NATS5 Member Overview

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Members Section
Members Management
Adding a Member
View Member Details
Restricted Values
OpenID Connect
Mod Auth OpenIDC
GET /adtool/admin
GET /adtool/adtools
GET /adtool/adtool
GET /adtool/adtool-rules
GET /adtool/adtool-rule
GET /adtool/categories
GET /adtool/field-options
GET /adtool/field-types
GET /adtool/groups
GET /adtool/search
GET /adtool/templates
GET /adtool/types
GET /adtool/type
POST /adtool/adtool
POST /adtool/adtool-rule
POST /adtool/category
POST /adtool/field
POST /adtool/field-option
POST /adtool/group
POST /adtool/import
POST /adtool/type
PATCH /adtool/adtool
PATCH /adtool/adtool-group
PATCH /adtool/adtool-rule
PATCH /adtool/category
PATCH /adtool/field
PATCH /adtool/field-option
PATCH /adtool/group
PATCH /adtool/move
PATCH /adtool/restore-adtool
PATCH /adtool/restore-category
PATCH /adtool/restore-field
PATCH /adtool/restore-field-option
PATCH /adtool/restore-type
PATCH /adtool/type
DELETE /adtool/adtool
DELETE /adtool/adtool-rule
DELETE /adtool/category
DELETE /adtool/field
DELETE /adtool/field-option
DELETE /adtool/group
DELETE /adtool/type
DELETE /affiliate/account-rep
DELETE /affiliate/account-type
DELETE /affiliate/affiliate
DELETE /affiliate/doc
DELETE /affiliate/group
DELETE /affiliate/permissions
GET /affiliate/account-changes
GET /affiliate/account-types
GET /affiliate/admin-settings
GET /affiliate/campaigns
GET /affiliate/current
GET /affiliate/current-permissions
GET /affiliate/docs
GET /affiliate/doc
GET /affiliate/groups
GET /affiliate/group
GET /affiliate/hits
GET /affiliate/link-styles
GET /affiliate/loginids
GET /affiliate/loginlog
GET /affiliate/manual-payout
GET /affiliate/news-sections
GET /affiliate/notes
GET /affiliate/notices
GET /affiliate/override
GET /affiliate/payout
GET /affiliate/payment-periods
GET /affiliate/payvia-types
GET /affiliate/payvia-type
GET /affiliate/permissions
GET /affiliate/programcampaigns
GET /affiliate/referrer
GET /affiliate/referring-urls
GET /affiliate/reps
GET /affiliate/rest-methods
GET /affiliate/search
GET /affiliate/search-limited
GET /affiliate/settings
GET /affiliate/skins
GET /affiliate/soap-functions
GET /affiliate/status
PATCH /affiliate/adminsettings
PATCH /affiliate/account-change
PATCH /affiliate/account-type
PATCH /affiliate/account-type-permissions
PATCH /affiliate/admin-setting
PATCH /affiliate/affiliate-account-type
PATCH /affiliate/affiliate-group
PATCH /affiliate/allsettings
PATCH /affiliate/account-rep
PATCH /affiliate/avatar
PATCH /affiliate/customs
PATCH /affiliate/defaults
PATCH /affiliate/details
PATCH /affiliate/override
PATCH /affiliate/password
PATCH /affiliate/payment-period
PATCH /affiliate/payvia
PATCH /affiliate/payvia-info
PATCH /affiliate/permissions
PATCH /affiliate/referrer
PATCH /affiliate/reset-api
PATCH /affiliate/reset-rss
PATCH /affiliate/reset-tos
PATCH /affiliate/rest-permissions
PATCH /affiliate/restore
PATCH /affiliate/restore-account-type
PATCH /affiliate/settings
PATCH /affiliate/soap-permissions
PATCH /affiliate/status
POST /affiliate/account-type
POST /affiliate/add
POST /affiliate/doc
POST /affiliate/group
POST /affiliate/invoice
POST /affiliate/manual-sale
POST /affiliate/note
GET /biller/available
GET /biller/partner-available
GET /biller/billerdata
GET /biller/cascades
GET /biller/cascades-available
GET /biller/cascade-count
GET /biller/cascade-history
GET /biller/cascade-rules
GET /biller/cascade-rule
GET /biller/cascade-step-count
GET /biller/cascade-steps
GET /biller/cascade-detail
GET /biller/cascade-list
GET /biller/count
GET /biller/detail
GET /biller/fees
GET /biller/partner-fees
GET /biller/last_poll
GET /biller/partner-last-poll
GET /biller/list
GET /biller/partner-detail
GET /biller/partner-list
GET /biller/partner-shortnames
GET /biller/process_types
GET /biller/partner-process-types
GET /biller/shortnames
GET /biller/transaction_types
GET /biller/partner-transaction-types
GET /biller/taxes
POST /biller/add
POST /biller/cascade
POST /biller/cascade-rule
POST /biller/cascade-step
POST /biller/partner
PATCH /biller/cascade
PATCH /biller/cascade-rule
PATCH /biller/cascade-step
PATCH /biller/cascade-steps-reorder
PATCH /biller/fee
PATCH /biller/partner-fee
PATCH /biller/restore
PATCH /biller/restore-cascade
PATCH /biller/restore-partner
PATCH /biller/setting
PATCH /biller/partner-setting
PATCH /biller/tax
DELETE /biller/biller
DELETE /biller/cascade
DELETE /biller/cascade-rule
DELETE /biller/cascade-step
DELETE /biller/fee
DELETE /biller/partner-fee
DELETE /biller/partner
DELETE /biller/tax
GET /codes/affiliate-codes
GET /codes/decode
GET /codes/linkcodes
GET /codes/strack
DELETE /config/setting
GET /config/section
GET /config/sections
PATCH /config/affiliate_default
PATCH /config/section
DELETE /include/include
DELETE /include/step
GET /include/include
GET /include/includes
GET /include/templates
PATCH /include/include
PATCH /include/restore
PATCH /include/step
POST /include/include
POST /include/step
DELETE /mailing/mailing
DELETE /mailing/mailing-rule
DELETE /mailing/queue
GET /mailing/mailing
GET /mailing/mailings
GET /mailing/mailing-rules
GET /mailing/mailing-rule
GET /mailing/queue
GET /mailing/removelist
PATCH /mailing/mailing
PATCH /mailing/mailing-rule
PATCH /mailing/removelist
PATCH /mailing/removelist-queue
PATCH /mailing/resend-queue
PATCH /mailing/restore-queue
PATCH /mailing/send-mailing
PATCH /mailing/send-test-mailing
POST /mailing/mailing
POST /mailing/mailing-rule
POST /mailing/removelist
DELETE /maintenance/log
DELETE /maintenance/cache
GET /maintenance/admin-actions
GET /maintenance/log
GET /maintenance/logs
GET /maintenance/nats
GET /maintenance/report
GET /maintenance/report-progress
GET /maintenance/reports
GET /maintenance/server
GET /maintenance/table
GET /maintenance/tables
GET /maintenance/table-clean-count
GET /maintenance/table-clean-progress
PATCH /maintenance/log
PATCH /maintenance/report
PATCH /maintenance/table
GET /member/available_flags
GET /member/encryptusername
GET /member/authstring
GET /member/details
GET /member/flags
GET /member/loginlog
GET /member/matching
GET /member/notes
GET /member/notices
GET /member/restricted-values
GET /member/search
GET /member/suggestedcanceloffers
GET /member/surfer-actions
PATCH /member/details
PATCH /member/expiration
PATCH /member/expiremanual
PATCH /member/resend-transaction-email
PATCH /member/resend-transaction-postback
PATCH /member/restricted-value
PATCH /member/forget
PATCH /member/lock
PATCH /member/unlock
POST /member/flag
POST /member/login
POST /member/note
POST /member/restricted-value
DELETE /member/flag
DELETE /member/restricted-value
DELETE /message/message
DELETE /message/permanent
GET /message/count
GET /message/messages
GET /message/view
PATCH /message/read
PATCH /message/unread
PATCH /message/undelete
POST /message/message
DELETE /news/entry
DELETE /news/section
GET /news/entry
GET /news/news
GET /news/sections
PATCH /news/entry
POST /news/entry
POST /news/section
DELETE /notification/notification
DELETE /notification/permanent
GET /notification/count
GET /notification/notifications
GET /notification/view
PATCH /notification/read
PATCH /notification/unread
PATCH /notification/undelete
GET /option/options
GET /option/rule
PATCH /option/rule
PATCH /option/text
POST /option/rule
DELETE /payment/invoice
DELETE /payment/payout-period
DELETE /payment/payvia-field
DELETE /payment/payvia-field-mc
DELETE /payment/payvia-rule
GET /payment/dump-format
GET /payment/dump-formats
GET /payment/invoices
GET /payment/payments
GET /payment/payment-dumps
GET /payment/payment-dump
GET /payment/payment-search
GET /payment/payvia
GET /payment/payvias
GET /payment/payvia-fields
GET /payment/payvia-field-mcs
GET /payment/payout-period
GET /payment/payout-periods
GET /payment/payvia-rules
GET /payment/payvia-rule
GET /payment/payviarule
PATCH /payment/copy-dump-format
PATCH /payment/default-payout-period
PATCH /payment/dump-format
PATCH /payment/duplicate-payvia
PATCH /payment/invoice
PATCH /payment/payment
PATCH /payment/payment-paid
PATCH /payment/payment-store
PATCH /payment/payment-unstore
PATCH /payment/payments
PATCH /payment/payments-unstore
PATCH /payment/payout-period
PATCH /payment/payout-period-affiliates
PATCH /payment/payvia
PATCH /payment/payvia-field
PATCH /payment/payvia-fields-reorder
PATCH /payment/payvia-field-mc
PATCH /payment/payvia-field-mcs-reorder
PATCH /payment/payvia-rule
PATCH /payment/payviarule
PATCH /payment/restore-payout-period
PATCH /payment/restore-payvia-field
PATCH /payment/restore-payvia-field-mc
POST /payment/check-dump
POST /payment/dump-format
POST /payment/import-dump
POST /payment/invoice
POST /payment/payout-period
