News Section Templating

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You can add the news section to any template in the NATS by including the following code on the page where you want the section to appear:

{assign var="news_mm" value="1"} <!--  This value creates different subsets -->
{assign var="news_d" value="members"} <!--  Change this value to the appropriate template -->
{assign var="news_p" value="10"} <!-- Change this value to X most recent news items  -->
   <td>{include_php file="news.php"}</td>

The news_mm parameter creates different subsets of news. You may have up to 255 different subsets. value="1" shows the standard one that appears on members.tpl. Use value="2" to create a news section specifically for administrators or the external part of the site.

The news_d parameter selects the template to use for the news. NATS provides you with two templates:

  • news_members.tpl
  • news_standard.tpl

If you want to create your own section, make a copy of one of the above in the Skins and Templates Admin.

The news_p parameter tells NATS how many news items to display.

Displaying More Than Three News Items

You can make the news section display more than three news items by finding the following piece of code,


And replacing it with:

{assign var="news_mm" value="1"}
{assign var="news_d" value="members"}
{assign var="news_p" value="X"}
{include_php file="news.php"}

In the line: {assign var="news_p" value="X"} change the 'X' to the number of news items you want displayed.

Linking to the News Page

Add links to your member_disp_news template that will rebuild the query string while adding the appropriate section name (i.e. members, or standard). Example:

<a href="internal.php?page=disp_news&nd=members&{rebuild_query}">Members</a>
<a href="internal.php?page=disp_news&nd=standard&{rebuild_query}">External</a>

You will then have to edit the template in news_members and news_standard template to pass "nd" to every link and as a hidden input for every HTML form in these templates. For example:

<a href="internal.php?page=disp_news&nmm={$smarty.request.nmm}&nsa=edit&ned={$newsitems[newsitem].id}">

<a href="internal.php?page=disp_news&nmm={$smarty.request.nmm}&nsa=edit&ned={$newsitems[newsitem].id}&nd={$smarty.request.nd}">

To access the page to edit news items, please go to http://domain/internal.php?page=disp_news

  • Replace domain with your domain.