TubeStudio Getting Around

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This section will help you better navigate though your TubeStudio installation and get familiar with the interface.
The TubeStudio interface is simple and intuitive to use. All of you administrative sections are listed on the top of each page with easy to recognize icons.

In addition to these icons each specific section will have tabs at the top for more functions that are specific to that section.

For example, the Videos Admin has the following subsections:

Many items in TubeStudio have specific actions that can be applied to them. This is usually denoted by a series of icons for each action directly next to the item.
For example, in the Sites Admin sites have the following action list:

For an explanation of each icon for any item please see the article for the appropriate section.
When you first log in to your TubeStudio admin, you will see the Overview Admin page this page gives you a detailed statistical view of your tube site. Features include, video statistics like number of views and total number of videos, member information, backend information like number of videos being processed and number of errors, and a general overview that tell you the total number of sites and channels.

When a specific video is displayed in a stat it gives you some actions that you can perform on that video:
1. View video details – see detailed information regarding that video
2. Watch video – launches a popup that lets you view the video
3. Delete video – marks the video as deleted. (Note: Marking the video as deleted does not permanently delete it. For more information please see the Adding Videos article.)
When a specific member is displayed in gives you some actions that you can perform on that member: