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The restrictions being provided by your bank & Mastercard are a business decision you will need to decide on how to handle.

If you are using a 3rd party biller (biller hosts credit card form), such as Epoch, Segpay, CCBill, we recommend reaching out to those billers directly to handle the reminder email before the rebill.

NATS does not know whether a member signs up using Mastercard or not. This information is stored only at your merchant and not in NATS.

If you are using a gateway biller (join form hosted by NATS that sends trans. info to biller), such as Netbilling, Rocketgate, Bill1st, Argus, we would recommend reaching out to those billers directly to ask them if they have any systems in place to handle these reminder emails.

If your billers does not have a method to do so, you can configure NATS mails to achieve a similar outcome but this res.

Site Member Emails

One option is to provide additional information on your site level 'mail_member_joined' template when the member has joined a trial option, using the smarty variable $member.trial:

{if $member.trial == 1} ( https://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.function.if )

For example, if you would like to include the additional text "You have signed up for a trial membership, and you will be rebilled tomorrow", you can do add this condition in between your existing email body: (using the default template 'mail_member_joined' contents to construct this example for you)


Thank you for joining our site!

{if $member.trial==1}

"You have signed up for a trial membership, and you will be rebilled tomorrow"


{*Possible Variables: (see side list for complete details)*} Site Name: {$details.siteid.name} Biller Name: {$details.billerid.biller} Biller Subscription ID: {$member.memberidx} Member Data: Username: {$member.username} Password: {$member.password}

If you need to display NATS join option rebill data on the member joined template, you would first need to take the optionid: {$member.optionid} Then pass it through the {nats_get_option_details} call.

This will allow you to get information like "rebill" (amount) and "rebill_days" (length) https://tmmwiki.com/index.php/Nats_get_option_details

For example, you would add near the the top of your template: {nats_get_option_details optionid=$member.optionid}

This will then allow you to access the {$option_details} array further down in your template.

For example in a sentence which would look like this:

The renewal amount of this transaction is {$option_details.rebill}.

Mass Mailer Reminder

Another option is to use the NATS mass mailer system. Where you would create a new member mailer (setup contents of the email as desired), and setup specific rules where you can manipulate the following fields (if using NATS4 admin, you will need to use the 'Advanced Form' link):

For example, a mailer for 7 day trials where you will send this mailer 4 days after joining

  • Options(s) - Group together all of your options you want to send an email for, ex all 7 day trial options
  • Status - "Exactly" Joined ; to only mail active members
  • Time Since Last Action - "Exactly" "4" "days"; to only mail members who had an action 4 days ago
  • Trial - "trial"; only mail to trial members

Time Since Last Action uses the member's timestamp. That will roughly match when the email needs to be sent out. It could change if something else updates their account before the email is sent. Depending on the biller, there can be multiple different actions that update member time stamp, so this may not be completely on time for all scenarios.

You would want to create a member mailer rule for each group of join options and mailing conditions, that you want this reminder mailer sent out for