NATS5 REST API Config GET section

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Revision as of 16:59, 9 August 2019 by TMMJoe (talk | contribs)
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GET /adtool/admin
GET /adtool/adtools
GET /adtool/adtool
GET /adtool/adtool-rules
GET /adtool/adtool-rule
GET /adtool/categories
GET /adtool/field-options
GET /adtool/field-types
GET /adtool/groups
GET /adtool/search
GET /adtool/templates
GET /adtool/types
GET /adtool/type
POST /adtool/adtool
POST /adtool/adtool-rule
POST /adtool/category
POST /adtool/field
POST /adtool/field-option
POST /adtool/group
POST /adtool/import
POST /adtool/type
PATCH /adtool/adtool
PATCH /adtool/adtool-group
PATCH /adtool/adtool-rule
PATCH /adtool/category
PATCH /adtool/field
PATCH /adtool/field-option
PATCH /adtool/group
PATCH /adtool/move
PATCH /adtool/restore-adtool
PATCH /adtool/restore-category
PATCH /adtool/restore-field
PATCH /adtool/restore-field-option
PATCH /adtool/restore-type
PATCH /adtool/type
DELETE /adtool/adtool
DELETE /adtool/adtool-rule
DELETE /adtool/category
DELETE /adtool/field
DELETE /adtool/field-option
DELETE /adtool/group
DELETE /adtool/type
DELETE /affiliate/account-rep
DELETE /affiliate/account-type
DELETE /affiliate/affiliate
DELETE /affiliate/doc
DELETE /affiliate/group
DELETE /affiliate/permissions
GET /affiliate/account-changes
GET /affiliate/account-types
GET /affiliate/admin-settings
GET /affiliate/campaigns
GET /affiliate/current
GET /affiliate/current-permissions
GET /affiliate/docs
GET /affiliate/doc
GET /affiliate/groups
GET /affiliate/group
GET /affiliate/hits
GET /affiliate/link-styles
GET /affiliate/loginids
GET /affiliate/loginlog
GET /affiliate/manual-payout
GET /affiliate/news-sections
GET /affiliate/notes
GET /affiliate/notices
GET /affiliate/override
GET /affiliate/payout
GET /affiliate/payment-periods
GET /affiliate/payvia-types
GET /affiliate/payvia-type
GET /affiliate/permissions
GET /affiliate/programcampaigns
GET /affiliate/referrer
GET /affiliate/referring-urls
GET /affiliate/reps
GET /affiliate/rest-methods
GET /affiliate/search
GET /affiliate/search-limited
GET /affiliate/settings
GET /affiliate/skins
GET /affiliate/soap-functions
GET /affiliate/status
PATCH /affiliate/adminsettings
PATCH /affiliate/account-change
PATCH /affiliate/account-type
PATCH /affiliate/account-type-permissions
PATCH /affiliate/admin-setting
PATCH /affiliate/affiliate-account-type
PATCH /affiliate/affiliate-group
PATCH /affiliate/allsettings
PATCH /affiliate/account-rep
PATCH /affiliate/avatar
PATCH /affiliate/customs
PATCH /affiliate/defaults
PATCH /affiliate/details
PATCH /affiliate/override
PATCH /affiliate/password
PATCH /affiliate/payment-period
PATCH /affiliate/payvia
PATCH /affiliate/payvia-info
PATCH /affiliate/permissions
PATCH /affiliate/referrer
PATCH /affiliate/reset-api
PATCH /affiliate/reset-rss
PATCH /affiliate/reset-tos
PATCH /affiliate/rest-permissions
PATCH /affiliate/restore
PATCH /affiliate/restore-account-type
PATCH /affiliate/settings
PATCH /affiliate/soap-permissions
PATCH /affiliate/status
POST /affiliate/account-type
POST /affiliate/add
POST /affiliate/doc
POST /affiliate/group
POST /affiliate/invoice
POST /affiliate/manual-sale
POST /affiliate/note
GET /biller/available
GET /biller/partner-available
GET /biller/billerdata
GET /biller/cascades
GET /biller/cascades-available
GET /biller/cascade-count
GET /biller/cascade-history
GET /biller/cascade-rules
GET /biller/cascade-rule
GET /biller/cascade-step-count
GET /biller/cascade-steps
GET /biller/cascade-detail
GET /biller/cascade-list
GET /biller/count
GET /biller/detail
GET /biller/fees
GET /biller/partner-fees
GET /biller/last_poll
GET /biller/partner-last-poll
GET /biller/list
GET /biller/partner-detail
GET /biller/partner-list
GET /biller/partner-shortnames
GET /biller/process_types
GET /biller/partner-process-types
GET /biller/shortnames
GET /biller/transaction_types
GET /biller/partner-transaction-types
GET /biller/taxes
POST /biller/add
POST /biller/cascade
POST /biller/cascade-rule
POST /biller/cascade-step
POST /biller/partner
PATCH /biller/cascade
PATCH /biller/cascade-rule
PATCH /biller/cascade-step
PATCH /biller/cascade-steps-reorder
PATCH /biller/fee
PATCH /biller/partner-fee
PATCH /biller/restore
PATCH /biller/restore-cascade
PATCH /biller/restore-partner
PATCH /biller/setting
PATCH /biller/partner-setting
PATCH /biller/tax
DELETE /biller/biller
DELETE /biller/cascade
DELETE /biller/cascade-rule
DELETE /biller/cascade-step
DELETE /biller/fee
DELETE /biller/partner-fee
DELETE /biller/partner
DELETE /biller/tax
GET /codes/affiliate-codes
GET /codes/decode
GET /codes/linkcodes
GET /codes/strack
DELETE /config/setting
GET /config/section
GET /config/sections
PATCH /config/affiliate_default
PATCH /config/section
DELETE /include/include
DELETE /include/step
GET /include/include
GET /include/includes
GET /include/templates
PATCH /include/include
PATCH /include/restore
PATCH /include/step
POST /include/include
POST /include/step
DELETE /mailing/mailing
DELETE /mailing/mailing-rule
DELETE /mailing/queue
GET /mailing/mailing
GET /mailing/mailings
GET /mailing/mailing-rules
GET /mailing/mailing-rule
GET /mailing/queue
GET /mailing/removelist
PATCH /mailing/mailing
PATCH /mailing/mailing-rule
PATCH /mailing/removelist
PATCH /mailing/removelist-queue
PATCH /mailing/resend-queue
PATCH /mailing/restore-queue
PATCH /mailing/send-mailing
PATCH /mailing/send-test-mailing
POST /mailing/mailing
POST /mailing/mailing-rule
POST /mailing/removelist
DELETE /maintenance/log
DELETE /maintenance/cache
GET /maintenance/admin-actions
GET /maintenance/log
GET /maintenance/logs
GET /maintenance/nats
GET /maintenance/report
GET /maintenance/report-progress
GET /maintenance/reports
GET /maintenance/server
GET /maintenance/table
GET /maintenance/tables
GET /maintenance/table-clean-count
GET /maintenance/table-clean-progress
PATCH /maintenance/log
PATCH /maintenance/report
PATCH /maintenance/table
GET /member/available_flags
GET /member/encryptusername
GET /member/authstring
GET /member/details
GET /member/flags
GET /member/loginlog
GET /member/matching
GET /member/notes
GET /member/notices
GET /member/restricted-values
GET /member/search
GET /member/suggestedcanceloffers
GET /member/surfer-actions
PATCH /member/details
PATCH /member/expiration
PATCH /member/expiremanual
PATCH /member/resend-transaction-email
PATCH /member/resend-transaction-postback
PATCH /member/restricted-value
PATCH /member/forget
PATCH /member/lock
PATCH /member/unlock
