Replacing a License

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Replacing a license

1. You will need the url to the new license (TMM can provide this for you). The url should look something like this:

(if the url has zend=1, that does not necessarily mean you are using a zend version of the product)

2. In the product's directory, there is a directory called licenses. In there is the license file.

  • If you are running an Ioncube version of the product, the file will be named [prod].txt (for ex: nats.txt, carma.txt, tube.txt)
  • If you are running a Zend version of the product, the file will be named [prod].zl (fo ex: nats.zl, carma.zl, tube.zl)
  • If you have both, or no license file, see if there is a directory called ioncube in the product's directory. If there is, you're using Ioncube. If there isn't, you're using Zend.

4. Make a copy of your current license file. For example:

cp nats.txt nats.bak.txt

3. Open the license file url in your browser. Copy the text of the license file

4. Open a temporary file in the licenses directory in a text editor. For ex:

nano -w

5. Paste in the license text. Make sure there are not any blank lines at the beginning or the end, and save the file.

6. Replace the existing file with the new file. For ex:

cp nats.txt

Making the new license take effect

If you are using Ioncube, the license should take effect immediately. If you go to license.php, you should see the new license has taken effect.

If you are using Zend, you will need to stop Apache, wait (around 5-10 seconds), and start Apache. If you do not know how to do this, your host should be able to.

Putting the Old License Back

If replacing the license made things worse (for example, if instead of the product being expired, it now says that no license is found), you can put the old license back using the copy you made. For ex:

cp nats.bak.txt nats.txt

If you're using Zend, you'll need to stop and start apache for the change to take a effect.