NATS5 Site Coupons

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Some sites may choose to offer a Coupon Code promotion, where members can enter a coupon code on the NATS join form to receive a free trial for a fixed period of time.
You can implement one by modifying your join form to allow members to input a coupon code, where they will be taken to a join page with a No Cost Registration join option or discounted join option if the code is valid.

This page is where you can manage all of your Site Coupons, create a new Coupon, and access a Coupon Overview.

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Site Coupons Table

The Site Coupons Table displays general information about each coupon, including:

  • Coupon: This displays the actual coupon code, as well as its ID and its status.
  • Site: The site in which the coupon will be used. Hovering over the site will display a popover that can take you to the Site Overview.
  • Join Options: The join options that have support for that specific coupon. Hovering over the join option will display a popover that can take you to the Join Option Overview.
  • Start: The date that the coupon will actively work.
  • End: The date that the coupon will be deactivated.
  • Options: This column displays some of the options set for the coupon. These options can be found in the Coupon Overview.

Filtering & Sorting

To filter the results on the Site Coupons table, click the "Filter" button under the "Add New Coupon" button.
You can choose to filter by:

  • Status: Results can display coupons that are schedule to start in the Future, coupons that are already Active, and/or Expired coupons.
  • Coupon Name: The name of the coupon (the actual coupon code).
  • Sites: Filter by site shortnames. This can be done by clicking in the box and a drop-down list will display all of the site names, or you can type the site name in and choose the site. All Sites will automatically be filtered when accessing the Site Coupons page.

Site-Coupons Filter Widget.jpg

To sort the results on the Site Coupons table, click the sorting button next to the "Filter" button.
You can choose to sort your result by the coupon code or by the coupon ID, in either Ascending or Descending order. You can also set how many results will be display per page.
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Adding a New Coupon

Click the "Add New Coupon" button at the top right of the Site Coupons page to create a new coupon.
Site-Coupons Add Coupon.jpg

To add a new coupon, you will need to fill in the fields on the page. These fields include:

  • Coupon Code: The coupon code that a surfer will enter when signing up to a site using your coupon. (Please note that once you create a code, the same code cannot be used for any other offer and this code cannot be deleted.)
  • Site: The site that will use this coupon deal. Click on the field and a list will drop down displaying the available sites.
  • Enabled Options: The join options that will have this coupon enabled. Clicking on the field will display the list of join options for this site that can be used for the coupon deal.

(Note: This field will only appear AFTER you have chosen the site.)

  • Start Time: The date and time that the coupon will be valid. The coupon will not be valid before this date and time. This can either be set to "Now" or a specific date and time using the date picker.
  • End Time: The date and time, as well as any time after, that the coupon will no longer be valid. This can either be set to "Never" or a specific date and time using the date picker.
  • Program Change: Forces the program of the surfer to change when using the coupon. If the affiliate associated with the surfer is not allowed to sue the program you are changing to, the coupon will not be valid.
  • Max Redemptions Allowed: The number of redemptions that can be used before the coupon stops being valid.
  • Options (One Per Member): If this is set, the coupon will not be valid for returning members who have already used it.

Once you are finished, click the "Add Coupon" button.

Join Option Setup

In order to provide your members with a Coupon code offering a free or discounted trial membership, you must first set up a no cost option or a discount join option they can register with. This can be done through the Site Overview.

To do so, go to the Site Management and locate the site you want to offer the coupon for. Go to that site's Site Overview and go to the Join Options tab, then create the new join option you want to only offer to surfers with a coupon code. Be sure to keep "Active by Default" disabled and do not add any show rules if you only want this option to be available via the coupon code.

For more information on how to create a no cost option or a join option, please see our NATS5 Site Overview wiki.

Modifying Your Join Form

You can choose to offer a Coupon Code System through the Site Templates section by editing your join template for the site you want to offer, or by creating a duplicate join form that can be used by passing the template name in the URL.

If you want to offer the coupon code system for the default join template:

Go to the Site Templates section and select the site that you want to offer a coupon code system on. Locate the join template, click the "Actions" button to the right of it, and click "Customize Template". You will be taken to the "Edit Template" page, where you can modify the code for that template.
You can either replace your existing template with the example_join_coupon template by copy/pasting the contents or use it as a reference to make the necessary changes to your existing template.

Go to the template list and locate the example_join_coupon template. Click the "Actions" button and then click "Customize Template" to view the smarty code and compare with your existing join form.