POST /member/flag
POST /member/login
POST /member/note
POST /member/restricted-value
DELETE /member/flag
DELETE /member/restricted-value
DELETE /message/message
DELETE /message/permanent
GET /message/count
GET /message/messages
GET /message/view
PATCH /message/read
PATCH /message/unread
PATCH /message/undelete
POST /message/message
DELETE /news/entry
DELETE /news/section
GET /news/entry
GET /news/news
GET /news/sections
PATCH /news/entry
POST /news/entry
POST /news/section
DELETE /notification/notification
DELETE /notification/permanent
GET /notification/count
GET /notification/notifications
GET /notification/view
PATCH /notification/read
PATCH /notification/unread
PATCH /notification/undelete
GET /option/options
GET /option/rule
PATCH /option/rule
PATCH /option/text
POST /option/rule
DELETE /payment/invoice
DELETE /payment/payout-period
DELETE /payment/payvia-field
DELETE /payment/payvia-field-mc
DELETE /payment/payvia-rule
GET /payment/dump-format
GET /payment/dump-formats
GET /payment/invoices
GET /payment/payments
GET /payment/payment-dumps
GET /payment/payment-dump
GET /payment/payment-search
GET /payment/payvia
GET /payment/payvias
GET /payment/payvia-fields
GET /payment/payvia-field-mcs
GET /payment/payout-period
GET /payment/payout-periods
GET /payment/payvia-rules
GET /payment/payvia-rule
GET /payment/payviarule
PATCH /payment/copy-dump-format
PATCH /payment/default-payout-period
PATCH /payment/dump-format
PATCH /payment/duplicate-payvia
PATCH /payment/invoice
PATCH /payment/payment
PATCH /payment/payment-paid
PATCH /payment/payment-store
PATCH /payment/payment-unstore
PATCH /payment/payments
PATCH /payment/payments-unstore
PATCH /payment/payout-period
PATCH /payment/payout-period-affiliates
PATCH /payment/payvia
PATCH /payment/payvia-field
PATCH /payment/payvia-fields-reorder
PATCH /payment/payvia-field-mc
PATCH /payment/payvia-field-mcs-reorder
PATCH /payment/payvia-rule
PATCH /payment/payviarule
PATCH /payment/restore-payout-period
PATCH /payment/restore-payvia-field
PATCH /payment/restore-payvia-field-mc
POST /payment/check-dump
POST /payment/dump-format
POST /payment/import-dump
POST /payment/invoice
POST /payment/payout-period
POST /payment/payvia
POST /payment/payvia-field
POST /payment/payvia-field-mc
POST /payment/payvia-rule
DELETE /program/program
DELETE /program/payout-change
DELETE /program/payout-change-tier
GET /program/additional-payout-change-targets
GET /program/affiliate-available
GET /program/detail
GET /program/list
GET /program/options
GET /program/payout-changes
GET /program/redirect-available
GET /program/sites
GET /program/tours
GET /program/types
PATCH /program/default_payout
PATCH /program/details
PATCH /program/disable_affiliate
PATCH /program/disable_tour
PATCH /program/enable_affiliate
PATCH /program/enable_site
PATCH /program/enable_tour
PATCH /program/move-payout-change
PATCH /program/payout-change
PATCH /program/payout-change-tier
POST /program/new
POST /program/payout-change
POST /program/payout-change-tier
GET /report/affiliate-ratios
GET /report/hits
GET /report/hit-totals
GET /report/profitloss
GET /report/profit-loss
GET /report/fields
GET /report/focus
GET /report/focuses
GET /report/groups
GET /report/perspective
GET /report/perspectives
GET /report/report
