Mod auth openidc
Apache module mod_auth_openidc allows you to authenticate members using NATS as the OpenID Connect server
Installing mod_auth_openidc
Please ask your host to install the mod_auth_openidc apache module on your member area server(s) if not already installed. Here is a link to their releases. It would be best if they can use one of the install packages. If not, they can compile it from source. NATS OpenID Connect server supports mod_auth_openidc starting from version 2.2.0.
Member Area Configuration
- You will need to make a vanity script inside your members area. This should be a completely blank script that servers no content. It is only needed for the inner works of the mod_auth_openidc apache module. The only requirement is that this script must be protected by the mod_auth_openidc apache module using either the <Directory> or the <Files> directives.
- You can optionally make an error template and an unauthorized page so that you have better control of what your members see in case of errors. This will allow you to control the look and feel of those pages as well as provide members with help (like links back to the login page).
- You might need to change the link to your members area. It will need to be a link to any script protected by the <Directory> or the <Files> directives other than the vanity script.
Apache Configuration
Documentation for all available apache settings is here
If you decide to sign the reply from the userinfo endpoint, you will need to add this to your apache virtual host configuration
OIDCUserInfoSignedResponseAlg RS256
Example Virtual Host Settings
Here is an example extract from an apache virtual host for a members area
<Directory /path/to/the/members/section> AuthType openid-connect Require valid-user </Directory> OIDCProviderMetadataURL <your OpenID Connect domain and protocol>/.well-known/member-openid-configuration OIDCClientID <NATS Site ID or a comma separated list of NATS Site IDs> OIDCClientSecret <value of the NATS MEMBER_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET configuration option> OIDCScope openid OIDCRedirectURI <url of your vanity script> OIDCCryptoPassphrase <encryption password that is used for cookie and cache data> OIDCSessionInactivityTimeout <period of inactivity (in seconds) before the member is logged out> OIDCSessionMaxDuration <value of the MEMBER_OPENID_ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION configuration option> OIDCRemoteUserClaim username OIDCUserInfoRefreshInterval 0 OIDCTokenBindingPolicy disabled
Sample Scripts
vanity page (not a typo, it should be blank)
unauthorized page
You are not allowed to view this page, please try logging in<br><br> <a href="<url of your members area>">Log In</a>
error page
there was an error<br> message: %s<br> description: %s<br><br> <a href="<url of your members area>">Try Again</a>