TubeStudio Managing Sites
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List of Sites
The following is what the sites admin looks like with several sites added:
- The Site List tab
brings you back to your list of sites.
- The Add a Site tab
brings you to the page to add a new site. TubeStudio Basics goes over how to add a site.
- The All Channels
brings you to all the channels you have created for all the sites.
Next to each site there is a list of actions that can be preformed on that site. This section describes those actions.
On each of the action pages there are addtional tabs that are there for your convenience.
Edit Site Detail
Edit Publish Rules
- The Edit Publish Rules action
is to add videos that have not been published yet. For more details on how publish rules work please go to TubeStudio Publishing Rules.
Edit Site Channel
- The Edit Site's Channel action
lets the details of channels for that site to be edited.
- To add or edit the channels please go to TubeStudio Managing Channels.
Edit Site Setting
- The Edit Sites Setting action
allows you to override global settings from the Configuration Admin for a specific site. Please refer to TubeStudio Site Configuration for more information.
Managing Site Templates
- The Managing Site's Templates action
shows the list of templates for the current skin. To create new skins please see the section TubeStudio Adding Skins and for managing skins please see TubeStudio Managing Skins.