Advanced PayVia Admin

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Payments Admin
Payment Dump
Setting Up Pay Vias
Hidden Payout Options
Temporary Payout
Payment Option
Affiliate Payout
Domestic Wire
Instant Payments
International Wire
NATS Payments
Payment Dump Entry Numbers
Payment Dump Variables
Payout Scales

Basic Pay Via

For those who would rather use the old Pay Via type instead of the new advanced one, here is a list of the old types and their shortnames:

  • check - checks (note: check is always basic pay via)
  • epp - ePassporte
  • f2g - Funds2Go
  • inter - International Wire
  • mbook - Moneybookers
  • paypal - Paypal
  • wire - Domestic Wire

To use the basic pay via type, set the shortname for the pay via type to the corresponding one listed above . Then, after creating the pay via type, click the revert button (two blue arrows) to return to the basic type. Note: do not change the short name for an existing pay via with members in it -- doing so will change the link to the table with their data.

The template for basic pay via is members_edit_adv_via_<shortname>, where <shortname> is the short name for the pay via type. For example, ePassporte's template is members_edit_adv_via_epp.

If your pay via type is not in the list above, you cannot create a basic pay via type.

Advanced Pay Via Types

Creating the pay via type

  1. In the pay via admin, create a new pay via option by typing its name into the "New Pay Via Option" text box (at the bottom of the page) and clicking Add.
  2. Fill out:
    1. Pay Via Description: what affiliates will see as the name of the pay via type
    2. Short Name: The Internal short name for the pay via type -- only letters, no spaces.
    3. Allowable 'Minimum Payout' Choices: A comma-separated list of available minimum payout options for affiliates.
    4. Cost Per Payout: The fee to charge affiliates per pay out sent (leave at 0 to disable)
    5. Dump Format to Use: Choose the appropriate dump format to use (explained later)
  3. Click save

Pay Via Actions

  • (pencil icon) edit pay via information
  • (pencil and paper icon) edit pay via fields
  • (blue arrows icon) revert to basic pay via type (don't do this unless you are told to by tech support)
  • (trash can icon) delete pay via type

Editing Pay Via Fields

Click the edit pay via fields button. From here, you'll be editing the pay via type's structure. You can add a new field to the structure by filling out the row and clicking save.

  • Label: The name of the field as shown to affiliates (ex: ePassporte ID)
  • Required: Whether or not the field is a required field (ex: for the ePassporte ID, if it's not required, how would you pay them?)
  • Min Length: The minimum length for the field (ex: 1)
  • Max Length: The maximum length of the field (ex: 16)

After a field's been added, you can click the pencil to edit, click the up or down arrows to change its position on the form, and click the trash can to delete it.

Pay Via Dump Formats

Dump formats are used to format and display your payment after they've been stored. You can either create a dump format by typing in the name under "New Dump Format", and clicking add, or you can edit an existing one by clicking the pencil button next to it in the available dump formats table.

Dump formats have the following sections:

  • Name: this is just the name of the dump format
  • Dump Header: This is displayed at the very beginning of the dump.
  • Entry Header: This is displayed before the affiliate's payment.
  • Entry: This is the affiliate's payment
  • Entry Footer: This is displayed after the affiliate's payment
  • Dump Footer: This is displayed at the very end of the dump.

All the fields that you created in the pay via form are available here, albeit with a modified name. Starting with the name you gave the field, the name is:

  • prefixed with "$pv_"
  • changed to lowercase
  • all spaces are changed to underscores

For example, the Passporte ID uses the variable name is $pv_epassporte_id.