GET /report/subscription
GET /report/surfer
GET /report/surferaction
GET /report/transactionpayouts
GET /report/transactions
GET /report/transaction
GET /report/report-widget
GET /report/widgets
GET /report/widget
GET /report/widget-info
GET /report/views
POST /report/focus
POST /report/group
POST /report/perspective
PATCH /report/focus
PATCH /report/focus-enabled
PATCH /report/focus-default
PATCH /report/focuses-reorder
PATCH /report/perspective
PATCH /report/perspective-group
PATCH /report/report-widget
PATCH /report/widget
DELETE /report/focus
DELETE /reward/category
DELETE /reward/purchase
DELETE /reward/point
DELETE /reward/reward
GET /reward/categories
GET /reward/points
GET /reward/purchases
GET /reward/rewards
PATCH /reward/move-point
PATCH /reward/point
PATCH /reward/reward
PATCH /reward/ship-purchase
PATCH /reward/unship-purchase
POST /reward/category
POST /reward/point
POST /reward/reward
GET /service/check-functions
GET /service/condition
GET /service/countries
GET /service/country
GET /service/datetime
GET /service/languages
GET /service/periods
GET /service/ping
GET /service/project
GET /service/rule-condition-data
GET /service/rule-info
GET /service/stats-breakdowns
GET /service/timezone
GET /service/timestamp
POST /service/sendemail
GET /site/base-templates
GET /site/billers
GET /site/cookies
GET /site/coupon
GET /site/coupons
GET /site/coupon-revisions
GET /site/email-settings
GET /site/groups
GET /site/option
GET /site/options
GET /site/options-available
GET /site/option-fields
GET /site/option-rules
GET /site/option-rule
GET /site/option-type
GET /site/option-types
GET /site/programs
GET /site/redirect
GET /site/redirects
GET /site/redirect-rules
GET /site/redirect-rule
GET /site/site-list
GET /site/site
GET /site/site-notices
GET /site/site-partner
GET /site/site-partners
GET /site/site-type
GET /site/sites
GET /site/template
GET /site/templates
GET /site/template-sections
GET /site/template-sites
GET /site/tour
GET /site/tours
GET /site/tour-emails
GET /site/tour-notices
POST /site/coupon
POST /site/group
POST /site/option
POST /site/option-rule
POST /site/redirect
POST /site/redirect-rule
POST /site/site-partner
POST /site/site-tour
POST /site/copy-template
POST /site/tour
PATCH /site/cookie
PATCH /site/coupon
PATCH /site/duplicate-option
PATCH /site/email-settings
PATCH /site/group
PATCH /site/move
PATCH /site/option
PATCH /site/option-rule
PATCH /site/redirect
PATCH /site/redirect-rule
PATCH /site/reset-coupon
PATCH /site/restore-group
PATCH /site/restore-option
PATCH /site/restore-redirect
PATCH /site/restore-site
PATCH /site/restore-site-partner
PATCH /site/restore-tour
PATCH /site/site
PATCH /site/site-partner
PATCH /site/template
PATCH /site/tour
DELETE /site/cookie
DELETE /site/group
DELETE /site/option
DELETE /site/option-rule
DELETE /site/site
DELETE /site/site-partner
DELETE /site/redirect
DELETE /site/redirect-rule
DELETE /site/template
DELETE /site/tour
DELETE /site/tour-field
DELETE /skin/skin
DELETE /skin/template
GET /skin/colors
GET /skin/export
GET /skin/skins
GET /skin/sections
GET /skin/templates
GET /skin/template
PATCH /skin/colors
PATCH /skin/flush
PATCH /skin/skin
PATCH /skin/template
POST /skin/copy-template
POST /skin/import
POST /skin/skin
POST /skin/template