POST /payment/payvia
POST /payment/payvia-field
POST /payment/payvia-field-mc
POST /payment/payvia-rule
DELETE /program/program
DELETE /program/payout-change
DELETE /program/payout-change-tier
GET /program/additional-payout-change-targets
GET /program/affiliate-available
GET /program/detail
GET /program/list
GET /program/options
GET /program/payout-changes
GET /program/redirect-available
GET /program/sites
GET /program/tours
GET /program/types
PATCH /program/default_payout
PATCH /program/details
PATCH /program/disable_affiliate
PATCH /program/disable_tour
PATCH /program/enable_affiliate
PATCH /program/enable_site
PATCH /program/enable_tour
PATCH /program/move-payout-change
PATCH /program/payout-change
PATCH /program/payout-change-tier
POST /program/new
POST /program/payout-change
POST /program/payout-change-tier
GET /report/affiliate-ratios
GET /report/hits
GET /report/hit-totals
GET /report/profitloss
GET /report/profit-loss
GET /report/fields
GET /report/focus
GET /report/focuses
GET /report/groups
GET /report/perspective
GET /report/perspectives
GET /report/report
GET /report/subscription
GET /report/surfer
GET /report/surferaction
GET /report/transactionpayouts
GET /report/transactions
GET /report/transaction
GET /report/report-widget
GET /report/widgets
GET /report/widget
GET /report/widget-info
GET /report/views
POST /report/focus
POST /report/group
POST /report/perspective
PATCH /report/focus
PATCH /report/focus-enabled
PATCH /report/focus-default
PATCH /report/focuses-reorder
PATCH /report/perspective
PATCH /report/perspective-group
PATCH /report/report-widget
PATCH /report/widget
DELETE /report/focus
DELETE /reward/category
DELETE /reward/purchase
DELETE /reward/point
DELETE /reward/reward
GET /reward/categories
GET /reward/points
GET /reward/purchases
GET /reward/rewards
PATCH /reward/move-point
PATCH /reward/point
PATCH /reward/reward
PATCH /reward/ship-purchase
PATCH /reward/unship-purchase
POST /reward/category
POST /reward/point
POST /reward/reward
GET /service/check-functions
GET /service/condition
GET /service/countries
GET /service/country
GET /service/datetime
GET /service/languages
GET /service/periods
GET /service/ping
GET /service/project
GET /service/rule-condition-data
GET /service/rule-info
GET /service/stats-breakdowns
GET /service/timezone
GET /service/timestamp
POST /service/sendemail
GET /site/base-templates
GET /site/billers
GET /site/cookies
GET /site/coupon
GET /site/coupons
GET /site/coupon-revisions
GET /site/email-settings
GET /site/groups
GET /site/option
GET /site/options
GET /site/options-available
GET /site/option-fields
GET /site/option-rules
GET /site/option-rule
GET /site/option-type
GET /site/option-types
GET /site/programs
GET /site/redirect
GET /site/redirects
GET /site/redirect-rules
GET /site/redirect-rule
GET /site/site-list
GET /site/site
GET /site/site-notices
GET /site/site-partner
GET /site/site-partners
GET /site/site-type
GET /site/sites
GET /site/template
GET /site/templates
GET /site/template-sections
GET /site/template-sites
GET /site/tour
GET /site/tours
GET /site/tour-emails
GET /site/tour-notices
POST /site/coupon
POST /site/group
POST /site/option
POST /site/option-rule
POST /site/redirect
POST /site/redirect-rule
POST /site/site-partner
POST /site/site-tour
POST /site/copy-template
POST /site/tour
PATCH /site/cookie
PATCH /site/coupon
PATCH /site/duplicate-option
PATCH /site/email-settings
PATCH /site/group
PATCH /site/move
PATCH /site/option
PATCH /site/option-rule
PATCH /site/redirect
PATCH /site/redirect-rule
PATCH /site/reset-coupon
PATCH /site/restore-group
PATCH /site/restore-option
PATCH /site/restore-redirect
PATCH /site/restore-site
PATCH /site/restore-site-partner
PATCH /site/restore-tour
PATCH /site/site
PATCH /site/site-partner
PATCH /site/template
PATCH /site/tour
DELETE /site/cookie
DELETE /site/group
DELETE /site/option
DELETE /site/option-rule
DELETE /site/site
DELETE /site/site-partner
DELETE /site/redirect
DELETE /site/redirect-rule
DELETE /site/template
DELETE /site/tour
DELETE /site/tour-field
DELETE /skin/skin
DELETE /skin/template
GET /skin/colors
GET /skin/export
GET /skin/skins
GET /skin/sections
GET /skin/templates
GET /skin/template
PATCH /skin/colors
PATCH /skin/flush
PATCH /skin/skin
PATCH /skin/template
POST /skin/copy-template
POST /skin/import
POST /skin/skin
POST /skin/template

