Ben NATS WalkThrough Sites
Sites Admin
- Displayed by clicking the
button from the Admin menu at the footer of Affiliates Area
- Displayed by clicking the
Sites Admin link from the header menu of any Admin area
Now that you are able to pay your affiliates for the traffic that they drive to your website(s), you need to configure NATS sites that will distinct each of your websites from one another. This is handled in the "Sites Admin". Each site must contain at least one (1) Tour. For that reason, NATS will create a default Tour for every Site that you create.
Set up Sites
From the Sites page, click the "Add a Site" tab to add a new site. Clicking the tab will display the "Add a Site" page. There are four (4) required attributes that need to be configured:
- Site Type
- Membership - Password protected websites. Cost for Membership.
- Token - Purchase Tokens that can be redeemed to receive access to products or services.
- Store - Sites that employ shopping carts. One-time payments for products or services.
- 3rd Party - Sites that allow you access to subset of their content. White-label websites.
- Affiliate - NATS Affiliate Referral sites
- Site Name - Name displayed in your NATS install to identify the site
- Short Name - Internal Site name (no spaces)
- Site Launch - Date the Site becomes available in NATS
Additionally, you can set the following attribute:
- Hidden - Does NOT display to affiliates
Once you have supplied the required information, you create the Site by clicking the "Save Changes" button. After NATS creates the new Site, you will be directed to the "Edit Site" page. NATS will display the following error message: You must setup your tour linkdomain!. This is configured by editing the tour(s) in this Site. It is best to configure this in the "Default Tour" because the value will be inherited to any and all Tours created. On this page, you will have up to two (2) additional attributes that can be configured:
- Re-use Active Username - Allows active members to purchase additional memberships
- Disable Storing Personal Member Information - Disables the storing of personal information in NATS
Note: Re-use Active Username attribute is only available for Membership type Sites.
In order to further configure the Site, click the "Site List" tab, which will return you to the Sites page.
Note: If the Site was newly created, the error message, You must setup your tour linkdomain!, should be displayed in the Default Join Form Link. This is configured by clicking the "Edit" button in the Edit Site Tour column. This will display the "Edit Default Tour" page. Locate the "Linkdomain" attribute under the "Tour Details" section and supply the fully qualified domain name of your join site. For example; NOT More information on configuring a linkdomain to your join page can be found here.
The Site page displays all active NATS Sites in the "Active Sites" list. This table displays basic information about each Site; ID, Site Name, Short Name, Type, Default Join Form Link, and Edit Site Tour. Most importantly, there is an Actions heading. There are up to seven (7) actions that you can perform on each Site:
Edit Site
Add New Tour
Set Join Option(s)
Set Active Programs - Set which Programs that payout for the Site
Edit Site Partners (Required: Making an affiliate account a Site Partner via Affiliates Admin)
Configure Redirects - Redirect the Site to another Site or External URL
Edit Site Templates
Delete Site
Edit Site Details
Clicking the will cause a pop-up dialog for the new Tour's name to appear, give the Tour a name and click the "OK" button. After clicking the "OK" button, NATS wil create the Tour and redirect you to the "Edit Tour" page. The "Edit Tour" page is divided into nine (9) sections:
- Tour Details - There are ten (10) attributes listed in this section. Eight (8) of which are editable:
- Tour Name
- Tour Description
- Niches - Keywords associated with this Tour
- Thumb - Thumbnail associate with this Tour
- URL - Location of the Tour
- Linkdomain - Linkdomain to your NATS install
- Hide Tour - HIde the Tour from affiliates
- Default Program - Default Tour used for the Site (used when switching Sites)
Note: The other two (2) un-editable attributes are Short Name and Created
- HTTPS use - You can specify one (1) of the following options:
- No https
- Use GATEWAY_HTTPS for everything
- Use GATEWAY_HTTPS for the gateway join page only
- Use GATEWAY_HTTPS for the gateway join page and return URL
- Use tour specific linkdomain for everything
- Use tour specific linkdomain for the gateway join page only
- Use tour specific linkdomain for the gateway join page and return URL
- Use default tour linkdomain for everything
- Use default tour linkdomain for the gateway join page only
- Use default tour linkdomain for the gateway join page and return URL
- Language & GeoIP Targeting
- Threshold Checking
- Email Settings
- Aprroval/Denial/Upgrades
- Postback URLs
- User Management
- Biller Details
Additionally, there is a "Join Options" section were you can configure specific "Join Options" for the Tour