GET /config/section


  • Get config section details

Resource URL

  • http://domain/api/config/section
  • Replace domain with the nats domain

Request Method

  • GET

Response Format

  • JSON


  • HTTP headers


Parameters can be sent as url encoded params

  • section
    • type: string
    • required

Example Request

Method: GET
URL: http://domain/api/config/section
Query String: section=affiliates


    "success": true,
    "section": "affiliates",
    "headers": [
            "key": "Signup",
            "name": "Signup",
            "desc": null,
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Require affiliate to verify signup with e-mail.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "RESELLER_VERIFY",
                    "name": "Reseller Verify",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Require affiliate accounts to be manually activated.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "RESELLER_MANUAL_ACTIVATION",
                    "name": "Reseller Manual Activation",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Require new affiliates to fill in a password (set here) in order to sign up.",
                    "type": "text",
                    "size": 40,
                    "key": "CLOSED_AFFILIATE_SIGNUP",
                    "name": "Closed Affiliate Signup",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Pull the account rep from the natscode.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ACCOUNT_REP_NATSCODE",
                    "name": "Account Rep Natscode",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow the account rep to also be the referring affiliate.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ACCOUNT_REP_NATSCODE_AS_REF",
                    "name": "Account Rep Natscode As Ref",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Assign a random account rep.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ASSIGN_RANDOM_ACCOUNT_REPS",
                    "name": "Assign Random Account Reps",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Comma delimited list of email accounts that can be used for multiple affiliate accounts",
                    "implode_array": 1,
                    "size": "40",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_NON_UNIQUE_EMAILS",
                    "name": "Affiliate Non Unique Emails",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Disable Affiliates from contacting and viewing the affiliates they referred.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "DISABLE_REFERRAL_USERNAME_DISPLAY",
                    "name": "Disable Referral Username Display",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Enable Affiliate Signup CAPTCHA Image.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_SIGNUP_CAPTCHA",
                    "name": "Affiliate Signup Captcha",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Number of tries an affilaite can make to login before a Google CAPTCHA is used",
                    "type": "number",
                    "key": "GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA",
                    "name": "Google Recaptcha",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Key will get use in the HTML code for your affiliate site to users (required when GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA is on)",
                    "key": "GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_KEY",
                    "name": "Google Recaptcha Key",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Secret use for communication between your affiliate site and Google (required when GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA is on)",
                    "key": "GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET",
                    "name": "Google Recaptcha Secret",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
            "key": "Account Changes",
            "name": "Account Changes",
            "desc": null,
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Verify action for when an affiliate changes their account details.",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "0",
                            "name": "No Verification"
                            "value": "1",
                            "name": "Verification Required"
                            "value": "2",
                            "name": "Verification Set by Affiliate"
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_VERIFY_DETAILS",
                    "name": "Affiliate Verify Details",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
                    "desc": "Verify action for when an affiliate changes their defaults.",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "0",
                            "name": "No Verification"
                            "value": "1",
                            "name": "Verification Required"
                            "value": "2",
                            "name": "Verification Set by Affiliate"
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_VERIFY_DEFAULTS",
                    "name": "Affiliate Verify Defaults",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Verify action for when an affiliate changes their settings.",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "0",
                            "name": "No Verification"
                            "value": "1",
                            "name": "Verification Required"
                            "value": "2",
                            "name": "Verification Set by Affiliate"
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_VERIFY_SETTINGS",
                    "name": "Affiliate Verify Settings",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Verify action for when an affiliate changes their payvia type.",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "0",
                            "name": "No Verification"
                            "value": "1",
                            "name": "Verification Required"
                            "value": "2",
                            "name": "Verification Set by Affiliate"
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_VERIFY_PAYVIA",
                    "name": "Affiliate Verify Payvia",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
                    "desc": "Verify action for when an affiliate changes payvia information.",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "0",
                            "name": "No Verification"
                            "value": "1",
                            "name": "Verification Required"
                            "value": "2",
                            "name": "Verification Set by Affiliate"
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_VERIFY_PAYVIA_INFO",
                    "name": "Affiliate Verify Payvia Info",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
                    "desc": "Require admin approval when an affiliate changes their account details.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ADMIN_VERIFY_DETAILS",
                    "name": "Admin Verify Details",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Require admin approval when an affiliate changes their payvia type.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ADMIN_VERIFY_PAYVIA",
                    "name": "Admin Verify Payvia",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Require admin approval when an affiliate changes payvia information.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ADMIN_VERIFY_PAYVIA_INFO",
                    "name": "Admin Verify Payvia Info",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "A link will be sent for the affiliate's email address to reset their password instead of the plaintext password.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NO_PLAINTEXT",
                    "name": "Affiliate Forgot Password No Plaintext",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Number of seconds the affiliate password reset link will be active for. Used only when AFFILIATE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NO_PLAINTEXT is enabled.",
                    "name": "Affiliate Forgot Password No Plaintext Length",
                    "value": 3600,
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 1
                    "desc": "If on, reset password page will only require email when setting new password",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "name": "Affiliate Forgot Password No Username Verification On Reset",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
            "key": "Payment Settings",
            "name": "Payment Settings",
            "desc": null,
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Force affiliates to use a lowest payvia minimum payout.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "FORCE_PV_MIN",
                    "name": "Force Pv Min",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