Member-Management View Member Details.jpg

NATS5 has a newly designed member details page that allows for easier access to specific member information. These tabs include general account details, Subscriptions, Surfer Actions, Login Log, Similar Members, and Notes.

Details Tab

The details tab displays:
Membership Details

  • Username: The username of the member.
  • Password: The member's password.
  • Site: The site in which the member is subscribed.
  • Tour: The tour the member went through.
  • Joined On: The member's join date.
  • Expires: The date the member will (or will) expire(d).
  • Purchase(s): Purchases that the member has bought.
  • Trial Member: Tells whether the member is a trail member or not.

Account Details

  • Date Created: The date in which the member was created on your NATS.
  • Join IP: The IP of the member's join.
  • Member ID: The member's ID.
  • Allowed Mailing: Indicates whether the member is allowed mailing or not.
  • Flagged: Indicates whether the member is flagged or not.
  • Special Flags: The special flags assigned to the member. This can be updated by clicking the "Update" link next to the special flag, where a special flag can be added or deleted.
  • Member Locked: Indicates whether the member is locked or not.
  • Session: The session ID of the member.

Custom Fields
Custom fields can be set by clicking the "Edit Details" button. Fields can also be set by clicking on the actual field, where a text box will display and the field can be updated.

  • Program: The program through which the member signed up.
  • Affiliate: The affiliate that the member is connected to.
  • Ad Tool: The ad tool that was clicked to get the member to the sign up page.
  • Promotional:
  • Referring URL: The URL that was clicked to bring the member to the NATS tracking link and sign up page.

Contact Details

  • First Name: The member's first name.
  • Last Name: The member's last name.
  • Email: The e-mail the member used to sign up.
  • Address: The member's address.
  • City: The member's city.
  • Zip: The member's zip code.
  • State: The member's state.
  • Country: The member's country.

Subscriptions Tab

Member-Management Subscriptions Tab.jpg

The Subscriptions Tab is where all of the member subscription details reside. These details include the subscription created date, scheduled expire date, expired date, affiliate, campaign, and program.

Under the full subscription ID is the coupon information, where the coupon code will be shown displayed if the member uses a coupon to sign up to a site. For more information about site coupons, please see our NATS5 Site Coupons wiki.
Information about the Member Transactions are also shown in the subscriptions tab.
Member-Management Subscriptions Transactions.jpg

This information includes:

  • NATS ID: The NATS ID for the transaction.
  • Server Time: The time of the transaction on the server.
  • Related Transactions: Transactions related to the specific transaction.
  • Postbacks: The transaction postback, which can be resent by clicking the "Resend" button in that field.
  • Payout(s): This is transaction payouts to affiliates.
  • Biller Transaction ID: The Biller's transaction ID.
  • Biller Time:
  • Process Type: The processing type used when the transaction is made.
  • Emails: The transaction email, which can be resent by clicking the "Resend" button in that field.

Surfer Actions Tab

Member-Management Surfer Actions.jpg

The surfer actions tab holds information about the member's surfer actions, such as cascading actions, join errors, and various different actions done by the member. This page includes details about the time of the action, the specific action done by the surfer, the site, tour, program, and affiliate that the surfer action and member was on, and details that specify the result of the surfer actions.

Login Log Tab

The login log contains information about the recorded logins of the member. This information includes the date and time of every login made by the member. It also contains details such as the join IP, join date, first login, and the last login.

Please Note: You must set up a post to the Login Script for NATS to know about a member logging into your membership area.

Similar Members Tab

Member-Management Similar Members.jpg

The Similar Members Tab tells you the similarities between your member and other members based off of 5 fields: Email, username, name, address, and IP address. All of these fields can be clicked on, which will give a list of the similar members based off of that field. The number in the fields is the number of members that have that similar field.
Clicking on the "Actions" button will let you view that specific member's details and bring you to that member's details page.

Notes Tab

Member-Management Notes.jpg

The Notes tab holds records of the member notes. Member notes record the date and time of entering that note, as well as display the admin who entered the note.

To add a new note, type the note into the text box on the right of the page and click "Add" when finished.