode.
Encode Linkcodes
To access the Encode Linkcodes tool, go to the "Tools" section and click "Generate Linkcodes".
On this page, you can click and select on each field to select the specific linkcode for different sites and tours, programs, campaigns, and affiliates. The NATScodes and Linkcodes will automatically update with the new encoded codes after each change to the fields.
Tool Bar
Both the encode and decode tools can be done in the tool bar on the right side of your NATS.
Encode and Decode Tools in Toolbar
Clicking the green button for each tool will direct you to the pages that are shown above for the Encode Linkcodes and Decode Linkcodes tools.
For the Decode Linkcodes function, simply enter the NATScode into the text field and click the blue check button. The decoded linkcode will appear will all of the corresponding information. Similarly, for the Encode Linkcodes function, select each desired field and click the blue check button to receive the encoded linkcode. By clicking the X buttons, the fields will be reset and cleared.