                    "desc": "Update affiliates to use a lowest payvia minimum payout.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "UPDATE_PV_MIN",
                    "name": "Update Pv Min",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Require manual approval before allowing payout.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "REQUIRE_PAYOUT_APPROVAL",
                    "name": "Require Payout Approval",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Require US affiliates submit W9 before allowing payout.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "RESELLER_US_W9",
                    "name": "Reseller Us W9",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "The Level an Affiliate must Agree to the Terms of Service before recieving payout.",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "0",
                            "name": "Affiliate does not need to agree"
                            "value": "1",
                            "name": "Affiliate can view Statistics and Links but Payout will not be Stored"
                            "value": "2",
                            "name": "Afffiliate MUST agree before viewing Statistics,Links, or Receiving payout "
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_TOS_AGREE",
                    "name": "Affiliate Tos Agree",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Notify admins when a reseller submits a W9 form.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "ADMIN_NOTIFY_W9",
                    "name": "Admin Notify W9",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Id of the default payvia method.",
                    "size": "3",
                    "key": "DEFAULT_PAYVIA",
                    "name": "Default Payvia",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Bonus amount given to affiliates when they signup.",
                    "size": "5",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_JOIN_PAYMENT",
                    "name": "Affiliate Join Payment",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Unstore all stored, unpaid payments of the affiliate when banning the affiliate",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "UNSTORE_BANNED_AFFILIATE_PAYMENTS",
                    "name": "Unstore Banned Affiliate Payments",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
            "key": "Tiers",
            "name": "Tiers",
            "desc": "Payout tiers related configuration options.",
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Include conversion and rebill transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_INCLUDE_REBILLS",
                    "name": "Tiers Include Rebills",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Include dialer transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_INCLUDE_DIALERS",
                    "name": "Tiers Include Dialers",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Include manual transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_INCLUDE_MANUALS",
                    "name": "Tiers Include Manuals",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Include No Cost Registration transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_INCLUDE_NO_COST_REGISTRATION",
                    "name": "Tiers Include No Cost Registration",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Include Third Party Registration transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_INCLUDE_THIRD_PARTY_REGISTRATION",
                    "name": "Tiers Include Third Party Registration",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Exclude full initial transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_EXCLUDE_INITIAL",
                    "name": "Tiers Exclude Initial",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Exclude trial initial transactions when counting tier sales.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_EXCLUDE_TRIAL",
                    "name": "Tiers Exclude Trial",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Exclude $0 transactions when counting tier sales. If TIERS_INCLUDE_NO_COST_REGISTRATION or TIERS_INCLUDE_THIRD_PARTY_REGISTRATION is enabled, they will not be excluded.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "TIERS_EXCLUDE_FREE_SALES",
                    "name": "Tiers Exclude Free Sales",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
            "key": "Adtools",
            "name": "Adtools",
            "desc": "Adtool related configuration options.",
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Check this to disable date limitations for adtools and to always show all ad tools.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "name": "Affiliate Disable Adtool Date Limitations",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Show an image on video adtool affiliate preview, instead of directly loading flowplayer.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "VIDEO_BUFFER_IMAGE",
                    "name": "Video Buffer Image",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
            "key": "Link Codes",
            "name": "Link Codes",
            "desc": "Link code related configuration options.",
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Default program to use when none is selected",
                    "type": "dropdown",
                    "options": [
                            "value": "",
                            "name": "Show All Programs"
                            "value": "-1",
                            "name": "Show First Available"
                    "key": "DEFAULT_PROGRAM_ID",
                    "name": "Default Program Id",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
            "key": "Custom Flags",
            "name": "Custom Flags",
            "desc": "Naming of Affiliate Custom Flags and Settings.",
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Flag 1 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_FLAG1",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Flag1",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Flag 2 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_FLAG2",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Flag2",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Flag 3 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_FLAG3",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Flag3",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Flag 4 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_FLAG4",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Flag4",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Flag 5 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_FLAG5",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Flag5",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Select 1 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_SELECT1",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Select1",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Select 2 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_SELECT2",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Select2",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Select 3 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_SELECT3",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Select3",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Select 4 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_SELECT4",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Select4",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Select 5 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_SELECT5",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Select5",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Contact 1 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_CONTACT1",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Contact1",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Contact 2 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_CONTACT2",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Contact2",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Contact 3 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_CONTACT3",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Contact3",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Contact 4 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_CONTACT4",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Contact4",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Contact 5 Name.",
                    "size": "20",
                    "key": "ADMIN_RESELLER_CONTACT5",
                    "name": "Admin Reseller Contact5",
                    "value": "",
                    "default": "",
                    "custom": 0
            "key": "Site Partner",
            "name": "Site Partner",
            "desc": "Modifying which transactions pay site partners.",
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Site partner payout skipped for credit, chargeback, void, insufficient_funds",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "NO_PARTNER_PAYOUT_DEDUCTIONS",
                    "name": "No Partner Payout Deductions",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Site partner payout skipped for reversals of credit, chargeback, void, insufficient_funds",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "NO_PARTNER_PAYOUT_REVERSALS",
                    "name": "No Partner Payout Reversals",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Site partner payout skipped for pending: trial, initial, conversion, rebill",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "NO_PARTNER_PAYOUT_PENDING",
                    "name": "No Partner Payout Pending",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
                    "desc": "Site partner payout skipped for pre: trial,initial,conversion,rebill",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "NO_PARTNER_PAYOUT_PRE",
                    "name": "No Partner Payout Pre",
                    "value": 1,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 1
            "key": "Postbacks",
            "name": "Postbacks",
            "desc": "Allowed Affiliate Postbacks.",
            "header_settings": [
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member approval (includes perminute, seconds, initial and trial).",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_APPROVAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Approval",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member perminute approval.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_PERMINUTE",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Perminute",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member seconds approval.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_SECONDS",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Seconds",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member initial approval.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_INITIAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Initial",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member trial approval.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_TRIAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Trial",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member rebill.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_REBILL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Rebill",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member upgrade.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_UPGRADE",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Upgrade",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member expire.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_EXPIRE",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Expire",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member insufficient funds.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Insufficient Fund",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member credit.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_CREDIT",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Credit",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member chargeback.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_CHARGEBACK",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Chargeback",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member void.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_VOID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Void",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member upgrade denial.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_UPGRADEDENY",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Upgradedeny",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member change details.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_CHANGE_DETAILS",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Change Details",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member void reversal.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_VOID_REVERSAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Void Reversal",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member credit reversal.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_CREDIT_REVERSAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Credit Reversal",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member chargeback reversal.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Chargeback Reversal",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member insufficient funds reversal.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Insufficient Funds Reversal",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member pre (note) approval.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_PRE_APPROVAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Pre Approval",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member pre (note) rebill.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_PRE_REBILL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Pre Rebill",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member pending approval.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_PENDING_APPROVAL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Pending Approval",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member pending rebill.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_PENDING_REBILL",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Pending Rebill",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to receive a postback on member pending NCR.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_MEMBER_PENDING_NCR",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Member Pending Ncr",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the campaign ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_CAMPAIGNID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Campaignid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the prmgraid ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_PROGRAMID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Programid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the site ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_SITEID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Siteid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the tour ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_TOURID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Tourid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the option ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_OPTIONID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Optionid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the adtool ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_ADTOOLID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Adtoolid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the sub ID 1 used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_SUBID1",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Subid1",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the sub ID 2 used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_SUBID2",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Subid2",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the biller ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_BILLERID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Billerid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the country ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "key": "AFFILIATE_POST_EXTRA_VARS_COUNTRYID",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Countryid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0
                    "desc": "Allow affiliates to post extra variables based on the promotional ID used.",
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "name": "Affiliate Post Extra Vars Promotionalid",
                    "value": 0,
                    "default": 0,
                    "custom": 0

Example Code



$headers = array( //set your username and API key here
	'api-key: 44b5498dbcb481a0d00b404c0169af62',
	'api-username: tmm1phrvezsbu'
$url = ''; //set your NATS URL here

$data = Array(
	'section' => 'affiliates',

$request = Array(
	'method' => 'GET',
	'path' => 'v1/config/section',
	'data' => $data

/*code below is the same for (almost) every API call */

$curl = curl_init();

$url = $url.'/api/'.$request['path'];

$query = http_build_query($request['data']);

if($request['method'] == 'GET'){
	//add query string parameters to the end of the url
	$url = $url.'?'.$query;
	//send parameters as POST fields
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
	curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
	if($request['method'] != 'POST'){
		$headers[] ='X-HTTP-Method: '.$request['method']; //send custom request method
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//dumps an associative array representation of the json
var_dump(json_decode($resp, true));
// Close request to clear up some resources